

折月煮酒 提交于 2020-10-07 06:24:33
在2020年8月的周二补丁日,微软如期发布了针对120个漏洞的补丁,其中17个是严重漏洞。由于大部分员工都采用了远程办公的方式,IT管理员在计划和安装本次发布的更新时将面临挑战。 在对发布的更新进行简单的介绍之后,我们将提供一些关于远程设备补丁管理计划的建议。 什么是周二补丁日? 周二补丁日是每个月的第二个星期二。在这一天,微软将发布其操作系统和其他相关应用程序的安全和非安全更新。由于微软的更新是定期发布的,因此IT管理员可以提前安排好时间为新的更新做好准备。 为什么周二补丁日很重要? 用于修复严重漏洞的最重要的安全更新和补丁都会在周二补丁日发布。通常零日漏洞也会在周二补丁日期间修复,除非是严重漏洞和被高度利用的漏洞,在这种情况下,会发布紧急安全更新来修复这个特殊的漏洞。 8月周二补丁日的重点内容 发布了以下产品的安全更新: Microsoft Windows Microsoft Edge (EdgeHTML-based) Microsoft Edge (Chromium-based) Microsoft ChakraCore Internet Explorer Microsoft Scripting Engine SQL Server Microsoft JET Database Engine .NET Framework ASP.NET Core Microsoft

Getting unable to load chakra core.dll error while running hello world sample

99封情书 提交于 2019-12-11 01:47:07
问题 I am trying to run chakra core c# sample provided here( but getting error : I tried to install this also but getting error with it : Install-Package JavaScriptEngineSwitcher.ChakraCore.Native.osx-x64 -Version 2.4.6 As per my understanding if i want to use chakracore in my project(console app or web application) then i only need chakra core.dll but still i am getting error that chakra core dll not found. I have

How can my node.js code see if it's running under official nodejs, iojs, jxcore, or node-chakracore?

删除回忆录丶 提交于 2019-12-02 07:11:13
问题 There are now several forks of nodejs for various reasons. For my node code to see which fork it is running under, what is currently the best way? The forks I am aware of are: The official nodejs release iojs - I guess it's now deprecated since it's rejoined the official nodejs, but it's still of interest JXcore - a fork that supports multiple CPUs/core; multiple JS engines including V8, Mozilla's SpiderMonkey, and Microsoft's ChakraCore; and packaging of js apps so npm doesn't need to be