
Create a Checkstyle Configuration from an Eclipse formatter file

為{幸葍}努か 提交于 2021-01-02 08:09:10
问题 At the moment our team is working with a custom eclipse Formatter configuration. Is there a way to import the generated xml file into Checkstyle to have both on the same ruleset? 回答1: As answered here, there is no way to convert a formatter file to a checkstyle ruleset at the moment. The formater file has another syntax as checkstyle, so it's unable to read it. 回答2: Preferences -> Java -> Code Style - > Formatter You can import/export or create a new format rules. 来源: https://stackoverflow


和自甴很熟 提交于 2020-12-06 11:31:25
Code Review 翻译成中文是代码评审,具体的定义可以看 wiki 。这篇 wiki 介绍说 Code Review 在帮助团队找到代码缺陷这件事上作用巨大:“代码审查一般可以找到及移除约65%的错误,最高可以到85%”。实际上, Code Review 的好处远不止这一条,它至少能在以下三个方面帮到我们: 传播知识 。 相信很多人第一次提交 Code Review 都有类似的经历:短短几百行代码,却被提了密密麻麻几十条 comments,更新了十多次代码,才最终被 accept 。其实当代码被 accept,提交代码的工程师通过这次 review 就学习到了代码规范和很多好的实践。同时,通过 review 更资深工程师的代码,年轻的工程师也更直观地学习架构和编码;另外,工程师之间也可以通过 review 代码来共享项目知识,看代码实现在绝大多数时候是了解项目的最好方式。 2、增进代码质量 。 这点也很容易理解,有经验的工程师可以在架构设计、代码细节等各个方面帮助到初学者。不同工程师也会有知识盲点,互相 review 进步也很快。另外,被 review 的代码质量更高还有一个很多人注意不到的心理因素:在状态不佳的时候,工程师难免会匆忙写些“潦草”的代码,但是当你知道自己的代码会被review 的工程师提交 comment 打回来,自然会更仔细些 : -) 3、找出潜在的

How to check style arbitrary list of java files from command line?

霸气de小男生 提交于 2020-08-23 04:58:29
问题 I want to have an opportunity to pass the list of *.java files in commit/changeset to the pre-commit hook which will check those java files for code style. I've tried to use maven-checkstyle-plugin but it looks like it is not possible to pass to it an arbitrary list of files. Also, running mvn site builds reports which are not supposed to be used exclusively like a human-readable entity, so it is not trivial to use this report in python scripts (which mercurial hooks basically are). So the