parameters missing when appended to an existing link

只愿长相守 提交于 2020-01-03 14:08:43
问题 I am trying to make it so a user clicks a link in the form and then be redirected to the AppStore to download the app. The app should then be able to grab the foo parameter during launch. To debug this I have followed this procedure: Create the link under the test environment. Tap the link on the device. Install app with Xcode. Launch the app and read the parameters during launch with let branch = Branch.getTestInstance() branch.setDebug()

Branch does not open the App Store link

安稳与你 提交于 2019-12-25 18:27:33
问题 I use Branch to create deep links. I added a new control parameter ios_has_app_url and ios_url. Clicking on the deep link when the application is installed then everything works correctly, but if you click on the deep link when the application is not installed on the device then during startup, I see that the browser instead of opening ios_url (App Store link), it tries to open ios_has_app_url. How can I fix it? private func createDeepLink(_ card: CardModel) -> (branchUniversalObject:

Branch does not open the App Store link

☆樱花仙子☆ 提交于 2019-12-25 18:26:27
问题 I use Branch to create deep links. I added a new control parameter ios_has_app_url and ios_url. Clicking on the deep link when the application is installed then everything works correctly, but if you click on the deep link when the application is not installed on the device then during startup, I see that the browser instead of opening ios_url (App Store link), it tries to open ios_has_app_url. How can I fix it? private func createDeepLink(_ card: CardModel) -> (branchUniversalObject:

Localized SMS Text in

天涯浪子 提交于 2019-12-25 03:16:38
问题 I'm trying to figure out how to created localized text using the $custom_sms_text in the TextMeTheApp feature in Am I correct that I need to setup a separate link for each language in order to use this? 回答1: The value you ass to the $custom_sms_text is valid only for that link. So if you wish to have content in different languages, you will have to create an individual link for each language and add $custom_sms_text parameter to each link. 来源:

expire desktop_url generated through branch SDK after one time use

一个人想着一个人 提交于 2019-12-24 19:07:10
问题 I want to expire web link ( $desktop_url ) generated through branch after clicking one time. I tried using option of $one_time_use setting to true and set type to 1 but it is not working. I am using for link creation 回答1: I'm from team. The "$one_time_use" control parameter is not supported anymore. You can use "$link_exp_date" and set the value in epoch date to make the link expire after a particular date. Once the

branch metrics link on Android app

為{幸葍}努か 提交于 2019-12-24 04:20:10
问题 I'm using Branch lib an Android to generate links that I send afterwards via sms. If user has no app installed on the phone, your link correctly transfers to Play Store ( the link in the dashboard ). After installing and running the application it receives all data from the link as expected. However, if I have the app already installed on the phone, pressing the link does not open the app but redirects me again to Play Store. If I press the "Open" button there, the app receives the

branch metrics link on Android app

社会主义新天地 提交于 2019-12-24 04:20:07
问题 I'm using Branch lib an Android to generate links that I send afterwards via sms. If user has no app installed on the phone, your link correctly transfers to Play Store ( the link in the dashboard ). After installing and running the application it receives all data from the link as expected. However, if I have the app already installed on the phone, pressing the link does not open the app but redirects me again to Play Store. If I press the "Open" button there, the app receives the

Swift 'Could not build Obj-C module 'BranchInvite'

这一生的挚爱 提交于 2019-12-24 01:55:35
问题 I've been following the instructions for implementing this SDK: below is what I have in my Podfile: platform :ios, '8.0' use_frameworks! target 'My-App' do pod 'BranchInvite' end And here is the error I'm getting... I've done a lot of troubleshooting to try and figure out the problem, looked at past issues of this reporsitory of this sort, and for some reason I cannot get "BranchWelcomeViewController" (nor BranchInvite) to be

No Deep Link Data

半腔热情 提交于 2019-12-24 00:36:15
问题 In May we created a proof of concept App using Back then it worked but now coming back to prepare for release, it does not work. We dont get any Deep Link Data. We do get the following: [BNCServerInterface.m:240] returned = Status: 200; Data: { "branch_view_enabled" = 0; "browser_fingerprint_id" = "<null>"; data = "{\"+is_first_session\":true,\"+clicked_branch_link\":false}"; "device_fingerprint_id" = xxx; "identity_id" = xxx; link = ""

Using with Meteor

痴心易碎 提交于 2019-12-23 03:29:12
问题 We've been trying to integrate into our Meteor app, but so far, we are stuck on step 1. Trying to follow , under "Cordova", we've been unable to install the Cordova plugin successfully. We've tried various commands, including: meteor add cordova:branch-cordova-sdk@2.0.2 meteor add cordova:io.branch.sdk@ meteor add cordova:io.branch.sdk@