

时光总嘲笑我的痴心妄想 提交于 2020-08-13 07:55:08
一 Helm概述 1.1 Helm介绍 Helm 是 Kubernetes 的软件包管理工具。包管理器类似 Ubuntu 中使用的apt、Centos中使用的yum 或者Python中的 pip 一样,能快速查找、下载和安装软件包。通常每个包称为一个Chart,一个Chart是一个目录(一般情况下会将目录进行打包压缩,形成name-version.tgz格式的单一文件,方便传输和存储)。 Helm 由客户端组件 helm 和服务端组件 Tiller 组成, 能够将一组K8S资源打包统一管理, 是查找、共享和使用为Kubernetes构建的软件的最佳方式。 1.2 Helm优势 在 Kubernetes中部署一个可以使用的应用,需要涉及到很多的 Kubernetes 资源的共同协作。如安装一个 WordPress 博客,用到了一些 Kubernetes 的一些资源对象。包括 Deployment 用于部署应用、Service 提供服务发现、Secret 配置 WordPress 的用户名和密码,可能还需要 pv 和 pvc 来提供持久化服务。并且 WordPress 数据是存储在mariadb里面的,所以需要 mariadb 启动就绪后才能启动 WordPress。这些 k8s 资源过于分散,不方便进行管理。 基于如上场景,在 k8s 中部署一个应用,通常面临以下几个问题:


萝らか妹 提交于 2020-08-11 07:14:31
还在因为找不到好用的可视化代码评审工具而头疼?bitnami phabricator mac下载免费开源,可以帮助开发人员改进工作流程并编写更好的软件!它主要是由php写的,而且是以website方式运行的,喜欢的朋友赶快来下载使用吧! Bitnami Phabricator for Mac(可视化代码评审工具) bitnami phabricator mac下载功能亮点 1.快速部署独立的Phabricator安装itnami Phabricator创建了一个完全配置的独立Phabricator安装,以及所有必需的依赖项(Apache,MySQL,PHP和phpMyAdmin)。恢复用户交互以简单地遵循Bitnami Phabricator安装程序中的说明。请注意,登录Phabricator控制台时需要在安装期间创建的帐户。 2.旨在帮助软件开发人员的开源Web应用程序Bitnami Phabricator集成了团队协作功能,并为托管Subversion,Git或Mercurial存储库提供支持。请注意,您还可以连接到预先存在的存储库,而无需在本地托管它们。Web工具可用于查看和审核代码,查看提交,监视不同的功能,甚至拒绝您不喜欢的功能。Phabricator包含错误跟踪功能,使您可以将它们分配给特定的开发人员进行修复。Phabricator还可用于组织项目,与同事聊天和交换想法

redmine 使用 LDAP 用户认证 落地方案

霸气de小男生 提交于 2020-07-29 03:45:54
写在前面: redmine_ldap_sync 是作者自己写的插件,但已经停止维护了。 redmine中国网站: 一、安装redmine 使用 bitnami_redmine 一键安装程序 # 下载地址: wget # 加执行权限 chmod +x # 执行程序,根据提示输入即可 ./ 二、在程序中安装官方插件: redmine_ldap_sync 官方github地址: 注意:github中的插件版本与redmine不兼容 推荐使用这个版本 链接: 提取码:8py1 安装插件步骤: # 1. 先把插件下载到目录中:/opt/redmine-4

xampp windows mariadb not starting

☆樱花仙子☆ 提交于 2020-07-22 02:51:01
问题 mariaDB is not starting in my windows 10. I am getting the following in the logs: Cannot find checkpoint record at LSN (1,0x5c8f) 2019-12-19 9:18:13 0 [ERROR] mysqld.exe: Aria recovery failed. Please run aria_chk -r on all Aria tables and delete all aria_log.######## files 2019-12-19 9:18:13 0 [ERROR] Plugin 'Aria' init function returned error. 2019-12-19 9:18:13 0 [ERROR] Plugin 'Aria' registration as a STORAGE ENGINE failed. InnoDB: using atomic writes. 2019-12-19 9:18:13 0 [Note] InnoDB:

xampp windows mariadb not starting

半世苍凉 提交于 2020-07-22 02:50:09
问题 mariaDB is not starting in my windows 10. I am getting the following in the logs: Cannot find checkpoint record at LSN (1,0x5c8f) 2019-12-19 9:18:13 0 [ERROR] mysqld.exe: Aria recovery failed. Please run aria_chk -r on all Aria tables and delete all aria_log.######## files 2019-12-19 9:18:13 0 [ERROR] Plugin 'Aria' init function returned error. 2019-12-19 9:18:13 0 [ERROR] Plugin 'Aria' registration as a STORAGE ENGINE failed. InnoDB: using atomic writes. 2019-12-19 9:18:13 0 [Note] InnoDB:

How can I remove bitnami banner on WordPress site?

不打扰是莪最后的温柔 提交于 2020-07-16 15:05:01
问题 I installed WordPress using Bitnami and now I have the Bitnami banner in the lower right corner of the page on that WordPress site. How can I remove it? 回答1: Bitnami developer here. The Bitnami info page provides information about the installed application resources as well as useful links to documentation. It is accessible by clicking in the Bitnami banner in the right bottom corner. In case you want to remove the banner, you will just need to SSH into your machine and then execute the

Does bitnami wordpress stack allow multiple wordpress installs

北城以北 提交于 2020-07-10 07:58:08
问题 I am currently using the bitnami wordpress stack, I have a website I'm working on but I also want to start another but I don't want to use multisite because I don't want them to share a database. so is it possible to install another WordPress on bitnami? if yes how do i go about it? 回答1: Bitnami Engineer here, You can deploy another application on top of a running Bitnami instance by following these steps. They assume that your application will live in the /opt/bitnami/apps/myapp/ directory:

wordpress migration to new VM instance GCP

我怕爱的太早我们不能终老 提交于 2020-07-10 06:53:16
问题 seeking advice to deploy my wordprees site on a new GCP vm. the previous vm is down it was wordpress certified by bitnami click to deploy on Debian. the vm got suspend and after reinstated its not accessible throw ssh. so i create new ubuntu vm and mount the debian disk to take the files to the new vm. i copied the wordpress folders to the new vm and i used new database. i got the plugins and theme but no pages or photos or products or setting. now i need to transfer the database to mysql in

Xampp control panel shows an error upon launch [closed]

跟風遠走 提交于 2020-05-10 07:17:04
问题 Closed. This question does not meet Stack Overflow guidelines. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it's on-topic for Stack Overflow. Closed 3 years ago . I am facing a problem with my Xampp control panel. Once I try to launch it, it pops out an error message saying: "Error:Cannot create file "C:\xampp\xampp-control.ini". Access denied. The version I installed is xampp-win32-5.6.23. When I try to start the apache module, below is the log


杀马特。学长 韩版系。学妹 提交于 2020-05-09 00:28:31
Jenkins官方网址: dockerHub官方网址: Jenkins社区版镜像: 一、使用docker search命令搜索Jenkins镜像 localhost:~ piao$ docker search jenkins NAME DESCRIPTION STARS OFFICIAL AUTOMATED jenkins Official Jenkins Docker image 4768 [OK] jenkins/jenkins The leading open source automation server 2035 jenkinsci/blueocean 516 jenkinsci/jenkins Jenkins Continuous Integration and Delivery … 382 jenkins/jnlp-slave a Jenkins agent which can connect to Jenkins… 127 [OK] jenkinsci/jnlp-slave A