

谁都会走 提交于 2021-01-04 08:43:10
1. 缓冲区概述 标准I/O提供了三种类型的缓冲: 1、全缓冲: 在填满标准I/O缓冲区后才进行实际I/O操作。常规文件(如普通文本文件)通常是全缓冲的。 2、行缓冲: 当在输入和输出中遇到换行符时,标准I/O库执行I/O操作。这允许我们一次输出一个字符,但只有在写了一行之后才进行实际I/O操作。标准输入和标准输出对应终端设备(如屏幕)时通常是行缓冲的。 3、不带缓冲: 用户程序每次调库函数做写操作都要通过系统调用写回内核(如系统调用函数)。标准错误输出通常是无缓冲的,这样用户程序产生的错误信息可以尽快输出到设备。 2. 全缓冲 测试代码: int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { FILE *fp = NULL; // 读写方式打开,文件不存在则创建 fp = fopen("test.txt", "w+"); if(NULL == fp) { printf("open error\n"); return 1; } char *str = "C++程序员\n"; fwrite(str, 1, strlen(str), fp); // 往文件写内容 while(1); // 程序阻塞在这里 return 0; } 运行程序发现,test.txt并没有内容。因为常规文件通常是全缓冲的,只有缓冲区满了后,才会把内容写到文件中。接下来,我们改一下上面那个例子。


巧了我就是萌 提交于 2020-01-06 16:29:19
【推荐】2019 Java 开发者跳槽指南.pdf(吐血整理) >>> 在Vim中,纠正所有行缩进的命令是什么? 很多时候我会将代码复制并粘贴到远程终端中并使整个过程搞砸了。 我想一举解决这个问题。 #1楼 您可以使用整洁的应用程序/实用程序来缩进HTML和XML文件,并且它可以很好地缩进这些文件。 整理XML文件 :!tidy -mi -xml % 整理HTML文件 :!tidy -mi -html % #2楼 如果你不想使用 :set paste ,中键点击, set nopaste ,你也可以粘贴剪贴板的内容: "*p "+p 这样您就不必离开正常模式。 如果您必须粘贴 + 或 * 取决于您选择文本的方式,请参阅 :help quoteplus 。 #3楼 按下转义然后快速输入以下组合: gg=G #4楼 对于复杂的C ++文件,使用vim's = filter命令时,vim并不总能正确获取格式。 因此,对于这种情况,最好使用外部C ++格式化程序,如 astyle (或 uncrustify ),例如: :%!astyle Vim的'='函数默认使用它的内部格式化程序(它并不总能使事情正确)但是也可以设置它使用外部格式化程序,如astyle,通过正确设置它,如 本问题所述 。 #5楼 vim- autoformat使用特定于您的语言的外部程序 格式化 您的源文件

After installing astyle , command astyle does not work

蹲街弑〆低调 提交于 2019-12-22 10:52:55
问题 $cd astyle/build/mac $make $bin/astyle I cannot set native locale, reverting to English 回答1: astyle is testing the value of the LC_ALL environment variable. You can see its value with $ echo $LC_ALL : it most likely is empty. A quick workaround is to do $ export LC_ALL="fr_FR.UTF-8" but Mac OS X can be a strange beast when it comes to environment variables. I'd suggest you read these three ressources:

AnkhSVN client side pre-commit hook

点点圈 提交于 2019-11-29 11:48:59
Basically I want to do the same thing as the fella over there . It seems that everybody was thinking about server-side hooks (with all their evil potential). I want a client side script be run before commit so astyle can format the code the way my boss likes to see it. Since my IDE (VS2010Pro) automatically checks when a file changed on the disk an opts me in for reloading it, there is no real evil with all that. Is there any (clean) way to accomplish that with AnkhSVN? Maybe there's also a way to extend VisualStudio to call my pre-commit-script... It seems like AnkhSVN is being made to use

AnkhSVN client side pre-commit hook

不问归期 提交于 2019-11-28 05:20:15
问题 Basically I want to do the same thing as the fella over there. It seems that everybody was thinking about server-side hooks (with all their evil potential). I want a client side script be run before commit so astyle can format the code the way my boss likes to see it. Since my IDE (VS2010Pro) automatically checks when a file changed on the disk an opts me in for reloading it, there is no real evil with all that. Is there any (clean) way to accomplish that with AnkhSVN? Maybe there's also a