
ERROR - jmeter.util.BeanShellInterpreter: Error invoking bsh method: eval Sourced file: inline evaluation of:

元气小坏坏 提交于 2019-12-07 07:35:31
Getting below error when i run the jmeter script having Beanshell Post Processor as a child to a sampler. ERROR - jmeter.util.BeanShellInterpreter: Error invoking bsh method: eval Sourced file: inline evaluation of: ``try { newuser= vars.get("prevUsrResponse"); org.json.JSONObject userJSON= new o . . . '' : Typed variable declaration : Class: org.json.JSONObject not found in namespace Below is the code written and run in jMeter 2.9. newuser= vars.get("prevUsrResponse"); org.json.JSONObject userJSON= new org.json.JSONObject(newuser); if(prevUsrJSON.has("User") && custJSON.get("User")!= null) {

How can I disable writing BeanShell log row in JMeter report (summary.csv file)?

試著忘記壹切 提交于 2019-12-06 16:04:32
I have some JMeter script with BeanShell Sampler: After run we can see BeanShell Sampler log in 'summary.csv': How can I disable writing of BeanShell Sampler log into 'summary.csv'? 来源:

Get time jMeter thread has been running

北战南征 提交于 2019-12-06 15:51:57
问题 Maybe I am just really bad at navigating the JMeter API site. But lets say I want to find out how long a thread has been running for, in a If Controller or a JSR223 sampler how could I do that? thread group for example doesn't seem to have what I am look for 回答1: Maybe, looking into JMeterThread JavaDoc instead. If you use "Scheduler" option of the Thread Group you will be able to use JMeterThread.getStartTime() and JMeterThread.getEndTime() methods. If you don't use scheduler you could use

jmeter stop current iteration

和自甴很熟 提交于 2019-12-06 05:38:55
I am facing the following problem: I have multiple HTTP Requests in my testplan. I want every request to be repeated 4 times if they fail. I realized that with a BeanShell Assertion, and its already working fine. My problem is, that I don't want requests to be executed if a previous Request failed 5 times, BUT I also dont want the thread to end. I just want the current thread iteration to end, so that the next iteration of the thread can start again with the 1st request (if the thread is meant to be repeated). How do I realize that within the BeanShell Assertion? Here is just a short extract

Can I strictly evaluate a boolean expression stored as a string in Java?

不想你离开。 提交于 2019-12-06 05:16:37
问题 I would like to be able to evaluate an boolean expression stored as a string, like the following: "hello" == "goodbye" && 100 < 101 I know that there are tons of questions like this on SO already, but I'm asking this one because I've tried the most common answer to this question, BeanShell, and it allows for the evaluation of statements like this one "hello" == 100 with no trouble at all. Does anyone know of a FOSS parser that throws errors for things like operand mismatch? Or is there a

How to get the complete log for bean shell scripts in jmeter

喜夏-厌秋 提交于 2019-12-06 01:49:17
问题 I am using Apache JMeter 3.1 and in my test suite I have a BeanShell PreProcessor . When I run the scrip, in the Log Viewer I can see there are errors in the bean shell script. But the error message is very limited, how can I get the complete error? For example, an error I see in the Log Viewer is as follows, ERROR - jmeter.util.BeanShellInterpreter: Error invoking bsh method: eval Sourced file: inline evaluation of: ``// Following is a sample for input // " . . . '' Is there a

Jmeter - regex in beanshell (matcher()/pattern() ) is cutting national characters

大城市里の小女人 提交于 2019-12-05 18:47:26
i need to cut some words from server response data. Use Regular Expression Extractor I get <span class="snippet_word">Działalność</span> <span class="snippet_word">lecznicza</span>.</a> from that i need just: "Działalność lecznicza" so i write a program in Beanshell which should do that and there's a problem because i get "lecznicza lecznicza" Here is my program: import java.util.regex; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; String pattern = "\\w+(?=\\<)"; String co = vars.get("tresc"); int len = Integer.parseInt(vars.get("length")); String phrase=""; StringBuffer sb =

Get time jMeter thread has been running

自闭症网瘾萝莉.ら 提交于 2019-12-04 21:08:19
Maybe I am just really bad at navigating the JMeter API site . But lets say I want to find out how long a thread has been running for, in a If Controller or a JSR223 sampler how could I do that? thread group for example doesn't seem to have what I am look for Maybe, looking into JMeterThread JavaDoc instead. If you use "Scheduler" option of the Thread Group you will be able to use JMeterThread.getStartTime() and JMeterThread.getEndTime() methods. If you don't use scheduler you could use the following approach: Add JSR223 Test Element (doesn't really matter which one) to the very beginning of

Can I instantiate beanshell class sourced from another Beanshell script?

て烟熏妆下的殇ゞ 提交于 2019-12-04 14:39:46
I would like to run class imported from different beanshell file. But I've no idea how instantiate class from main beanshell file. Is this possible? Class which I import: class HelloW { public void run(){ print("Hello World"); } } Main beanshell file which should run and instantiate class: Interpreter i = new Interpreter(); i.source("HelloW.bsh"); The BeanShell documentation is pretty good in this area, so you should read through that first. In your case there are few issues. That said, there are Scripted Objects. Also, the .bsh file you start with needs to execute the scripted object. Taking

How to read XML file in JMeter?

筅森魡賤 提交于 2019-12-04 13:46:11
I have tried: //${__FileToString(C:\\QC\\qa\\Testlink\\Jmeter\\Expected\\test.xml,ASCII,${xmlFile})}; Found error message : org.apache.jorphan.util.JMeterException: Error invoking bsh method: eval In file: inline evaluation of: ``//<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <feed xmlns=" . . . '' Encountered "<" at line 2, column 1. also, I tried with ${__StringFromFile} and got the same error message and even with beanshell script that is: import; //Open the file FileInputStream fstream = new FileInputStream("C://QC//qa//Testlink/