

♀尐吖头ヾ 提交于 2020-10-07 05:12:09
前言 苹果商店上架应用,有规定支持iOS8.0以上的iPA可执行文件的大小不能超过60M。 face++提供过来的是静态库,会导致苹果上架的ipa的包增加1.5M左右。而刚好我们的APP包Mach-O文件大小接近60M,因而,最好的方式是通过动态库的方式来接入。 Face++文件: SDK需要问Face++的人拿,Demo跑起来是需要key和secret的 静态库转动态库 静态库转动态库,有两种转换方式,一是直接建一个动态库工程,将相关的framework拉进入构建打包,二是通过carthage来打包构建。这两种方式都需要处理一下图片资源的读取方式。 carthage构建动态库 1、工程Demo face++的SDK里有Demo,我们拿到demo,填入kApiKey 和 kApiSecret 是可以直接跑起来的。实际上,SDK只有下面三个文件 MGFaceIDBaseKit.framework MGFaceIDLiveDetect.framework MGFaceIDLiveCustomDetect.bundle 2、创建framework 直接在face++的Demo的工程上,新建一个Target。项目-> File -> New -> Target , 选择Framework ,命名为

Carthage Build Failed

半世苍凉 提交于 2020-08-21 06:44:44
问题 I ran carthage bootstrap --platform iOS and got "Skipped installing realm-cocoa.framework binary due to the error: Incompatible Swift version - framework was built with 3.1 and the local version is 4.0", and then at the end of the build I got a full on "Build Failed: Task failed with exit code 65" error. It points me to the derivedDataPath , and I checked the xcodebuild log for more details where it let me know "PhaseScriptExecution Download\ Core\ and\ Sync /Users/user/Libary/Caches/org

Carthage Build Failed

|▌冷眼眸甩不掉的悲伤 提交于 2020-08-21 06:43:21
问题 I ran carthage bootstrap --platform iOS and got "Skipped installing realm-cocoa.framework binary due to the error: Incompatible Swift version - framework was built with 3.1 and the local version is 4.0", and then at the end of the build I got a full on "Build Failed: Task failed with exit code 65" error. It points me to the derivedDataPath , and I checked the xcodebuild log for more details where it let me know "PhaseScriptExecution Download\ Core\ and\ Sync /Users/user/Libary/Caches/org

How to update just one library from the Cartfile with Carthage?

一世执手 提交于 2020-05-24 08:28:11
问题 My Cartfile has many libraries. When I do carthage update it goes through all the libraries. That can take very long time. Is there a way to update just a single library with carthage? Something like this? (this will not work) carthage update "evgenyneu/moa" 回答1: From 0.12 version build , checkout , and update take an optional space separated list of dependencies For a Cartfile like the following github "Alamofire/Alamofire" github "ReactiveX/RxSwift" You could choose to update one dependency

Quickest way to add Carthage in Xcode Project

折月煮酒 提交于 2020-04-29 19:24:04
问题 What is quickest way to add dependencies in Xcode project using Carthage. How to add or edit dependencies later. 回答1: Install Carthage Download Carthage Open terminal Terminal: cd ~/Path/To/Folder Containing Project Create Carthage file as: Terminal: touch Cartfile Open Cartfile file from project folder and add required dependency Example Cartfile file github "Alamofire/Alamofire" == 4.5 github "Alamofire/AlamofireImage" After Editing Cartfile file save it. Run following command from terminal

一步步创建自己的 iOS 框架

*爱你&永不变心* 提交于 2020-03-19 13:37:25
3 月,跳不动了?>>> 创建你的第一个iOS框架 如果你曾经试图去创建一个自己的iOS框架的话,你应该知道这件事并不是那些畏惧困难的人能够成功完成的-毕竟管理依赖和编写测试并不容易。这篇文章将从开始到最终完成一步步的进行讲解,以便你掌握后可以更好的创建自己的框架。 在教程中我们会构建一个框架,框架里面会暴露一个名为 RGBUIColor(red:green:blue) 的函数,该函数会返回使用这些参数创建的 UIColor 对象。我们会使用 Swift 语言,并且使用 Carthage 作为依赖项的管理工具。我们的框架将会支持通过 Carthage 、 CocoaPods 或者 git 来使用。 让我们开始吧! 创建Xcode工程 选择 File -> New -> Project 在左侧的选择 iOS -> Framework & Library ,右侧选择“Cocoa Touch Framework”。 点击“下一步”,并填写选项提示。确保以及勾选了“Include Unit Tests”。 选择工程保存的位置。 不要勾选“Create Git repository on My Mac”,我们在后面手动进行设置。 点击“创建”并且打开工程。 选择 File -> Save As Workspace 并使用工程相同的名字保存到相同的目录中。之所以创建 workspace


陌路散爱 提交于 2020-03-03 18:45:29
前言 本篇安装brew、carthage,解决启动appium时的报错问题,另外安装appium-doctor检查appium的环境 1.brew 2.carthage 3.appium-doctor 一、brew安装 1.brew是一个软件包管理工具,类似于centos下的yum或者ubuntu下的apt-get,类似于python之pip或java之maven,就是这么回事。 2.brew的安装是需要用ruby安装的,ruby这玩意mac自带了,终端输入:ruby -v 可查看版本号 3.继续输入这个这个指令安装brew:ruby -e "$(curl --insecure -fsSL" $ ruby -v $ ruby -e "$(curl --insecure -fsSL" 4.安装完成后查看版本号 $ brew -v 4.卸载指令: $ ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL


两盒软妹~` 提交于 2020-02-17 20:44:55
Appium 是一个自动化测试开源工具,支持 iOS 平台和 Android 平台上的原生应用,web 应用和混合应用。 本次环境配置相关: macOS:10.13.4 Appium-desktop:1.6.1 Xcode:9.3.1 一、环境配置 1、 安装homebrew: $ /usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL" 2、 安装libimobiledevice: $ brew install libimobiledevice --HEAD 3、 安装carthage: $ brew install carthage 4、安装node: $ brew install node 5、安装npm: $ brew install npm 6、安装ios-deploy: $ npm install -g ios-deploy 8、安装xcpretty: $ gem install xcpretty 9、安装appium,appium-doctor 进入官网,下载 Appium-1.6.1.dmg ,安装即可。 当然你可以使用命令:npm install -g appium来安装appium,但是后面就会各种报错!! $ npm

How to disable Bitcode on Carthage dependencies

﹥>﹥吖頭↗ 提交于 2020-02-05 03:27:44
问题 How to disable Bitcode on dependencies where it's enabled? This question is the opposite scenario of the question "Bitcode disabled on Carthage dependencies". Unfortunately, while the given answer by the OP was using a nice trick by stripping all instances of ENABLE_BITCODE = NO; in the project file, it's inapplicable to add that line where it's missing. 来源:

cannot build project with xcode 8 beta 6

徘徊边缘 提交于 2020-01-26 01:20:23
问题 I am getting following error after I add a library via carthage - library name compiled with older version of Swift language (2.0) than previous files (3.0) for architecture x86_64 I have tried it with Argo library. ( I have selected the correct xcode version using xcode-select utility. What could be the problem? Any help is greatly appreciated Thanks! 回答1: From what I learned, looks like you can't have libraries written in different versions of Swift. In my