
Usage of Azure App Configuration's Feature Flags in Azure Functions

走远了吗. 提交于 2021-01-29 19:12:40
问题 I'm working on exploring the following 2 features of Azure App Configuration in Azure Function's Http Trigger Externalizing the App Settings Feature Flags Below is how i'm getting the reference of the configuration So, when I use _configuration["SomeAppSettingKey"], I'm able to retrieve the value. So, I'm able to achieve #1 feature mentioned above. My Question is, How do we retrieve the Feature Flag information? I have tried the below ways. I would appreciate if someone could help me in

Is it possible to use AzureAppConfiguration together with an Azure Function ServiceBusTrigger

懵懂的女人 提交于 2021-01-04 12:31:32
问题 Today I have an Azure Function with the ServiceBusTrigger that reads values from my settings file. Like this: [FunctionName("BookingEventListner")] public static async Task Run([ServiceBusTrigger("%topic_name%", "%subscription_name%", Connection = "BookingservicesTopicEndpoint")]Microsoft.Azure.ServiceBus.Message mySbMsg, ILogger log) { But I am using Azure App Configuration with other projects in this solution and would like to store the endpoint, topic and subscriptname into the Azure App