

淺唱寂寞╮ 提交于 2020-01-31 19:28:24
下载blender2.8 下载ArmorySDK 将Armory3DSDK解压到指定的某个目录 unzip -d /your_path/ Blender添加Armory3D插件 打开blender2.8 打开addon配置:Edit -> Preferences -> Add-ons 点击Install, 在打开的文件选择框里跳转到Armory3D的解压目录, 选中 , 点击确定。之后在 Community 一项中可以找到新安装的amory: 配置SDK Path (设置为解压后的armory目录): 设置armory的代码编辑器 (使用外部编辑器来写代码, 比如这里使用了vscode) 安装完成后,在blender的操作界面中,可以看到armory相关的功能项都已经显示出来了,比如: 来源: CSDN 作者: moxiaomomo 链接:

Blender 建模

爷,独闯天下 提交于 2020-01-30 06:20:17
1.多图层切换 Blender也有图层的概念,我们在一个图层上建立了一个模型,可以在另外一个图层新建一个独立的模型。界面底部包含了Layer切换按钮。如下图所示: 当前我们正在操作第一个图层,如果想在其他图层上新建模型,只需单击空面板即可。当然可也可以直接使用快捷键M自动弹出图层面板,选择切换。 2.导入图片 使用快捷键N打开属性面板,勾选“Add Image”选项,导入一张想要建模的图片。按快捷键“5”,把视口切换到正射投影,这样切换到每个面的时候看的效果就像平面一样。结果如下图所示: 上图右边有一个Axis选项,可以设置图片在哪个面显示,All View或者Front、Back等等。我们可以通过选择不同的面,为每个面设置一张模型,从各个面补充图片,体现3D效果的各个面。 3.增加边缘 如下图所示,我们需要环体的中间位置放大,和杯子边缘重叠。可以使用CTRL + R,在中间位置增加一条边缘,并且可左键单击该边缘向上下条件。同理,我们也可以在任何水平和垂直位置这样添加边缘。 4.平滑表面 如下图所示,下图是建模完成了建模,现在要修复顶部,把顶部磨平。先通过CTRL +R在下图框选部分添加一条边,并且使用G和Z组合把边缘移到底部偏下一点点的位置。 拖动后效果如下。但现在顶部表面不是平滑的,如何平滑?选中最顶部的顶点环,按快捷键“I”,可看到从顶部环中心位置有一个平滑的圆环出现

Blender 界面操作

我们两清 提交于 2020-01-30 06:12:46
1.旋转场景 使用鼠标中间键旋转整个场景。按住Shift键,再操作鼠标中间键则可平移整个场景。 2.数字键盘功能 数字键盘1、3、7,分别控制场景向前、向后、向上显示。 数字键盘5,可以在正射投影(Ortho)/透视投影(Persp)之间切换。 数字键盘0,从摄像头位置处查看物体,这个位置查看的物体也只最终呈现出来的视角。 当我们想对半选中物体一半的部分选中,可以先按5,把视图切换到正射方向,然后再按3键从前向后查看。 如果使用笔记本,可通过打开File->User Preferences…,切换到input页签,勾选”Enulate Numpad”。点击“Save User Settings”。现在就可以使用笔记本的数字键模拟小键盘数字键功能了。 3.如何选中物体 Blender和其他软件不同,如果我们习惯性的用鼠标左键去选中物体是没有一点效果的。Blender默认是使用鼠标右键选中物体。但如果我们是在操作不习惯,可以打开File->User Preferences…, 切换到input页签,在“Select With”选项中选中“Left”,保存设置。现在可以用鼠标左键选中物体了。 选中物体后,怎样拖动物体?按住鼠标右键,拖动物体。 4.添加和删除物体 按SHIFT + A弹出新增菜单,可以选择想要添加的物体。也可以在工具左侧的面板的“Create”选项卡中添加物体。

Blender database using Python (errors)

天涯浪子 提交于 2020-01-25 08:05:08
问题 I'm using Blender 2.74 and Python 3.4 with the correct connector for MySQL. (By the way, I'm just a beginner in using Blender and Python.) What I want is to make a login UI and save the inputted name into the database, but my code seems a bit off or wrong. When I try to run the code, it didn't save the value in the variable, but when i try to run it in python IDE (PyCharm) it worked. Here's the code: import sys sys.path.append('C:\Python34\Lib\site-packages') sys.path.append('C:\Python34\DLLs

Create an Array of Meshes from Object (THREE.JS and GLTF)

风流意气都作罢 提交于 2020-01-25 06:17:48
问题 Below is my piece of code which loads a mesh onto the object. At the moment its traversing through the entire thing. Current code: var loader = new THREE.GLTFLoader(); loader.load( '../gtf/Box.gltf', function ( gltf ) { model = gltf.scene; gltf.scene.traverse( function ( child ) { if ( child.isMesh ) { = texture; } } ); scene.add( model); } ); How would I go about making an array of children[] ? Each child will would then allow me to assign separate textures. I have made

play animation once instead of looping three.js

久未见 提交于 2020-01-24 12:43:06
问题 I have exported blender JSON animation into THREE.js, everything works fine, but I want to play the animation only once and stop instead of looping the animation. 回答1: Old question, but in case anyone needs it the solution is to set animation.setLoop( THREE.LoopOnce ) let objLoader = new THREE.ObjectLoader() objLoader.load('./your.json', function( obj ) { scene.add( obj ) animationMixer = new THREE.AnimationMixer( obj ) animation = animationMixer.clipAction( obj.animations[ 0 ] ) animation

How do I integrate C++ library with Python?

断了今生、忘了曾经 提交于 2020-01-17 08:29:12
问题 I want to integrate Berkelium ( with Blender to render browser in Blender scenes. Blender allows you to write python add-ons ( I know only a little bit python what would be a good starting point for me? How do I call Berkelium methods in my python add-ons? Here is the link for Berkelium builds: 回答1: It seems this is covered by the python docs. Perhaps this will be of

How do I tell frag-shader which texture (of many previously loaded textures) to use per vertex of an external generated 3D file?

╄→尐↘猪︶ㄣ 提交于 2020-01-17 08:27:27
问题 I'm trying to figure out the best way to load a textured 3D model into my webGL application but I'm having some trouble with it. My 3D models have more than 1 texture and I don't know how to tell the shader which texture to use per vertex as this info doesn't seem to be included into the 3D files I looked into so far. I'll give an example: I have modeled a wooden chair with a leather seat/cushion in Blender. Which format should I export the chair to make it easy and efficient to extract: -

How do you load Blender files using Assimp?

淺唱寂寞╮ 提交于 2020-01-13 10:37:09
问题 I tried to load Blender file using Assimp library on C++ using the following code, but it fails since it doesn't have any meshes at all. The blender file I am using is the default cube saved using Blender itself. Assimp::Importer importer; const aiScene * scene = importer.ReadFile( path, aiProcessPreset_TargetRealtime_Fast ); if( !scene ) { fprintf( stderr, importer.GetErrorString() ); return false; } const aiMesh * mesh = scene->mMeshes[0]; // Fails here since mMeshes is NULL What am I doing