
Erroring about using push_back function in visual studio 2019 for Azure Kinect

北城以北 提交于 2020-01-06 05:22:09
问题 For line body_result_json["joint_orientations"].push_back({ skeleton.joints[j].orientation.wxyz.w, skeleton.joints[j].orientation.wxyz.x, skeleton.joints[j].orientation.wxyz.y, skeleton.joints[j].orientation.wxyz.z }); I got the error as below: nlohmann::basic_json<std::map, std::vector, std::string, bool, int64_t, uint64_t, double, std::allocator, nlohmann::adl_serializer>" has no member "push_back" offline_processor 来源:

How to convert k4a_image_t to opencv matrix? (Azure Kinect Sensor SDK)

[亡魂溺海] 提交于 2019-12-23 19:25:09
问题 I started playing around with Azure Kinect Sensor SDK. I went through the official how-to guides. I can capture images as raw buffers from the sensor, but I would like to turn them into opencv matrices. 回答1: First, you need to tell Azure Kinect sensor to capture in BGRA32 format for the color image (instead of JPEG or other compressed formats). The depth image is captured in 16 bit 1 channel format . You do this by setting up the config: k4a_device_configuration_t config = K4A_DEVICE_CONFIG