Does not scan non - Raised Digit Credit Cards

こ雲淡風輕ζ 提交于 2021-02-07 11:27:14
问题 I have a problem with scanning non-raised digit credit cards with sdk. I haven't seen any explanation about this issue on the official site of Does this sdk work for only raised digit credit cards? 回答1: Jeff here from In short, yes, the sdk only works for raised digit credit cards. Scanning cards on a mobile device is hard, and the team chose to start by scanning the largest percentage of cards on the market, and do it well. There are plans to support more cards and

深度评测--安卓免费的银行卡识别SDK,华为 HMS MLKit 和Card IO哪个好?

你。 提交于 2020-08-16 11:28:17
1 前言   前面有两篇文章分别介绍过华为HMS MLKit的银行卡识别功能,第一篇是写的怎么简单集成银行卡识别,实现银行卡绑定功能,第二篇又给大家介绍了下银行卡识别和其它文本类识别服务之间的区别和关系,详情请戳往期链接:   超简单集成华为HMS MLKit 机器学习服务 银行卡识别SDK,一键实现银行卡绑定   一文搞懂华为HMS ML Kit文本识别、银行卡识别、通用卡证识别、身份证识别   通过以上两篇文章,小伙伴们想必已经知道银行卡识别的使用场景,以及要怎么用华为的银行卡识别SDK了,那华为提供的SDK效果如何,竞争力怎么样?小编本期文章就给大家做一个深度评测,看下效果怎么样? 2 选一个竞品--Card IO   就像手机评测一样,小编为了更好的体现评测效果,需要选一个竞争对手,好一较高下,我们就选一个使用量比较多的github开源项目Card.io作对比,看下两者效果那个好

深度评测--安卓免费的银行卡识别SDK,华为 HMS MLKit 和Card IO哪个好?

怎甘沉沦 提交于 2020-08-13 13:31:46
1 前言   前面有两篇文章分别介绍过华为HMS MLKit的银行卡识别功能,第一篇是写的怎么简单集成银行卡识别,实现银行卡绑定功能,第二篇又给大家介绍了下银行卡识别和其它文本类识别服务之间的区别和关系,详情请戳往期链接:   超简单集成华为HMS MLKit 机器学习服务 银行卡识别SDK,一键实现银行卡绑定   一文搞懂华为HMS ML Kit文本识别、银行卡识别、通用卡证识别、身份证识别   通过以上两篇文章,小伙伴们想必已经知道银行卡识别的使用场景,以及要怎么用华为的银行卡识别SDK了,那华为提供的SDK效果如何,竞争力怎么样?小编本期文章就给大家做一个深度评测,看下效果怎么样? 2 选一个竞品--Card IO   就像手机评测一样,小编为了更好的体现评测效果,需要选一个竞争对手,好一较高下,我们就选一个使用量比较多的github开源项目Card.io作对比,看下两者效果那个好

深度评测--安卓免费的银行卡识别SDK,华为 HMS MLKit 和Card IO哪个好?

生来就可爱ヽ(ⅴ<●) 提交于 2020-07-28 20:41:16
1 前言   前面有两篇文章分别介绍过华为HMS MLKit的银行卡识别功能,第一篇是写的怎么简单集成银行卡识别,实现银行卡绑定功能,第二篇又给大家介绍了下银行卡识别和其它文本类识别服务之间的区别和关系,详情请戳往期链接:   超简单集成华为HMS MLKit 机器学习服务 银行卡识别SDK,一键实现银行卡绑定   一文搞懂华为HMS ML Kit文本识别、银行卡识别、通用卡证识别、身份证识别   通过以上两篇文章,小伙伴们想必已经知道银行卡识别的使用场景,以及要怎么用华为的银行卡识别SDK了,那华为提供的SDK效果如何,竞争力怎么样?小编本期文章就给大家做一个深度评测,看下效果怎么样? 2 选一个竞品--Card IO   就像手机评测一样,小编为了更好的体现评测效果,需要选一个竞争对手,好一较高下,我们就选一个使用量比较多的github开源项目Card.io作对比,看下两者效果那个好

remove/hide logo android

依然范特西╮ 提交于 2020-01-21 07:53:05
问题 I am integrating in my android app and I want to remove the paypal logo. I searched stackoverflow and got to know the usage of EXTRA_USE_CARDIO_LOGO. Setting this to true or false, shows either Paypal or logo. My client requires that there should be no logo at all. Any help? 回答1: Update on this answer - as of 4.0+, now supports full removal of the logo with EXTRA_HIDE_CARDIO_LOGO. 回答2: Josh from here. There is no way to entirely disable logos. 回答3: Jeff ios integration with localization

孤街浪徒 提交于 2020-01-06 15:16:41
问题 I am trying to integrate sdk to my iOS app. I'd like to do a simple localization for CardIO ui, as changing Cancel button title or "Hold credit card here" hint text. I've found this android demo on github, and it's simply using strings.xml file to do this.(I guess, couldn't try yet.) How can i do this in my iOS app? Shouldn't there be a file attached to ios SDK like this strings.xml above. Edit binding project fails app compilation

元气小坏坏 提交于 2019-12-25 07:25:26
问题 I'm attempting to call Card.IO from my Xamarin app. I get " Undefined symbols for architecture i386: " when I try to compile my app and it cites "std::terminate()" in the message. The app is intended for iPhone, I don't know where did the "i386" come from - all settings in project options that I can find are set to ARMv7, so is the LinkWith attribute in the binding. Card.IO's guide states I need to add -lstdc++ to "other linker flags" in Xcode but I don't know where should I put this in

Is it possible to get credit card type using

∥☆過路亽.° 提交于 2019-12-24 14:25:41
问题 I'm using ios sdk for credit card scanning. Is it possible to get credit card type(ie, whether it is Amercan Express or Master or visa) using What are all the other possible details from credit card that we can get using 回答1: I have no experience of using . But your question got me all curious about this API. In github, I found it and in there, there is a file: CardIOCreditCardInfo.h // Derived from cardNumber. // When provided by, cardType will not

Reading Card Holder's Name by Card IO Library

依然范特西╮ 提交于 2019-12-23 03:33:13
问题 i know this is a duplicate question which has been previously closed. But i have downloaded the Card IO SDK & in respective static library , i did not find any way of getting the Card Holder's name (E.g 7 -> Mr A B Person) ? Can any one able to solve this problem ? 回答1: Josh from here. No, does not currently scan the cardholder's name. 来源:

CocoaPods error with

和自甴很熟 提交于 2019-12-22 10:29:31
问题 I'm trying to install (5.2.2) with cocoaPods on Xcode (7.1). But when i run my project the compilator shows me this error: Undefined symbols for architecture arm64: "_OBJC_CLASS_$_CardIOUtilities", referenced from: type metadata accessor for __ObjC.CardIOUtilities in CheckoutTableViewController.o "_OBJC_CLASS_$_CardIOPaymentViewController", referenced from: type metadata accessor for __ObjC.CardIOPaymentViewController in CheckoutTableViewController.o ld: symbol(s) not found for