
samsung bada development without using pointers

梦想与她 提交于 2019-12-19 09:44:56
问题 Objects in C++ can be created using the methods listed below(that I am aware of): Person p; or Person p("foobar"); or Person * p = new Person(); Then, why does not the Samsung Bada IDE allow me to do the first two methods? Why do I always have to use pointers? I am ok with using pointers and all, just that I want to know the fundamental reason behind the style. Sample code from Bada API reference. // Create a Label Label *pLabel = new Label(); pLabel->Construct(Rectangle(50, 200, 150, 40), L

Using self developed Bada application for own smartphones

杀马特。学长 韩版系。学妹 提交于 2019-12-12 05:07:38
问题 Hello Stackoverflow Community. I'm doing some research about the most common operating Systems for Smartphones and the license (signing) conditions for developing . At the moment i have some trouble with getting the needed informations about the Bada OS. The Situation: Let's say I have 10 Bada Smartphones and developed an App for them. Is it possible to install it directly on the phones (Like the apk File in Android)? If yes, are there any Restrictions like developer signing (36 month license

About ownership of heap objects and C++ & pass-by-reference parameters

故事扮演 提交于 2019-12-12 04:47:48
问题 I would like my class to be: class NumberedString : public Object { public: String newName; short nameID; NumberedString(String &newName, short nameID) : newName(newName), nameID(nameID) {} }; HashMap uniqueStrs;//For later. An instantiation of this will be passed to a HashMap which takes over ownership of its the heap allocation: In HashMap.h (say): virtual result Add(const Object& key, const Object& value); Now this is where I get confused. I was allocating the String in the line that

samsung bada development without using pointers

大城市里の小女人 提交于 2019-12-01 08:46:13
Objects in C++ can be created using the methods listed below(that I am aware of): Person p; or Person p("foobar"); or Person * p = new Person(); Then, why does not the Samsung Bada IDE allow me to do the first two methods? Why do I always have to use pointers? I am ok with using pointers and all, just that I want to know the fundamental reason behind the style. Sample code from Bada API reference. // Create a Label Label *pLabel = new Label(); pLabel->Construct(Rectangle(50, 200, 150, 40), L"Text"); pLabel->SetBackgroundColor(Color::COLOR_BLUE); AddControl(*pLabel); I modified and tried using