
Java Bing Image Search

时光毁灭记忆、已成空白 提交于 2019-12-31 07:18:09
问题 I have a small application in java which searches images using bing image search. The problem I am facing is that, its getting only first 20 images. May be because when we search on it populates first 20 images first and then its an infinite scrolling feature. Is there any way to search more than 20 images using bing? Cheers :) 回答1: I'm guessing this is because this site uses ajax to populate the "infinite" scrolling list as you call it. You probably send an http request and get the

Bing image search paging - infinite scroll

一笑奈何 提交于 2019-12-30 00:40:15
问题 When you search for images on the Bing search engine, the result is displayed like this: Notice how you can keep scrolling and scrolling and there is not "normal" paging. My question is: How do they do this? I can see there is some ajax/javascript events happening, but the code is not easy to read. I especially would like to know how they know when an "empty box" is inside the users view port. 回答1: Here's an article about that technology :

服务器反爬虫攻略:Apache/Nginx/PHP禁止某些User Agent抓取网站

北城余情 提交于 2019-12-25 11:57:09
【推荐】2019 Java 开发者跳槽指南.pdf(吐血整理) >>> 我们都知道网络上的爬虫非常多,有对网站收录有益的,比如百度蜘蛛(Baiduspider),也有不但不遵守robots规则对服务器造成压力,还不能为网站带来流量的无用爬虫,比如宜搜蜘蛛(YisouSpider)。最近张戈发现nginx日志中出现了好多宜搜等垃圾的抓取记录,于是整理收集了网络上各种禁止垃圾蜘蛛爬站的方法,在给自己网做设置的同时,也给各位站长提供参考。 一、Apache ①、通过修改 .htaccess文件 修改网站目录下的.htaccess,添加如下代码即可(2种代码任选): 可用代码 (1): RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} (^$|FeedDemon|JikeSpider|Indy Library|Alexa Toolbar|AskTbFXTV|AhrefsBot|CrawlDaddy|CoolpadWebkit|Java|Feedly|UniversalFeedParser|ApacheBench|Microsoft URL Control|Swiftbot|ZmEu|oBot|jaunty|Python-urllib|lightDeckReports Bot|YYSpider|DigExt|YisouSpider

Bing map silverlight binding for moving target

你离开我真会死。 提交于 2019-12-24 11:49:22
问题 I want to animate a "car" dot on a Bing map. I can easily draw multiple dots as the item travels around, but I want to have a single dot move around per car. XAML <m:Map Name="myMap" Grid.Row="2" MouseClick="myMap_MouseClick" UseInertia="True"> <m:MapLayer x:Name="carLayer" /> </m:Map> Some code: private void AddCarDot(double latitude, double longitude) { Ellipse point = new Ellipse(); point.Width = 15; point.Height = 15; point.Fill = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Blue); point.Opacity = 0.65;

How do search engines recognize search boxes on websites?

[亡魂溺海] 提交于 2019-12-24 09:33:50
问题 I've noticed that a lot of the time when i search something on Google, Google automatically uses the search function of relevant websites and return the result of the website search as if it was just another URL. How do i let Google and other search engines know what is the search box on my own website and does Open Search has anything to do with it? 回答1: do you maybe mean the site search function via the google chrome omnibar? to get there you just need to have a form with method type GET

windows phone map control show all locations (zoom to include all pushpins)

百般思念 提交于 2019-12-24 07:15:34
问题 I've tried using map.SetView(LocationRect.CreateLocationRect(locations)); But the thing is I need the all the pushpins to be shown as well. Using the above method only takes the location into account. Some pushpins gets cropped especially corner ones. Is there a better way to do this? Thanks. 回答1: LocationRect.CreateLocationRect(locations) gives you the binding box of the locations, so you could artificially inflate that a little (for example, by adding/subtracting a tenth of a degree from

how to find lat ,long of a given area using pin code

北慕城南 提交于 2019-12-24 06:48:40
问题 hi i am using Bing map in my website and want lat long to pinpoint that location on Bing map. my question is in my website how can i get lat long of an area using pincode. Is there any api that i can use to query lat long with by giving area pin code. i want to do it in backend. using some ajax call to that particular web api and get back lat lang and saved it into database so that i can use that lat long to plot location on my bing map. i am using bing map 7 where i need to put lat long

Draggable AND clickable pushpin in silverlight bing map

情到浓时终转凉″ 提交于 2019-12-24 06:43:09
问题 I'm trying to create a pushpin in a Silverlight Bing Map that is both draggable as well as clickable. I found some code here to achieve the draggable part. I've mapped mouseclick on the map to drop a pin. However, the problem (and this exists with the default pushpin as well) is that clicking on the pushpin seems to be handled by the map control first so I end up dropping another pin, instead of

UTF-8 encoding in page addresses, issues with search engine crawlers

痞子三分冷 提交于 2019-12-23 21:23:02
问题 We are maintaining a website that uses the letters æ , ø , and å in some of the page addresses. And this has worked just fine, except for some IE-issues early on, up until now. The problem we have gotten this last couple of weeks is that search engine crawlers, especially Bing, seem to be encoding the letters over and over. So we get 404-errors as the crawler is trying to access the address /butikk/m%C3%83%C6%92%C3%86%E2%80%99%C3%83%E2%80%A0%C3%A2%E2%82%AC%E2%84%A2%C3%83%C6%92%C3%A2%E2%82%AC

New Bing API PHP example doesnt work

不打扰是莪最后的温柔 提交于 2019-12-21 10:32:42
问题 Microsoft's own PHP example for new Bing API doesn't work. I tried in many ways, it just shows: Server Error 401 - Unauthorized: Access is denied due to invalid credentials. You do not have permission to view this directory or page using the credentials that you supplied. Example Coding given in the official documentation is below, it breaks up at 'proxy' => 'tcp://', I am 100% sure my key is correct, and when I just enter it in the browser url it works fine, i.e https://api