How to make Apache mod_deflate and Transfer-encoding : Chunked work together?

允我心安 提交于 2019-12-03 16:21:24

Actually I found the solution. I used to create a new object of GZipOutputStream each time to flush different chunks. Instead you should create one object only of GZipOutputStream and then used that object for compressing all the chunks of the response. Also I put a wrapper around GZipOutputStream. Here is the wrapper that I got from googling around.

public class GZIPFlushableOutputStream extends GZIPOutputStream {

    public GZIPFlushableOutputStream(final OutputStream out) throws IOException {
        // Using Deflater with nowrap == true will ommit headers and trailers

    private static final byte[] EMPTYBYTEARRAY = new byte[0];

     * Insure all remaining data will be output.
    public void flush() throws IOException {
         * Now this is tricky: We force the Deflater to flush its data by
         * switching compression level. As yet, a perplexingly simple workaround
         * for
         * 43.html
        def.setInput(EMPTYBYTEARRAY, 0, 0);




My understanding is that you need the "whole" file in order to compress it. You can either send it out in chunks or send it compressed. The mod_gzip_dechunk option does not appear to exist any more - see mod_deflate documentation.
