
Using chunked upload/StartUpload with sharepoint REST api

你离开我真会死。 提交于 2019-12-08 11:39:36
问题 I want to upload large files to sahrepoint online but I am unable to use chunked upload of sharepoint REST api. I would like to see a working example. the api is described in here using the methods startUpload(GUID, stream1) continueUpload(GUID, 10 MB, stream2) continueUpload(GUID, 20 MB, stream3) finishUpload(GUID, 30 MB, stream4) I found the same question in

HTTP: Illegal chunked encoding

不问归期 提交于 2019-12-06 10:01:40
I have a .NET client-application which uses a third-party library to access a server via http. The library throws the following error: The server committed a protocol violation. Section=ResponseBody Detail=Response chunk format is invalid The software is already installed dozens of times, so i think it must be an issue in the customers system, my suspicion is the proxy between. I have used Fiddler to get a first hint. While sniffing Fiddler notice a protocol violation: Illegal chunked encoding. 'MIME-Version: 1.0' is not a hexadecimal number. Fiddler shows the following response: MIME-Version:

httpClient, problem to do a POST of a Multipart in Chunked mode…

僤鯓⒐⒋嵵緔 提交于 2019-12-05 07:28:04
问题 Well I am wondering how I can achieve to post a multipart in chunked mode. I have 3 parts, and the files which can be big so must be sent in chunks. Here what I do : MultipartEntity multipartEntity = new MultipartEntity() { @Override public boolean isChunked() { return true; } }; multipartEntity.addPart("theText", new StringBody("some text", Charset.forName("UTF-8"))); FileBody fileBody1 = new FileBody(file1); multipartEntity.addPart("theFile1", fileBody1); FileBody fileBody2 = new FileBody

Getting total file length when using chunked http transfers

前提是你 提交于 2019-12-04 23:06:21
I've written a program in Java to use chunking to download large files over http. Everything is working fine but I'd like to add a progress bar which I can't do unless I get the total length of the file. Is there any way to do this? If the server provides a Content-Length header field, then that's easy. If it doesn't, then you're out of luck. Reasonable server implementations provide Content-Length when the content is static and has a known size. If the content is dynamically generated, then it's impossible to know the length a priori , at least without making two passes through the data. 来源:

HTTP 1.1 - Can a client request that transfers not be “chunked”?

雨燕双飞 提交于 2019-12-03 20:48:46
问题 Is it possible for a HTTP 1.1 client to set a header value that indicates the responses to requests should not be chunked? Or is the only way to prevent this, is to send a HTTP 1.0 request? I've tried googling around, but all I can find is ways to disable chunked transfers on HTTP 1.1 servers, so I am guessing it is not possible on a client, but I thought I'd ask anyways. 回答1: In HTTP (starting with HTTP/1.1), recipients MUST support chunked encoding. See

How to make Apache mod_deflate and Transfer-encoding : Chunked work together?

允我心安 提交于 2019-12-03 16:21:24
I am trying to use the bigpipe concept on our website. That means trying to send the response in chunks instead of sending it as a whole so that user feels that page is fast. I am successful in doing that by using the flushBuffer method on the response object in java. But now when I try to compress the content with apache mod_deflate module, chunking is lost. Here is the configuration from apache used to compress the content ** Begin mod_deflate config DeflateBufferSize 100 AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/html text/plain text/xml text/javascript BrowserMatch ^Mozilla/4 gzip-only-text/html

Handle chunked data sent by Play scala with AngularJs

南笙酒味 提交于 2019-12-03 13:48:42
问题 I send chunked data with Play Scala 2.2 to the client side like this : Ok.chunked(data) I would like to use them as soon as they are available on the client side. If I just get the data and print them on .success , they are printed at the same time i.e. when the last data is received. How can I print them as soon as they are received? Must I use websockets ? 回答1: Use streaming json library like Oboe.js is an open source Javascript library for loading JSON using streaming,

Have any Android developers had success receiving chunked transfer protocol from a web service?

让人想犯罪 __ 提交于 2019-12-03 09:40:53
问题 I have struggled with several class implementations to retrieve chunked data without success. Following is a simplified code module that has the problem. After surfing around the web, it appears there have been problems in the past (2009, 2010; ver 1.1, 1.5), but they should be resolved by now. I have not seen any definitive success with Android platform for this protocol. Help! I am able to see some response if I put an invalid token -- the web service will respond with an application error

How do I disable 'Transfer-Encoding: chunked' encoding in Varnish?

半世苍凉 提交于 2019-12-03 05:54:14
Using Varnish 4 , I have a set of backends that're responding with a valid Content-Length header and no Transfer-Encoding header. On the first hit from a client, rather than responding to the client with those headers, Varnish is dropping the Content-Length header and adding Transfer-Encoding: chunked to the response. (Interestingly, the payload doesn't appear to have any chunks in it - it's one contiguous payload). This causes serious problems for clients like Flash video players that are trying to do segment-size, bandwidth, etc analysis based on the Content-Length header. Their analysis

Handle chunked data sent by Play scala with AngularJs

时间秒杀一切 提交于 2019-12-03 03:46:41
I send chunked data with Play Scala 2.2 to the client side like this : Ok.chunked(data) I would like to use them as soon as they are available on the client side. If I just get the data and print them on .success , they are printed at the same time i.e. when the last data is received. How can I print them as soon as they are received? Must I use websockets ? Use streaming json library like Oboe.js is an open source Javascript library for loading JSON using streaming, combining the convenience of DOM with the speed and fluidity of SAX. It can parse any JSON as a stream, is