

这一生的挚爱 提交于 2020-01-09 13:44:18
【推荐】2019 Java 开发者跳槽指南.pdf(吐血整理) >>> tar -c: 建立压缩档案 -x:解压 -t:查看内容 -r:向压缩归档文件末尾追加文件 -u:更新原压缩包中的文件 这五个是独立的命令,压缩解压都要用到其中一个,可以和别的命令连用但只能用其中一个。 下面的参数是根据需要在压缩或解压档案时可选的。 -z:有gzip属性的 -j:有bz2属性的 -Z:有compress属性的 -v:显示所有过程 -O:将文件解开到标准输出 下面的参数-f是必须的 -f: 使用档案名字,切记,这个参数是最后一个参数,后面只能接档案名。 案例: tar -cf all.tar *.jpg 这条命令是将所有.jpg的文件打成一个名为all.tar的包。-c是表示产生新的包,-f指定包的文件名。 tar -rf all.tar *.gif 这条命令是将所有.gif的文件增加到all.tar的包里面去。-r是表示增加文件的意思。 tar -uf all.tar logo.gif 这条命令是更新原来tar包all.tar中logo.gif文件,-u是表示更新文件的意思。 tar -tf all.tar 这条命令是列出all.tar包中所有文件,-t是列出文件的意思 tar -xf all.tar 这条命令是解出all.tar包中所有文件,-t是解开的意思 压缩 tar -cvf jpg

Why can't I seem to read an entire compressed file from a URL stream?

♀尐吖头ヾ 提交于 2019-12-24 22:53:19
问题 I'm trying to parse Wiktionary dumps on the fly, directly from the URL, in Java. The Wiki dumps are distributed as compressed BZIP2 files, and I am using the following approach to attempt to parse them: String fileURL = ""; URL bz2 = new URL(fileURL); BufferedInputStream bis = new BufferedInputStream(bz2.openStream()); CompressorInputStream input = new CompressorStreamFactory()

Python BZ2 IOError: invalid data stream

匆匆过客 提交于 2019-12-23 19:07:46
问题 Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 309, in <module> updater.start() File "", line 36, in start newFileData = bz2.BZ2File("C:/Program Files (x86)/Toontown Rewritten/temp/"," rb").read() IOError: invalid data stream The code to retrieve file I'm getting that's giving me this error is: newFileComp = urllib.URLopener() newFileComp.retrieve("", "C:/Program Files (x86)/Toontown

Reading memory mapped bzip2 compressed file

拈花ヽ惹草 提交于 2019-12-23 15:02:38
问题 So I'm playing with the Wikipedia dump file. It's an XML file that has been bzipped. I can write all the files to directories, but then when I want to do analysis, I have to reread all the files on the disk. This gives me random access, but it's slow. I have the ram to put the entire bzipped file into ram. I can load the dump file just fine and read all the lines, but I cannot seek in it as it's gigantic. From what it seems, the bz2 library has to read and capture the offset before it can

Organizing files in tar bz2 file with python

霸气de小男生 提交于 2019-12-22 09:28:37
问题 I have about 200,000 text files that are placed in a bz2 file. The issue I have is that when I scan the bz2 file to extract the data I need, it goes extremely slow. It has to look through the entire bz2 file to fine the single file I am looking for. Is there anyway to speed this up? Also, I thought about possibly organizing the files in the tar.bz2 so I can instead have it know where to look. Is there anyway to organize files that are put into a bz2? More Info/Edit: I need to query the

BZip2 file read in Hadoop

旧巷老猫 提交于 2019-12-21 21:39:21
问题 I heard we can use multiple mappers to read different parts of one bzip2 file in parallel in Hadoop, to increase performance. But I cannot find related samples after search. Appreciate if anyone could point me to related code snippet. Thanks. BTW: is gzip has the same feature (multiple mapper process different parts of one gzip file in parallel). 回答1: If you look at:, you will find that bzip2 format is indeed splittable and

Calculate/validate bz2 (bzip2) CRC32 in Python

爷,独闯天下 提交于 2019-12-21 12:46:07
问题 I'm trying to calculate/validate the CRC32 checksums for compressed bzip2 archives. .magic:16 = 'BZ' signature/magic number .version:8 = 'h' for Bzip2 ('H'uffman coding) .hundred_k_blocksize:8 = '1'..'9' block-size 100 kB-900 kB .compressed_magic:48 = 0x314159265359 (BCD (pi)) .crc:32 = checksum for this block ... ... .eos_magic:48 = 0x177245385090 (BCD sqrt(pi)) .crc:32 = checksum for whole stream .padding:0..7 = align to whole byte So I know where the CRC


谁说我不能喝 提交于 2019-12-20 19:19:48
【推荐】2019 Java 开发者跳槽指南.pdf(吐血整理) >>> 系统信息相关命令 本结是为了方便通过远程终端维护服务器时,查看服务器上当前系统日期和时间、磁盘空间占用情况、程序执行情况 本结基本都是查询命令,通过这些命令对系统资源的使用情况有个了解 目标 时间和日期 date 查看系统时间 cal calendar 查看日历 -y 选项可以查看一年的日历 磁盘和目录空间 df disk free 显示磁盘剩余空间 du -h [目录名] disk usage 显示目录下的文件大小 -h 以人性化的方式显示文件大小 进程信息 所谓进程,通俗讲就是正在执行的一个程序 ps aux process status 查看进程的详细状况,默认只会显示当前用户通过终端启动的应用程序 a 显示终端上的所有进程,包括其他用户的进程 u 显示进程的详细状态 x 显示没有控制终端的进程 top 动态显示运行程序并且排序 要退出top命令,输入小写q kill [-9] 进程代号 终止指定代号的进程 -9 表示强行终止 ps:使用kill命令时,最好只终止由当前用户开启的进程,而不要终止root身份开启的进程,否则可能导致系统崩溃 其他命令 查找文件 find 功能非常强大,通常用来在特定的目录下搜索符合条件的文件 find [路径] -name "*.py" 查找指定路径下扩展名是.py的文件

How to protect myself from a gzip or bzip2 bomb?

余生长醉 提交于 2019-12-18 02:15:47
问题 This is related to the question about zip bombs, but having gzip or bzip2 compression in mind, e.g. a web service accepting .tar.gz files. Python provides a handy tarfile module that is convenient to use, but does not seem to provide protection against zipbombs. In python code using the tarfile module, what would be the most elegant way to detect zip bombs, preferably without duplicating too much logic (e.g. the transparent decompression support) from the tarfile module? And, just to make it

How to protect myself from a gzip or bzip2 bomb?

↘锁芯ラ 提交于 2019-12-18 02:15:11
问题 This is related to the question about zip bombs, but having gzip or bzip2 compression in mind, e.g. a web service accepting .tar.gz files. Python provides a handy tarfile module that is convenient to use, but does not seem to provide protection against zipbombs. In python code using the tarfile module, what would be the most elegant way to detect zip bombs, preferably without duplicating too much logic (e.g. the transparent decompression support) from the tarfile module? And, just to make it