
How can write a program in scheme to find factors of a list of numbers

匆匆过客 提交于 2021-02-05 12:25:33
问题 This is the code for a single integer, how can it extends to list of function? (define (factors n) (define (*factors d) (cond ((> d n) (list)) ((= (modulo n d) 0) (cons d (*factors (+ d 1)))) (else (*factors (+ d 1))))) (*factors 1)) (display (factors 1111111)) (newline) 回答1: You can use for-each to iterate over a list. (define (factors n) (define (*factors d) (cond ((> d n) (list)) ((= (modulo n d) 0) (cons d (*factors (+ d 1)))) (else (*factors (+ d 1))))) (*factors 1)) (define arbitarily

How can write a program in scheme to find factors of a list of numbers

倖福魔咒の 提交于 2021-02-05 12:22:35
问题 This is the code for a single integer, how can it extends to list of function? (define (factors n) (define (*factors d) (cond ((> d n) (list)) ((= (modulo n d) 0) (cons d (*factors (+ d 1)))) (else (*factors (+ d 1))))) (*factors 1)) (display (factors 1111111)) (newline) 回答1: You can use for-each to iterate over a list. (define (factors n) (define (*factors d) (cond ((> d n) (list)) ((= (modulo n d) 0) (cons d (*factors (+ d 1)))) (else (*factors (+ d 1))))) (*factors 1)) (define arbitarily

Bouncy Castle example for encoding CDR

邮差的信 提交于 2019-12-25 05:20:07
问题 I am trying to encode PGWRecord CDR using ASN.1 notation, starting on page 89 in this 3GPP TS Document I've been looking for awhile for examples how I can do this, but to no avail. Are there any examples that can show me how to do this using Bouncy Castle ? Or is there a better alternative than Bouncy Castle to encode this CDR? Step by step instructions on how I can do this would be very nice! Any help would be very appreciated. Thanks all! 回答1: Try to look at BinaryNotes. You have ASN.1

Asterisk 13.4 cdr engine is creating 2 records per call

◇◆丶佛笑我妖孽 提交于 2019-12-23 23:07:04
问题 This is really starting to get annoying. I´m using Asterisk 1.4 since 2007 to operate a flawless PBX, and it creates a SINGLE CDR per call, like any other version of asterisk would. Yesterday I figured an upgrade would be ok and got Asterisk 13.4. This damn thing is creating 2 CDRs per call... one representing the dial attempt .. and another including both the connected call and the initial dial I don't know where to configure the CDR engine to behave normally... that is, to record A SINGLE


ぐ巨炮叔叔 提交于 2019-12-20 04:11:57
什么是图层?如果有点PS基础的同学,应该会非常清楚这个概念,它是构成图像的重要组成单位,许多效果可以通过对层的直接操作而得到,并在当前图层操作时候不会影响到其他图层,所以在绘图的过程中有着很重要的作用。很多人问 CorelDRAW 中是否有图层?答案是肯定的,那CDR中的图层在哪呢,为什么不把“图层”摆放在明显的位置?CDR的图层功能在整个软件中不重要么?本文针对CDR中的图层问题做详细讲解。 1. 双击运行CorelDRAW X8,Ctrl+O打开任意绘图文档,并勾选“保持图层和页面”选项。 2. 点击菜单栏“窗口>泊坞窗>对象管理器”命令。 3. 然后,在软件界面的右侧即可看到图层面板。默认状态下,新建的文件都是由页面1和主页面构成;“图层1”指的是默认的局部图层。在页面上绘制对象时,对象将添加到该图层上,除非您选择了另一个图层,如下图所示。 4. 可以从能显示页面、图层或文档中选择对象,同时在对象管理器中也会选中该对象;或者当对象被压落或遮挡,也可以利用对象管理器选择页面中的对象,如图所示。 5.此外, 还可以调整图层顺序。想要调整哪一个对象,直接单击对象名称,拖动对象到合适图层就好。 其实,CDR中的图层功能并不是那么的重要,在做排版、广告的时候很少能够用到,多用于需要导入到PS时为了保留图层,还有一些特别复杂的图或者从Excel导入表格,把表格和文字分别放一个图层。


佐手、 提交于 2019-12-11 12:16:38
资料 Mac安装系统提示macOS Mojave应用程序副本已损坏,不能用来安装macOS date 102723252015.06 date 1025102018.20 2015年10月27日 星期二 23时25分06秒 PDT 2018年10月25日 星期二 10时20分20秒 PDT 自己制作的 macOS Mojave 10.14.6 iso 文件,亲测可用(附 VMware15 安装 macOS Catalina 图文教程与 macO Catalina.iso 镜像下载地址) 版权声明:本文为博主原创文章,遵循 CC 4.0 BY-SA 版权协议,转载请附上原文出处链接和本声明。 本文链接: 终端执行命令: hdiutil create - o ~ / Desktop / Mojave . cdr - size 6 g - layout SPUD - fs HFS + J 解释: 创建一个大小为6G的dmg文件,后面的参数为格式参数,不太清楚,最后一个是文件系统格式(可以不用理会) hdiutil attach ~ / Desktop / Mojave . cdr . dmg - noverify - mountpoint / Volumes /

saving data into custom cdr field

我怕爱的太早我们不能终老 提交于 2019-12-07 08:22:25
问题 I created custom field "rec_name" id table "cdr", database "asteriskcdrdb". In this field I want to store recording name. I know I should do it by adding this line in one of .conf files, but where? exten => s,1,set(CDR(rec_name)=${CALLFILENAME}) I can do it by sql statement, too, but I don't know where is the file that saves details of call into database. 回答1: For mysql you need add into /etc/asterisk/cdr_mysql.conf [aliases] rec_name=rec_name If you HAVE aliases section, just add to it rec

saving data into custom cdr field

自古美人都是妖i 提交于 2019-12-05 16:13:06
I created custom field "rec_name" id table "cdr", database "asteriskcdrdb". In this field I want to store recording name. I know I should do it by adding this line in one of .conf files, but where? exten => s,1,set(CDR(rec_name)=${CALLFILENAME}) I can do it by sql statement, too, but I don't know where is the file that saves details of call into database. For mysql you need add into /etc/asterisk/cdr_mysql.conf [aliases] rec_name=rec_name If you HAVE aliases section, just add to it rec_name=rec_name 来源:

mysql query - peak concurrent calls CDR data

余生长醉 提交于 2019-12-04 01:48:34
问题 Hi I need help working out how to calculate how many peak concurrent calls I have in a day from my CDR date stored in MySQL. The data set looks like this: INSERT INTO `cdr` (`calldate`, `clid`, `src`, `dst`, `dcontext`, `channel`, `dstchannel`, `lastapp`, `lastdata`, `duration`, `billsec`, `disposition`, `amaflags`, `accountcode`, `uniqueid`, `userfield`) VALUES I can user the following query to calculate how many entries there are for each unique date. SELECT COUNT(1) AS entries, date