
Extracting JSON Response using Bean Shell Postprocessor

蹲街弑〆低调 提交于 2019-11-30 15:43:03
I am trying to extract the value of one variable of a JSON array using Beanshell postprocessor but I am not getting any response in log My JSON somewhat looks like: "store": : [ : : { : : : "storeId":12345, : : : "storeName":"ABC", : : : "storeAddress":"DEFGHIJKL", : : : "storeMinOrderAmount":100, : : : "mobile":"+911234567890", : : : "mobileSecondary":null, : : : "city":"Somewhere", : : : "pincode":123456, : : : "country":"India", : : : "email":"", : : : "pickup":true, : : : "delivery":false, : : : "storeSplashPath":null, : : : "storeSplashType":null, : : : "distance":"0.10" :

How to get value from property in BeanShell (jmeter)

耗尽温柔 提交于 2019-11-30 05:17:14
问题 I have got several thread groups. I want to use variable from the first group. In second group this var should be used in BeanShell. So: in first thread group I created BeanShell Assertion with this code: ${__setProperty(erroriden, ${erroriden1})}; In second thread group I have BeanShell pre-processor. If has line like this: String[] erroriden = (vars.get("erroriden")).split(","); I tried some variations like this: String[] erroriden = (vars.get("__property(erroriden)")).split(","); String[]

Jmeter. BeanShell PostProcessor

偶尔善良 提交于 2019-11-30 02:23:01
I have gone through the bean shell scripting in jmeter but i did not find any example of that, how it is useful in jmeter and which way.means reading the sampler values etc. Can any one explain bean shell scripting in Jmeter with example.In beanshell post/pre processor script where we write the script. I am struggling with this what is the actual usage of it .Please explain with this .it would be great help for me or others as well for understanding the usage of it. If you look into "Script" section of Beanshell Post Processor you'll see the following: Script(variables: ctx, vars, props, prev,

How to save Jmeter Variables to csv file

半腔热情 提交于 2019-11-29 23:31:09
问题 Does anyone knoe how to save specific Jmeter Variables into a csv file? I have already tried this topic with no succes: Write extracted data to a file using jmeter and this code: FileWriter fstream = new FileWriter("result.csv",true); BufferedWriter out = new BufferedWriter(fstream); out.write(${account_id}); out.close(); Thank you. 回答1: Replace your out.write(${account_id}); stanza with out.write(vars.get("account_id")); It is better to close fstream instance as well to avoid open handles

Extracting JSON Response using Bean Shell Postprocessor

假如想象 提交于 2019-11-29 23:13:03
问题 I am trying to extract the value of one variable of a JSON array using Beanshell postprocessor but I am not getting any response in log My JSON somewhat looks like: "store": : [ : : { : : : "storeId":12345, : : : "storeName":"ABC", : : : "storeAddress":"DEFGHIJKL", : : : "storeMinOrderAmount":100, : : : "mobile":"+911234567890", : : : "mobileSecondary":null, : : : "city":"Somewhere", : : : "pincode":123456, : : : "country":"India", : : : "email":"", : : : "pickup":true, : : :

Current state of BeanShell

廉价感情. 提交于 2019-11-29 13:02:22
We are investigating possibility of using BeanShell to write scripts that do a lot of file operations. Currently bash scripts are used. Now the main question is - is BeanShell stable at this moment? I know that it is not actively supported , but does that matter? Are there bugs? What about BeanShell2? Is it original plus some bug-fixes? Or are there other changes? I am also wondering if at this point in time using Groovy is better given that it is actively supported and developed by Pivotal. Any additional information regarding pros and cons of either Bash scripts, BeanShell and Groovy scripts

jmeter Bean Shell的使用

时光毁灭记忆、已成空白 提交于 2019-11-29 05:10:20
Jmeter有哪些Bean Shell 定时器:  BeanShell Timer 前置处理器:BeanShell PreProcessor 采样器:  BeanShell Sampler 后置处理器:BeanShell PostProcessor 断言:   BeanShell断言 监听器:  BeanShell Listener 下面先讲一讲 采样器:BeanShell Sampler的用法 在 BeanShell Sampler里面写入vars.get和vars.put 查看结果树: 在 BeanShell Sampler里面添加方法 查看结果树 引入java文件: 在BeanShell Sampler里面引入java文件 查看结果树 引入class文件: 查看结果树 给自定义的变量赋值 Bean Shell的脚本将test的值传给us HTTP Request 使用参数化引用us的值 查看结果树: BeanShell PostProcessor提取json数据 需求:提取sample返回json数据中所有name字段值,返回的json格式如下: {“body”:{“apps”:[{“name”:”111”},{“name”:”222”}]}} jmeter中添加后置处理器BeanShell PostProcessor import org.json.*; String

Current state of BeanShell

我的梦境 提交于 2019-11-28 06:53:18
问题 We are investigating possibility of using BeanShell to write scripts that do a lot of file operations. Currently bash scripts are used. Now the main question is - is BeanShell stable at this moment? I know that it is not actively supported , but does that matter? Are there bugs? What about BeanShell2? Is it original plus some bug-fixes? Or are there other changes? I am also wondering if at this point in time using Groovy is better given that it is actively supported and developed by Pivotal.

How do I pass a variable from one Thread Group to another in JMeter

坚强是说给别人听的谎言 提交于 2019-11-26 18:48:08
I have a JMeter test with 2 Thread Groups - the first is a single thread (which creates some inventory) and the second has multiple threads (which purchase all the inventory). I use BeanShell Assertions and XPath Extractors to parse the returned value (which is XML) and store variables (such as the ids of the items to be purchased). But, values that are created in the first Thread Group, whether extracted into standard ${jmeter} type variables, or ${__BeanShell(vars.get("jmeter"))} type vars, are not available in the second Thread Group. Is there anyway to create a variable in the first Thread

How do I pass a variable from one Thread Group to another in JMeter

百般思念 提交于 2019-11-26 06:37:29
问题 I have a JMeter test with 2 Thread Groups - the first is a single thread (which creates some inventory) and the second has multiple threads (which purchase all the inventory). I use BeanShell Assertions and XPath Extractors to parse the returned value (which is XML) and store variables (such as the ids of the items to be purchased). But, values that are created in the first Thread Group, whether extracted into standard ${jmeter} type variables, or ${__BeanShell(vars.get(\"jmeter\"))} type