
Which is better, SQL transaction or Java side transaction for an banking application?

流过昼夜 提交于 2019-12-25 07:07:11
问题 I am making a banking application and not able to decide which will be a better approach to handle fund transfer transactions. Using SQL may need rewritting code if the database changes. Using pure Java to handle will make it little more complex in terms of locking the accounts for the transactions. What is the best practice for this scenario? PS - please consider a distributed application server in this case. 回答1: Any application, that leaves the DB in a possibly inconcistent state on hard

How can I bill within an application

房东的猫 提交于 2019-12-23 22:42:32
问题 I've been programming for years, and I've also done a few professional programming projects. I recently had a friend ask about creating an e-commerce site, but I had to turn her down because I had never worked on a web application that can bill. I also might need to write a subscription-based web service in the future. My question is, how do I even get started with billing? I've never found a guide about this, and I barely know how bank accounts work since I don't manage my own one (I have an

How does NFC mobile money transactions work?

▼魔方 西西 提交于 2019-12-18 21:53:08
问题 I know how NFC works, but how does it store money and transfer money? Is it connected to the user's bank account? If so how does that mechanism work in terms of the infrastructure? A detailed explanation would be appreciated. Thanks 回答1: NFC payment works just as any normal contactless card payment. Every card (even the "virtual" one you are using when paying with NFC) has an account it is bound to. It could be your debit account, or it could be an anonymous account used with an prepaid card.

Why won't my public void Constructor {} compile?

痞子三分冷 提交于 2019-12-17 06:18:09
问题 I have an assignment that requires a bank account to be able to transfer funds from a checking and savings account. The transactions are stored in an ArrayList and set up for the user to specify when to transfer the funds. The bank account class for checking and savings works OK, but the TransferService class I created isn't compiling properly in NetBeans. The hints don't seem to be fixing the errors. I get the error: Transaction is abstract and cannot be instantiated. How can I fix this

Can I store user bank details without PCI compliance?

我只是一个虾纸丫 提交于 2019-12-13 03:46:31
问题 We are working on a project its nature is somewhat ride sharing , I read about PCI Compliance i know we have to be PCI Compliance if we are dealing with credit card or payment i am a little ambiguous do we store our drivers bank info like Account number(encrypted) , Account title etc in database , i have read about Who must be PCI compliant? "If you accept credit cards from your customers, then you must be PCI compliant" reference so if we store only bank account numbers not credit card we

How to convert BIC & IBAN to account and sortcode

百般思念 提交于 2019-12-12 10:38:34
问题 Now that SEPA requirements are getting people used to BIC & IBAN, there are legacy system that cannot cope with this new data. Is there an algorithm or tool available for converting BIC & IBAN back to sort code and account? 回答1: Here is an example: from this website. 回答2: Wikipedia has a list of IBAN formats by country, so it seems at least possible. However, there is no complete algorithm for it - being a software developer, you can derive an algorithm from that input. Note that other

stored procedures and banks

眉间皱痕 提交于 2019-12-11 18:26:33
问题 In banking sector, they use stored procedures for business logic. Their logic is moved in the db instead in business logic layer. What is the reason that the banks insists for stored procedures ? Regards 回答1: The stored procedures may have been there for 30 years on the mainframe. Client languages have come and gone in the meantime. Anyway, you have to define "business logic": a lot of "business logic" comes down to being "data integrity" rules (such as "Only set this coumn when aggregate of

Does disabling right click have any impact on security?

情到浓时终转凉″ 提交于 2019-12-08 04:21:39
问题 On a banking website or some other website, I saw that they have disabled right-click. Does disabling right click make the site any more secure in referance to client-side? Is it a good general practice? 回答1: No is not good to disable the right click in website. For details Click below 回答2: No, it does not make the website more secure, it's just that if you have right click enabled then: The user can see the source code The user can use

Does disabling right click have any impact on security?

我只是一个虾纸丫 提交于 2019-12-06 16:44:29
On a banking website or some other website, I saw that they have disabled right-click. Does disabling right click make the site any more secure in referance to client-side? Is it a good general practice? No is not good to disable the right click in website. For details Click below No, it does not make the website more secure, it's just that if you have right click enabled then: The user can see the source code The user can use Console to keep a track on what data is being loaded from what location User can see your client side files (JS, HTML,

How does the banking transactions work “under the hood” - possibly in detail

偶尔善良 提交于 2019-12-03 16:58:22
问题 I'm wondering how does the banking transactions work. It is very hard to find some at least acceptable explanation. I dont mean some basic distributed transaction algorithms for not that serious businesses. So what kind of measures must bank take to keep consistency, to never loose not a single penny. What about internacional transactions, transactions between banks. Data consistency across the whole world - not to withdraw all the money in NY and then repeat in Tokio once again.. And any