
Kafka Connect JDBC vs Debezium CDC

北慕城南 提交于 2021-02-06 15:56:55
问题 What are the differences between JDBC Connector and Debezium SQL Server CDC Connector (or any other relational database connector) and when should I choose one over another, searching for a solution to sync between two relational databases? Not sure if this discussion should be about CDC vs JDBC Connector, and not Debezium SQL Server CDC Connector, or even just Debezium, looking forward for later editing, depends on the given answers (Though my case is about SQL Server sink). Sharing with you

An insufficient number of arguments were supplied for the procedure or function cdc.fn_cdc_get_all_changes_

感情迁移 提交于 2020-03-18 03:40:55
问题 Seemingly valid code for querying the latest tracked changes in the table Fields : DECLARE @Begin_LSN BINARY(10), @End_LSN BINARY(10) SET @Begin_LSN = sys.fn_cdc_get_min_lsn('Fields') SET @End_LSN = sys.fn_cdc_get_max_lsn() SELECT * FROM cdc.fn_cdc_get_all_changes_ordering_Fields (@Begin_LSN, @End_LSN, N'all') GO generates the following error message: Msg 313, Level 16, State 3, Line 5 An insufficient number of arguments were supplied for the procedure or function cdc.fn_cdc_get_all_changes_

Mysql debezium connector for rds in production caused deadlocks

北城以北 提交于 2020-03-05 04:12:09
问题 We are creating a data pipeline from Mysql in RDS to elastic search for creating search indexes, and for this using debezium cdc with its mysql source and elastic sink connector. Now as the mysql is in rds we have to give the mysql user LOCK TABLE permission for two tables we wanted cdc, as mentioned in docs. We also have various other mysql users performing transactions which may require any of the two tables. As soon as we connected the mysql connector to our production database there was a

Mysql debezium connector for rds in production caused deadlocks

被刻印的时光 ゝ 提交于 2020-03-05 04:12:09
问题 We are creating a data pipeline from Mysql in RDS to elastic search for creating search indexes, and for this using debezium cdc with its mysql source and elastic sink connector. Now as the mysql is in rds we have to give the mysql user LOCK TABLE permission for two tables we wanted cdc, as mentioned in docs. We also have various other mysql users performing transactions which may require any of the two tables. As soon as we connected the mysql connector to our production database there was a

【原理】你知道 Change Data Capture 是什么吗?

懵懂的女人 提交于 2020-01-23 14:09:29
Change Data Capture(缩写为 CDC)——大概可以机翻为 “变动数据捕获”——你可以将它视为和数据库有关的架构设计模式的一种。它的核心思想是,监测并捕获数据库的变动(包括数据或数据表的插入,更新,删除等),将这些变更按发生的顺序完整记录下来,写入到消息中间件中以供其他服务进行订阅及消费。 适用场景 我们可以把 CDC 认为是数据库事件驱动的一种数据 / 信息分发系统,CDC 主要适用于以下的场景: 异构数据库之间的数据同步或备份 / 建立数据分析计算平台 在 MySQL,PostgreSQL,MongoDB 等等数据库之间互相同步数据,或者把这些数据库的数据同步到 Elasticsearch 里以供全文搜索,当然也可以基于 CDC 对数据库进行备份。而数据分析系统可以通过订阅感兴趣的数据表的变更,来获取所需要的分析数据进行处理,不需要把分析流程嵌入到已有系统中,以实现解耦。 微服务之间共享数据状态 在微服务大行其道的今日,微服务之间信息共享一直比较复杂,CDC 也是一种可能的解决方案,微服务可以通过 CDC 来获取其他微服务数据库的变更,从而获取数据的状态更新,执行自己相应的逻辑。 更新缓存 / CQRS 的 Query 视图更新 通常缓存更新都比较难搞,可以通过 CDC 来获取数据库的数据更新事件,从而控制对缓存的刷新或失效。 而 CQRS

Why function Ellipse(…) are needed twice here to draw an ellipse?

这一生的挚爱 提交于 2020-01-16 17:28:53
问题 MFC: I read this code which is to draw an ellipse (not solid interior), but I cannot understand why function "pDC->Ellipse(...)" is needed twice here? (sol == 0, and do_what==DRAW_ELLIPSE) void CMy078207017Dlg::OnLButtonUp(UINT nFlags, CPoint point) { flag = 0; end = point; assist = point; if(p != NULL) { CDC* pDC = GetDC(); CPen pen; CBrush brush; getpen(pen, pDC, col, bol); if(do_what >= DRAW_LINE && do_what <= DRAW_RRECT) { p->p[0] = start; p->p[1] = end; } if(sol == 1) { getbrush(brush,

Why function Ellipse(…) are needed twice here to draw an ellipse?

非 Y 不嫁゛ 提交于 2020-01-16 17:28:17
问题 MFC: I read this code which is to draw an ellipse (not solid interior), but I cannot understand why function "pDC->Ellipse(...)" is needed twice here? (sol == 0, and do_what==DRAW_ELLIPSE) void CMy078207017Dlg::OnLButtonUp(UINT nFlags, CPoint point) { flag = 0; end = point; assist = point; if(p != NULL) { CDC* pDC = GetDC(); CPen pen; CBrush brush; getpen(pen, pDC, col, bol); if(do_what >= DRAW_LINE && do_what <= DRAW_RRECT) { p->p[0] = start; p->p[1] = end; } if(sol == 1) { getbrush(brush,

How to remove columns from CDC (in SQL Server)

大憨熊 提交于 2020-01-06 19:31:18
问题 I've enabled CDC on a table, using the code below, and by default it includes all of the columns. There is another way to enable CDC on a table while SPECIFYING the columns (code is given below). However, for me, that's too late - given my CDC was already created and includes ALL of the columns. How do I remove the columns I don't want from the CDC watch list (I searched everywhere in the meta data and couldn't find anything): -- The following enabled the CDC on a table: EXECUTE sys.sp_cdc