
Angular Breadcrumb

别说谁变了你拦得住时间么 提交于 2021-01-29 07:54:45
问题 I am trying to implement breadcrumb in my personal project(Angular 7). But I am unable to implement it as expected. I have found lot of implementation but none of them worked for me. My requirement when i enter the URL : http://localhost:4200/personal-projects/2/backlog is Personal Project > 2 > Backlog But i am getting output as: 2 > Backlog Can anyone help me to implement logic to get the output as expected? My routing model is as follows: const routes: Routes = [ { path: '', redirectTo:

How to handle breadcrumbs?

六眼飞鱼酱① 提交于 2021-01-21 09:52:27
问题 I am making a simple react/next js application where I am having totally three pages. -> index.js -> jobsearch.js -> jobdescription.js Scenario: -> In home page there is two option for user, One: They can directly click on any job and go to job description page. Two: They can go to job search page and the by cliking on any job in search page, they can go to job description page And finally when user reached the job description page, the breadcrumb is shown like, <nav className="container">

Find all the parents of each element

左心房为你撑大大i 提交于 2020-12-09 16:16:36
问题 I'm trying to create a breadcrumb without using the url (the route provider) and without using jQuery. I have a tree like that Humans Trees Animals Cats Lions Dogs Terrier Bulldog Cocker Cars and I'd like when I click on Cocker to display Animals / Dogs / Cocker So, I created a recursive function in order to find parent/parents for each element that I click on but it doesn't work correctly. It finds that an element has a parent, it also finds the first parent of an element but it doesn't show

Find all the parents of each element

寵の児 提交于 2020-12-09 16:10:46
问题 I'm trying to create a breadcrumb without using the url (the route provider) and without using jQuery. I have a tree like that Humans Trees Animals Cats Lions Dogs Terrier Bulldog Cocker Cars and I'd like when I click on Cocker to display Animals / Dogs / Cocker So, I created a recursive function in order to find parent/parents for each element that I click on but it doesn't work correctly. It finds that an element has a parent, it also finds the first parent of an element but it doesn't show

Find all the parents of each element

拥有回忆 提交于 2020-12-09 16:06:09
问题 I'm trying to create a breadcrumb without using the url (the route provider) and without using jQuery. I have a tree like that Humans Trees Animals Cats Lions Dogs Terrier Bulldog Cocker Cars and I'd like when I click on Cocker to display Animals / Dogs / Cocker So, I created a recursive function in order to find parent/parents for each element that I click on but it doesn't work correctly. It finds that an element has a parent, it also finds the first parent of an element but it doesn't show

Angular Breadcrumb based on navigation history instead of route path

故事扮演 提交于 2020-05-16 01:23:52
问题 Is there a way to implement navigation history based breadcrumb instead of normal route path based breadcrumb. example Route : Home - HChild1 - HChild1.1 Home - HChild2 - HChild2.1 If user navigates to HChild2.1 from Home page breadcrumb should be Home | HChild2.1 instead of Home | HChild2 | HChild2.1 Then if user navigates to HChild1.1 from HChild2.1 then breadcrumb should be Home | HChild2.1 | HChild1.1 instead of Home | HChild1.1 | HChild1.1 what I have is normal route path based

Angular Breadcrumb based on navigation history instead of route path

跟風遠走 提交于 2020-05-16 01:23:27
问题 Is there a way to implement navigation history based breadcrumb instead of normal route path based breadcrumb. example Route : Home - HChild1 - HChild1.1 Home - HChild2 - HChild2.1 If user navigates to HChild2.1 from Home page breadcrumb should be Home | HChild2.1 instead of Home | HChild2 | HChild2.1 Then if user navigates to HChild1.1 from HChild2.1 then breadcrumb should be Home | HChild2.1 | HChild1.1 instead of Home | HChild1.1 | HChild1.1 what I have is normal route path based


。_饼干妹妹 提交于 2020-04-14 15:29:41
【推荐阅读】微服务还能火多久?>>> class选择器命名基本规则 以字母开头,全部字母小写 尽量简短、明确 单个名字如果由多个词组成,单词间以下划线_连接 ... 层级关系以中划线-连接 ... <text class="notice-title"> ... </text> 继承式命名 为了保证我们设计的class样式既能重复利用,又能避免冲突。我们采用继承式来给class样式命名。 每个页面一般都可以分成几个模块,我们把每个模块最外层的class名作为祖先,模块内部的class样式名用祖先名作为前缀,它们以中划线-连接。(通过这种方式来表示class样式的作用域) // home是祖先模块,user和event是home的直接子模块 <view class="home"> <view class="home-user"> // 用户信息 </view> <view class="home-event"> // 动态详情 </view> </view> 在页面结构里,模块内部可以有子模块,子模块下面可以有孙子模块,以此类推。class样式命名也按这个层级。 // home是祖先模块,user和event是home的直接子模块 // user下面又有两个子模块name和signature <view class="home"> <view class="home-user">

How do I get rid of this unwanted bar from Eclipse?

我是研究僧i 提交于 2020-03-12 07:05:51
问题 When coding in Eclipse(Indigo), I accidentally hit a combination of keys which made this bar appear when I was doing some shortcuts. This question has probably being answered before but since I don't know the exact name of the bar googling the problem has being fruitless. I've spent two hours trying to fix it. So anyone know how to get rid of this bar in the image below? 回答1: The bar you are talking about is the breadcrumbs . To remove it, look at your toolbar which should more or less look

How can I move breadcrumb before main title on Magento 2

守給你的承諾、 提交于 2020-02-06 09:27:07
问题 I would like please your help. I am newbie on Magento 2 and still searching things. I would like to move breadcrumb before title (on category pages, product everywhere). I tried to change it on default.xml <move element="page.main.title" destination="" after="breadcrumbs"/> but with no luck. Also i tried to do it from catalog_category_view.xml on vendor/magento/module-catalog/view/frontend/layout but no luck. Can anyone please guide me where can I find the order that is loading? Can