

我们两清 提交于 2020-10-23 11:04:43
codemirror是目前最流行的在线编辑器插件,本文主要是罗列codemirror提供的所有主题效果,如果你需要使用codemirror制作一个在线编辑器,可以参考本文选择一个喜欢的主题。 本文使用的目标对象是vue,其他语言或框架也是类似的。为了减小纵向篇幅,这里使用了三个codemirror,分别展示template、script和style的效果。 1. 3024-day 2. 3024-night 3. abcdef 4. ambiance-mobile 5. ambiance 6. ayu-dark 7. ayu-mirage 8. base16-dark 9. base16-light 10. bespin 11. blackboard 12. cobalt 13. colorforth 14. darcula 15. dracula 16. duotone-dark 17. duotone-light 18. eclipse 19. elegant 20. erlang-dark 21. gruvbox-dark 22. hopscotch 23. icecoder 24. idea 25. isotope 26. lesser-dark 27. liquibyte 28. lucario 29. material-darker 30. material-ocean

Settings of Bespin embedded?

岁酱吖の 提交于 2019-12-25 04:36:29
问题 I guess most of you know the web-based code editor - Mozilla's Bespin project. Two weeks ago they published their first release of an embedded version: alt text Being in a alpha stage the documentation isn't really satisfying. Although there is list of settings I wasn't able to change the syntax to js. How do you achieve this? There is a bespin.setSetting method but I have no clue how to use it. Only one sample code ( the one shown

How do I make Worker() work against cross-domain?

删除回忆录丶 提交于 2019-12-22 10:27:38
问题 I've been hacking away at BeSpin trying to make it work on my CDN, and I got past the XHR cross domain request for the theme.less by converting to use JSONP. The next problem I've been at is the new Worker(js_file) where js_file is on a different domain. How do/Can I enable cross-domain for a Worker()? Can I give the Worker the source code directly? (i.e. build a super large JavaScript file with another file embedded in it) [this is less than ideal, but it should work]. 回答1: try this: create