
List of Chrome keyboard shortcuts that you CANNOT override with Javascript?

别等时光非礼了梦想. 提交于 2021-02-06 10:21:35
问题 You can preventDefault() on Chrome shortcuts with Javascript, but you can't do it with all of them. Ctrl + S and Ctrl + F you can override. Ctrl + W you cannot. This makes sense. Ctrl + L though I was surprised to find you also cannot override though. Is there a comprehensive list of overridable vs non-overridable Chrome shortcuts? If so, I cannot find it. 来源:


妖精的绣舞 提交于 2021-02-02 11:54:35
本文首发于: 行者AI Playwright是由微软公司2020年初发布的新一代自动化测试工具,相较于目前最常用的Selenium,它仅用一个API即可自动执行Chromium、Firefox、WebKit等主流浏览器自动化操作。作为针对 Python 语言纯自动化的工具,在回归测试中可更快的实现自动化。 1. 为什么选择Playwright 1.1 Playwright的优势 (1) Selenium需要通过WebDriver操作浏览器;Playwright通过开发者工具与浏览器交互,安装简洁,不需要安装各种Driver。 (2) Playwright几乎支持所有语言,且不依赖于各种Driver,通过调用内置浏览器所以启动速度更快。 (3) Selenium基于HTTP协议(单向通讯),Playwright基于Websocket(双向通讯)可自动获取浏览器实际情况。 (4) Playwright为自动等待。 等待元素出现(定位元素时,自动等待30s,等待时间可以自定义,单位毫秒) 等待事件发生 1.2 已知局限性 (1) Playwright不支持旧版Microsoft Edge或IE11。支持新的Microsoft Edge(在Chromium上);所以对浏览器版本有硬性要求的项目不适用。 (2) 需要SSL证书进行访问的网站可能无法录制,该过程需要单独定位编写。 (3)

How to aim a bug in Chromium browser extension that there won't be if installed locally in Dev mode

你离开我真会死。 提交于 2021-02-02 10:01:44
问题 I've just tested my Chrome addon after installing it officially, i.e. via CWS (Chrome Web Store), but was suddenly surprised that it's not working. I've always used it by installing it locally in Dev mode, i.e. by copying the addon installed and located at {The Chrome directory}\User Data\Default\Extensions\oecaicengbgemdbdklmajocogdjjgnda to another directory and then reinstall it by dragging it to the

又双叒叕出事?微信 PC 版被曝扫描用户浏览器 cookies

穿精又带淫゛_ 提交于 2021-01-30 12:25:01
整理 | 王晓曼 出品 | 程序人生 (ID:coder _life) 近日,微信刚迎来十周年,在推出的微信8.0版本中,用户在更新会后显示“我看见,你看见的”的字样,不少用户对这一行字耿耿于怀。 继“ QQ扫描读取所有浏览器的历史记录”一事后,腾讯微信 PC 版客户端又被爆出扫描用户浏览器 cookies。 近日,有网友在V2EX论坛发帖称, 使用火绒安全添加 QQ 扫描浏览器 cookies的拦截规则后,意外拦截到了微信 PC 扫描 cookies 的情况。 该用户还表示,WeChat.exe 每次启动时都会尝试扫描电脑上所有使用 Chromium 内核的浏览器注册表,甚至包括未安装的浏览器。 关于网友爆出的情况,腾讯技术人员昨天使用该社区账号在原帖中回复, 表示周末通过该用户提供的路径多次尝试,都未能重现问题,开发人员走查代码也未发现浏览器内核有类似功能的逻辑。 腾讯方面初步怀疑这种情况可能与用户的环境相关或浏览器内核( chromium 53 )的漏洞有关。 (腾讯技术人员回帖内容) 不少网友在该帖后就此事发表了评论。 网友@ ijrou :这叫大数据智能推荐。。。 网友@ efsg :障哮聋:统统屏蔽掉! 网友@ Ultraman :障哮聋——对于未向巨信团队提供浏览器上网记录的用户,我们无法保证对其所提供的服务的安全性,为保护该类用户的合法权益

How to hook a target URL with my own resources in electron?

南楼画角 提交于 2021-01-29 17:12:04
问题 I'm playing around with Electron and want to do the following: Use BrowserWindow.loadURL() to open url_1 In the UI part of url_1 that BrowserWindow renders, there's a link which points to another resource, let's say url_2.html When I click this link, normally my BrowserWindow would load url_2.html . However, I want my BrowserWindow not to actually go to load url_2.html from the internet, since I actually have another file, say, url_3.html in my app's resources. What I want to achieve is this:

“Not allowed to load local resource” error is seen while launching the chrome crash url

◇◆丶佛笑我妖孽 提交于 2021-01-29 05:12:26
问题 I want to crash the chrome url in a separate window for my application testing purpose, But the below piece of code gives me 'Not allowed to load local resource' error. Is there any way I can launch the chrome crash url through without receiving the error ? Here is what I tried : <html> <head> <title>Sample Test</title> <script type="text/javascript"> function crashTest() {"chrome://inducebrowsercrashforrealz", "windowInMyApp", "left=50, top=100, width=600, height=400

How can I manage websites settings in electron

∥☆過路亽.° 提交于 2021-01-29 04:11:03
问题 I'm creating a browser using Electron . And it opens websites using webview . <webview id="View" useragent="..." src="" plugins="" preload="file/dir/webview.js" webpreferences="..." enableremotemodule="false" allowpopups=""></webview> Now I've got a question, how can I detect when a website is trying to request access to something using JS / Node ? The explanation of my question: Every website in chrome has its own settings, and they can be access by clicking Site settings

How does Puppeteer handle the click Object / DevTools Protocol Chromium/Chrome

天涯浪子 提交于 2021-01-28 19:37:59
问题 I need to know how puppeteer handles the click object, as well as Chromium DevTools API. I've tried to research it on my own and have found myself not being able to find the actual code that handles it. The reason why I need to know is I'm developing a wrapper that tests events in code for testing Web Pages, and was looking to see if implementing a event handling routine is beneficial instead of using puppeteers interface of events (clicks and taps an hover, as well as other events that might

Iterate over multiple payloads and take multiple screenshots with Puppeteer AWS Lambda

末鹿安然 提交于 2021-01-28 04:38:22
问题 I am currently using the following Puppeteer AWS Lambda Layer to scrape 30 URLs and create and save screenshots in S3. At the moment, I send 30 individual payloads therefore running 30 AWS Lambda functions. Each JSON payload contains a URL and an image file name that are sent every 2-3 seconds to API Gateway via a POST request. The first 6 or 9 Lambda functions in the list seem to run fine, then they start to fail with Navigation failed

Сhromedriver: how to add support of Chromium-based browsers

倾然丶 夕夏残阳落幕 提交于 2021-01-28 04:36:01
问题 What is required to add a browser to the list of available browsers for UI-automation frameworks/wrappers to successfully running of autotests through the appropriate browser? For example, I want to adding browser "Sputnik", which using Chromium core. 回答1: TL;DR: Use Selenium + Codeception (or any other chrome-supported framework), add to configuration a special enviroment for "non-valid" browser as Sputnik, wherein path to binary is equivalent to your chrome-binary. Recompile chromedriver