

三世轮回 提交于 2021-02-18 21:46:05
题目链接 第十六届北京师范大学程序设计竞赛决赛 一句话总结:迟到选手抢到FB之后进入梦游模式最后因为忘加反向边绝杀失败…… 好吧其实还是自己太弱 下面进入正题 Problem A 签到题(读题是一件非常有趣事情) #include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; #define rep(i, a, b) for (int i(a); i <= (b); ++i) #define dec(i, a, b) for (int i(a); i >= (b); --i) #define MP make_pair #define fi first #define se second typedef long long LL; int main(){ int T; string s; scanf("%d", &T); while (T--){ int n; scanf("%d", &n); int fg = 1; rep(i, 1, n){ cin >> s; if (s != "PERFECT") fg = 0; } puts(fg ? "MILLION Master" : "NAIVE Noob"); } return 0; } Problem B 设读进来的那个序列为$b_{i}$ 要还原出的那个序列答案为$a_{i}$ 我们求出$a_{i}$对

UOJ276 [清华集训2016] 汽水 【二分答案】【点分治】【树状数组】

生来就可爱ヽ(ⅴ<●) 提交于 2021-02-18 11:33:25
题目分析: 这种乱七八糟的题目一看就是点分治,答案有单调性,所以还可以二分答案。 我们每次二分的时候考虑答案会不会大于等于某个值,注意到系数$k$是无意义的,因为我们可以通过转化使得$k=0$。 合并的过程相当于很多个向量,加起来后看斜率。 注意单个向量也要判定。 由于有了二分的答案$Ans$。判定变得简单多了,推一下。 令$(A,C)$是从一个点到重心的一个向量,$(B,D)$是从另一个点到重心的向量。其中$A$和$B$是重心到该点的路径权值和,$C$和$D$是经过的边数。 $-k \leq \frac{A+C}{B+D} \leq k \Rightarrow -k(B+D) \leq A+C \leq k(B+D)$. 进一步的$A+kB \geq -C-kD$且$A-kB \leq kD-C$。虽然有四元,但是顺序相互关联,所以实际只有两元,排序后树状数组就可以解决啦。 1 #include<bits/stdc++.h> 2 using namespace std; 3 4 typedef long long ll; 5 6 const int maxn = 50100 ; 7 8 ll k,md; int flag = 0 ,num,n,rnum; 9 vector <pair< int ,ll> > g[maxn]; 10 int arr[maxn],sz[maxn]

Chilkat “Cannot get ActiveX Interface”

依然范特西╮ 提交于 2021-02-08 10:42:57
问题 When I use this snippets: Local $oTask = $oHttp.DownloadBdAsync("", $oBinData) ConsoleWrite($oHttp.LastErrorText) I get this error: ChilkatLog: ActiveXError: DllDate: Sep 28 2020 ChilkatVersion: UnlockPrefix: ************ Architecture: Little Endian; 32-bit Language: ActiveX VerboseLogging: 0 Cannot get ActiveX Interface --ActiveXError --ChilkatLog Why I get this error ? btw. Local $iSuccess = $oHttp.DownloadBd("",

Chilkat “Cannot get ActiveX Interface”

北慕城南 提交于 2021-02-08 10:41:38
问题 When I use this snippets: Local $oTask = $oHttp.DownloadBdAsync("", $oBinData) ConsoleWrite($oHttp.LastErrorText) I get this error: ChilkatLog: ActiveXError: DllDate: Sep 28 2020 ChilkatVersion: UnlockPrefix: ************ Architecture: Little Endian; 32-bit Language: ActiveX VerboseLogging: 0 Cannot get ActiveX Interface --ActiveXError --ChilkatLog Why I get this error ? btw. Local $iSuccess = $oHttp.DownloadBd("",

Execute AutoIt code from Eclipse

ⅰ亾dé卋堺 提交于 2021-02-07 04:10:28
问题 I am doing automation using Selenium WebDriver and want to handle a browser authentication window. I know Selenium does not support this on its own but I am able to using AutoIt. We have to share our code with the client, so can AutoIt code be managed from Eclipse? This is the code: WinWaitActive("Authentication Required", "", "120") If WinExists("Authentication Required") Then Send("username{TAB}") Send("password{Enter}") EndIf Code to run the AutoIt.exe from Eclipse: Runtime.getRuntime()

Execute AutoIt code from Eclipse

泄露秘密 提交于 2021-02-07 04:10:25
问题 I am doing automation using Selenium WebDriver and want to handle a browser authentication window. I know Selenium does not support this on its own but I am able to using AutoIt. We have to share our code with the client, so can AutoIt code be managed from Eclipse? This is the code: WinWaitActive("Authentication Required", "", "120") If WinExists("Authentication Required") Then Send("username{TAB}") Send("password{Enter}") EndIf Code to run the AutoIt.exe from Eclipse: Runtime.getRuntime()

Execute AutoIt code from Eclipse

有些话、适合烂在心里 提交于 2021-02-07 04:06:37
问题 I am doing automation using Selenium WebDriver and want to handle a browser authentication window. I know Selenium does not support this on its own but I am able to using AutoIt. We have to share our code with the client, so can AutoIt code be managed from Eclipse? This is the code: WinWaitActive("Authentication Required", "", "120") If WinExists("Authentication Required") Then Send("username{TAB}") Send("password{Enter}") EndIf Code to run the AutoIt.exe from Eclipse: Runtime.getRuntime()

EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION in Jacob dll using VM in Jenkins pipeline

一世执手 提交于 2021-02-04 16:44:30
问题 We are going through a problem probably related to Jacob 1.14.3 dll when being used inside a Virtual Machine. When running our automation script from the jenkins pipeline inside our windows server VMs (master/slaves) the following error is shown in the logs: A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment: EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xc0000005) at pc=0x0000000180012df1, pid=6404, tid=0x00000000000017bc JRE version: Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (8.0_271-b09) (build 1.8.0

How do I access global variables in local scope without “possibly used before declaration” -errors?

青春壹個敷衍的年華 提交于 2021-01-28 01:42:45
问题 I'm getting this warning: WARNING: $a possibly used before declaration. for my function: Func test() If (IsDeclared("a")) Then ConsoleWrite($a) Else ConsoleWrite("Not declared") EndIf EndFunc Global $a = "test" test() Can be avoided by using the global variable as a parameter to the function. But I need this construct because it's tied to a file-operation which I don't want to execute every time I need the variable. How can I do this without generating a "possibly used before declaration"


夙愿已清 提交于 2021-01-20 05:55:06
汇总一下历来更新的Selenium和Appium相关的教程: Selenium系列教程: Selenium ChromeDriver与Chrome版本映射表(更新到v78) Selenium 4即将发布: 每个QA都应该知道的 如何下载和安装Selenium WebDriver Selenium WebDriver脚本Java代码示例 导入webdriver的jar文件总不成功??? 使用SeleniumWebdriver操作下拉框菜单DropDown Selenium WebDriver之FindElement和FindElements Selenium Webdriver之点击图像链接 Selenium切换窗口driver.switchTo().window(handle) Selenium无法定位元素之切换Iframe和切换窗口 Selenium WebDriver处理复选框CheckBox和单选按钮RadioButton Selenium WebDriver找不到元素的三种情况 Python selenium三种等待方式及详解 Selenium之Chrome选项和Desiredcapabilities: 禁用广告,无痕浏览,无头模式 Chrome打开网页时除了Alert/Confirm等弹窗之外还有可能是什么? 使用Selenium更改Chrome默认下载存储路径 Java