
Importing & running matplotlib via CGI

别等时光非礼了梦想. 提交于 2021-02-11 17:28:19
问题 I'm having some dramas with matplotlib and CGI, despite a night spent searching for solutions. In brief, I'm running Python2.7 with matplotlib through a Bluhost server. I have want a simple script to display an image, but it's getting stuck on the import of matplotlib: import cgitb, os cgitb.enable() import matplotlib The traceback yields the following: : No module named matplotlib args = ('No module named matplotlib',) message = 'No module named matplotlib' Any clues? It seems most of the

DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN with hosting static website with Google Cloud Platform

孤者浪人 提交于 2021-01-28 10:06:34
问题 I followed the instructions on hosting-static-website and successfully set up an website with the ip, where I am able to view my site. My DNS and domain name are both provided by BlueHost. I used the TXT verification and have my SSL certificate activated on Google's end. I also added my ip as an A record on Bluehost's DNS config. Once everything is setup, I entered my domain name in the browser and worked. However, a day after, the domain name would give


柔情痞子 提交于 2020-11-18 05:30:40
bluehost空间以性价比和稳定受到做站的朋友的欢迎, 特别是做英文站的朋友, 而godaddy则是全球最大的域名商且域名价格便宜. 如何把两者连在一起, 网上的教程都是旧版本和旧界面了, 现在2016年了, 教大家新的操作方法. 此方法同时也适用于goddy域名绑定到其他非goddy空间. 工具/原料 godaddy帐号 godaddy账号所购买的域名 方法/步骤 登陆godaddy官方网站并登陆 登陆后进入My Account 选择DOMAINS,点击Manage DNS 选择空间类型 默认是使用godaddy的域名服务器的, 我们要改成自己的, 选择自定义custom 了解自已网站空间的域名解释服务器地址, 这个可以问空间商的客服, 以bluehost为例,首先登陆bluehost官网,选择domains 选择右下角的name servers,把自己网站空间的域名解释服务器地址填到godaddy域名操作界面上(第5步) 点击保存后, 所有在godaddy方面的设置就完成了。如果空间那边设置好的话, 网站就可以通过新域名访问了。 注意事项 bluehost空间要绑定好域名,在空间设置中不绑定域名,只在godaddy方面把域名解释服务器设置成空间的域名服务器是不能成功解释的 来源: oschina 链接:

535 Incorrect authentication error with nodemailer

♀尐吖头ヾ 提交于 2020-04-11 05:43:30
问题 Nodemailer is working and sending emails with these settings on localhost but these are not working on live server.Why it is happening? It always throw an error of incorrect authorization. I tried many solution but still i'm stuck with this issue. Where i'm doing mistake? Can anyone figure out this? Error: { Error: Invalid login: 535 Incorrect authentication data at SMTPConnection._formatError (/home/testing_node/public_html/testing_node/node_modules/nodemailer/lib/smtp-connection/index.js


Deadly 提交于 2020-01-07 14:48:14
     其实BlueHost中国站大多都是以推出BlueHost优惠码的形式来举办促销活动,因此只要在购买BlueHost主机时输入优惠码就能享受优惠的。那么,BlueHost优惠码究竟如何使用呢?这里小编就简单的说说。   无论对于BlueHost虚拟主机,还是BlueHos服务器来说,使用优惠码的方法都一样,那就是在购物车结算页面填写优惠码。   大家一定要记住购买BlueHost主机时,只有输入有效的优惠码就可以享受优惠了。一般情况下,BlueHost主机商定期都会推出优惠码(优惠码BHM通用)的,大家只要及时关注即可。  ** 优惠码:BHM   购买通道: ** 来源: 51CTO 作者: bluehost2017 链接:


落花浮王杯 提交于 2020-01-07 14:47:05
     中文站开通后,提供了包括虚拟主机、云虚拟主机等所有一系列主机产品,让人们有了更多的选择。用户可以根据自己的需求选择合适的主机,不过小编发现很多新手站长在购买时没有使用BlueHost优惠码,现在通过优惠码购买可以优惠不少呢!那么的BlueHost主机优惠码有哪些呢。   我们首先进入中文官网购买主机产品就可以享受对应的优惠价格了,享受优惠的主机产品包括虚拟主机,优惠详情如下:   虚拟主机:Plan A方案年付优惠;Plan B和Plan C方案优惠(欧洲机房使用无效)   主机:所有主机方案可优惠   以上就是BlueHost主机的具体优惠活动,也是全网最高优惠,小编亲测有效。   温馨提示:   优惠码:BHM   优惠时间: 来源: 51CTO 作者: bluehost2017 链接:

rails bluehost error Ruby (Rack) application could not be started

∥☆過路亽.° 提交于 2020-01-06 07:58:06
问题 I've worked through many issues deploying a simple rails app and thought all was good when i saw the rails welcome screen... then I saw lots of errors when I selected the "about your applications environment" link of the default rails page. The errors are below and also appear when I go to specific URLs. I THINK the issue is that my ~/.bashrc file is explicitly calling for export GEM_PATH=$GEM_HOME:/usr/lib64/ruby/gems/1.8 when the errors reference gems/1.9.3 I'm just not sure if this is the

Do I need to modify my Bluehost php.ini file? Header function not working on remote server

我怕爱的太早我们不能终老 提交于 2019-12-26 03:46:11
问题 This block of code shown below using a php header redirect works locally, but not on my Bluehost server: if ($_POST['submit']=='No') { $url ='Location: index.php?id='.$id.'&page='.$page; header($url); exit; } When the server gets to this block of code, absolutely nothing happens. No error, no warning, just a blank page. The page that my form submit redirects to isn't supposed to do anything except reroute the user to the relevant page. I'm pretty dang positive it has nothing to do with the

Login Script Not Executing - Bluehost

生来就可爱ヽ(ⅴ<●) 提交于 2019-12-25 05:16:24
问题 I have the following log in script that is run when a user hits the submit button on the login form on I have removed the DB login info for security reasons. <?php error_reporting(E_ALL); $user = '***************'; $pass = '***************'; $host = '***************'; $data = '***************'; $userN=$_POST['userN']; $passW=$_POST['passW']; mysql_connect($host, $user, $pass)or die("Could not connect"); mysql_select_db($data)or die("Database Not Found"); $query=

How do I install Sylius on Bluehost or any other server that has an old version of ICU installed?

只愿长相守 提交于 2019-12-24 16:14:06
问题 I have been trying to get Sylius installed on my Bluehost server which is running on shared hosting and while I do have SSH access, it is somewhat limited. It did not come with the php intl extension and the version of ICU on it is 4.2 which produces errors when installing Sylius because it wants a newer version. 回答1: I tried this on a clean install of Sylius on my Bluehost server and got it to work. I had previously installed the intl extension on my BlueHost server following https://my