

社会主义新天地 提交于 2020-08-12 07:40:31
  美国联邦通信委员会(FCC)日前收到了来自 SpaceX 和 OneWeb 提交的最新申请书,这两家公司目前都致力于打造非地球同步轨道的(NGSO)的卫星宽带服务,各自都计划发射数万颗卫星进行新一代的天基网络搭建,来为全球每个角落提供新一代的高速通信服务,甚至要超越地面部署的 5G 网络。   在这样的背景之下,申请更多的卫星发射许可和优质的波段频谱成为兵家必争之地。而有意思的是,在今年 3 月份曾申请破产保护的 OneWeb 在这次的申请书中寻求 47844 颗卫星,远超 SpaceX 计划申请的 30000 颗卫星(此前已经获得许可的有 12000 颗卫星)。   很多人怀疑,OneWeb 是否还有能力持续进行卫星发射任务。 OneWeb 根据美国破产法第 11 章自愿申请救济,并且打算进行业务出售,以使公司价值最大化。 据英国《金融时报》报道,OneWeb 是在未能从包括其最大支持者软银在内的投资者那里获得新资金之后,做出这一决定的。这在很大程度上是由于冠状病毒的流行。OneWeb 还表示,申请破产保护之前,对其 531 名员工进行了高达 85%的裁员。其破产文件显示,负债总额已达 21 亿美元,其中包括 17 亿美元的高级担保融资。   OneWeb 此前成功发射了 74 颗卫星,并展示了超过 400Mbps 的宽带速度和 32ms 的延迟,该公司一度被视为是

Validation for custom type in Cerberus

白昼怎懂夜的黑 提交于 2020-06-25 05:25:25
问题 I really enjoy Cerberus but I can't figure out a simple case in the docs. I want to have the type fudge which is a string with ~ prepended. I simply can't figure out how to do it.. fudge_type = cerberus.TypeDefinition('fudge_type', (str,), ()) class MyValidator(cerberus.Validator): types_mapping = cerberus.Validator.types_mapping.copy() types_mapping['fudge'] = fudge_type def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): if 'additional_context' in kwargs: self.additional_context = kwargs['additional


感情迁移 提交于 2020-04-11 12:05:36
世卫称新冠病亡率比流感高10倍,近日,网络安全人员以警告威胁行为者如何利用持续进行的冠状病毒大流行来试图感染恶意软件或欺诈您的计算机和移动设备。 不幸的是,在一定程度上它正在起作用,这是因为攻击面正在迅速变化和扩展,因为许多组织和业务任务在没有大量准备的情况下就进行了数字化处理,使自己面临更多潜在威胁。 最近的大多数网络黑客攻击主要是利用因虚假信息和虚假新闻而加剧的对COVID-19爆发的恐惧,通过Google Play应用,恶意链接和附件分发恶意软件,并执行勒索软件攻击。 在这里,我们了解了数字空间中各种看不见的威胁,这些威胁由冠状病毒为主题的诱饵驱动,网络罪犯正在利用这些诱饵来从事间谍活动和商业牟利。 最新发展使针对医院和测试中心的网络攻击以及旨在从全球健康问题中获利的网络钓鱼活动增加了一长串。 冠状病毒为主题的数字威胁 微软Microsoft 365安全公司副总裁Rob Lefferts 说:“世界上每个国家都至少发生过一次以COVID-19为主题的攻击。但是,这些攻击仅占Microsoft每天分析的所有攻击的不到2%。 Lefferts补充说:“我们的数据表明,这些以COVID-19为主题的威胁是对现有攻击的重读,这些攻击已进行了稍微更改以与这种大流行相关。” “这意味着我们正在看到诱饵的变化,而不是攻击的激增。” 1、移动恶意软件 Check Point Research

Normalizing string to date in cerbrus

廉价感情. 提交于 2020-01-04 06:43:41
问题 i'm trying to normalize string as date so that in validation it can validate date data type. from cerberus import Validator from datetime import datetime v = Validator() v.schema = {'start_date': {'type': 'date','coerce':datetime.date}} v.validate({'start_date': '2017-10-01'}) >>> False but it still returns false. I have tried to use the integer and it works not sure why date conversion is not working. v = Validator() v.schema = {'amount': {'type': 'integer','coerce': int}} v.validate({

How is possible to combine 'excludes' with 'default' in schema?

…衆ロ難τιáo~ 提交于 2019-12-24 23:40:49
问题 field_1 must be 0 by default, but not allowed with field_2 . My try: from cerberus import Validator schema = { 'value_1': { 'type': 'integer', 'default': 0 }, 'value_2': { 'type': 'integer', 'excludes': ['value_1', ] } } v = Validator(schema) for doc in [{}, {'value_2': 1}, {'value_2': 1, 'value_2': 1}]: if not v.validate(doc, schema): print(v.errors) else: print(v.normalized(doc)) I got: {'value_1': 0} {'value_2': ["'value_1' must not be present with 'value_2'"]} {'value_2': ["'value_1' must

Dependencies validation using Cerberus

痴心易碎 提交于 2019-12-24 06:37:37
问题 Am validating a CSV file with Cerberus but am struggling with what I'd assume is some basic logic Scenario: A CSV file has 2 columns. Column 2 requires to have a value only if Column 1 has a value. If Column 1 is empty then Column 2 should also be empty. Am thinking this would be one of the most straight forward rules to write but so far nothing is working as expected. Below is the same logic using python dictionaries. from cerberus import Validator v = Validator() schema = { "col1": {

Validating that two params have same amount elements using Cerberus

谁说我不能喝 提交于 2019-12-19 10:45:07
问题 Is there a way to have Cerberus validate that two fields have the same amount of elements? For instance, this document would validate: {'a': [1, 2, 3], b: [4, 5, 6]} And this won't: {'a': [1, 2, 3], 'b': [7, 8]} So far I have come up with this schema: {'a': {'required':False, 'type'= 'list', 'dependencies':'b'}, 'b': {'required':False, 'type'= 'list', 'dependencies':'a'}} But there's no rule to test the equal length of two fields. 回答1: With a custom rule it is pretty straight-forward: >>>

Conditional requirement dependent on value of other fields

霸气de小男生 提交于 2019-12-11 21:52:45
问题 Conditional requirement dependent on value of other fields in Cerberus has been discussed many times. Usage of dependencies doesn't meet the needs because fields can be unknown when conditions are satisfied. Usage of oneof was recommended but it may be too hard to work when several conditions and dependencies are met. What's the universal solution now? 回答1: Quick Answer (TL;DR) The "composite validation" approach allows for conditional (context-aware) validation rules. The python cerberus

How do I return a custom rule-name/error-code using Cerberus?

戏子无情 提交于 2019-12-11 09:48:09
问题 Am validating .csv file and I want to give the results of the validation in a format the user is accustomed to. To make use of Cerberus, I've let the user to define the validation rules in a .yaml file. schema.yaml Rules: Rule1: maxlength: 10 Rule2: allowed: ["MO", "TU", "WE", "TH", "FR", "SA", "SU"] Rule3: required: True I have then mapped those rules to the columns in the CSV file where they apply. csv_fields.yaml Fields: 1: rules: - Rule1 - Rule2 2: rules: - Rule2 - Rule3 3: rules: - Rule1