
API to add properties to Azure Webapp Application settings

[亡魂溺海] 提交于 2019-12-02 00:13:39
I have one web app running on a Azure appservice plan. The web app has a lot of settings defined in Application settings of the Web App. Now I want to replicate that web app with all its Application settings. I got the REST API to list down all the settings available for any web app (/api/settings). Although there is a POST call to add/update the settings , But it is not updating Application settings. Is there any REST API to add/update the Application settings of Azure web app ? Thanks, Abhiram Is there any REST API to add/update the Application settings of Azure web app ? Yes, we could

Preventing staging site restart during a swap

瘦欲@ 提交于 2019-12-01 17:24:48
From how I understand it, the only reason a staging site would require restart is if there exists app settings or connection strings configured as slot settings. Although this doesn't always seem to be true. One of our applications will restart regardless. I have used Powershell cmdlets to be sure that there are no slot settings "hidden" from the Portal (because apparently this is a thing). What other factors can determine whether the staging site will be restarted during a swap? (I posted this on the kudu GitHub repository , but haven't heard back) EDIT: In response to Byron's answer: I have

Web Apps with App service plan

怎甘沉沦 提交于 2019-12-01 00:43:09
Reading this article , and specially this paragraph: The SKU and Scale of the App Service plan determines the cost and not the number of apps hosted in it. Can I create as many Web Apps as I need into the same resource group with the same App Service Plan? For instance, I have a RG named S1-Resources and a S1 App Service Plan. If I create for instance 3 Web Apps into that RG linking them to the App Service, Will I be charged $0.10/hr for each Web App? I found a good explanation here Basically

Web Apps with App service plan

余生长醉 提交于 2019-11-30 20:42:27
问题 Reading this article, and specially this paragraph: The SKU and Scale of the App Service plan determines the cost and not the number of apps hosted in it. Can I create as many Web Apps as I need into the same resource group with the same App Service Plan? For instance, I have a RG named S1-Resources and a S1 App Service Plan. If I create for instance 3 Web Apps into that RG linking them to the App Service, Will I be charged $0.10/hr for each Web App? 回答1: I found a good explanation here https