C3 stacked chart maintain data order
I'm following the instructions from the reference and from this answer , but am having no success. I've got a stacked bar chart, I want the data in the stack to appear in the order it is in in the data, but it's getting re-ordered and I can't figure out how to prevent it. Here's a jsfiddle . Here's the code var chartOptions = { element: 'chart', data: { "rows":[["0-1","2-3","4-5","6","7"],[25,56,14,2,1],[6,66,27,0,0],[0,70,30,0,0],[27,54,14,5,0],[0,54,30,8,8],[29,64,7,0,0]], "type":"bar", "groups":[["0-1","2-3","4-5","6","7"]], "order":null }, axis: { "x":{ "type":"category", "categories":[