

こ雲淡風輕ζ 提交于 2020-08-14 02:00:16
数据存储:文档和索引 连载更新中... Data in: Documents and indices Elasticsearch是分布式文档存储系统.数据不是以列和行的形式存储的,而是被序列化为JSON文档存储的.如果在Elasticsearch集群中有多个存储节点,这些文档是分散在多个节点上的,并且在任何一个节点上都可以访问这些文档.就问你,神奇不神奇? Elasticsearch is a distributed document store. Instead of storing information as rows of columnar data, Elasticsearch stores complex data structures that have been serialized as JSON documents. When you have multiple Elasticsearch nodes in a cluster, stored documents are distributed across the cluster and can be accessed immediately from any node. 文档在存储的时候会创建相应索引并且支持近实时的(1秒钟内)全文检索. 怎么就这么快呢


こ雲淡風輕ζ 提交于 2020-08-10 18:18:37
给同事提供一个sdk时,发现mvn install 构建的jar第三方包未下载下来,导致引入后找不到类; 解决方案: 1. 把依赖包和自己项目的文件打包如同一个jar包(这种方式对spring的项目不支持) <build> <plugins> <plugin> <artifactId>maven-assembly-plugin</artifactId> <configuration> <archive> <manifest> <mainClass>com.tang.CSVUtils</mainClass> </manifest> </archive> <descriptorRefs> <descriptorRef> jar-with-dependencies </descriptorRef> </descriptorRefs> </configuration> <!-- 加上下面这一段,使用 mvn package命令,不加则使用mvn assembly--> <!-- <executions> <execution> <id>make-assemble</id> <phase>package</phase> <goals> <goal>single</goal> </goals> </execution> </executions> --> </plugin> </plugins

jenkins 本地二维码生成 高级篇

守給你的承諾、 提交于 2020-03-02 07:19:57
前沿 由于公司做的是金融产品,考虑到安全问题,apk包不准备运用蒲公英或者 这些三方平台,以免被泄露。(前段时间蒲公英平台发布公告,禁止金融类app上传分发)。其他原因,利用业务时间研究下。 window 7 64 服务器 linux 64 tomcat 8 Jenkins ver. 2.60.3 (稳定) 思路: gradle build 脚本 生成apk 文件 利用linux 命令 获得 apk 文件名称,这里使用 jq 工具解析 app\build\output\debug\output.json,得到apk文件名称。 格式: java -jar xxx\QRcode.jar url=xx\Htun_1.0.2_062711_debug.apk image=latestapk.jpg save=xxx\1.jpg 1 自定义ssh 脚本对生成的apk文件进行拷贝,移动,重命名,最后将重命名的apk文件放入tomacat 服务器下的webapp 文件夹下。 使用 QRcode.jar 对tomcat\webapp 下的最新apk路径进行二维码生成图片。提供外部进行下载 能够完成上面四个步骤,就算完成了 早期blog :jenkins发布apk到三方应用平台

How can I conditionally add a Handlebars partial to an Assemble layout?

筅森魡賤 提交于 2020-01-25 01:53:52
问题 I'm using Assemble along with Handlebars to generate a static site. I have a handful of pages that use the same general layout, with a couple of exceptions where content outside of the main {{> body}} needs to be added. Given this generic page structure: <html> <body> <section>{{> body}}</section> <!-- global scripts --> </body> </html> and the need for index.html to have markup added between <!-- global scripts --> and </body> , what's the best way to go about it? If I include a partial in

assemble - Render a list of strings as Handlebars partial

|▌冷眼眸甩不掉的悲伤 提交于 2020-01-04 15:26:23
问题 Using the assemble i actually stuck on a problem which i can't fix myself. I'm defining a bunch of widgets in the YAML front matter section and including an partial aside {{> aside}} . Until here everything works as expected! What i'm trying to do now, is to take the list widgets and rendering my partials within the aside template. But anyhow it does not work as expected. src/templates/layouts/layout-default.hbs --- layout: src/templates/layouts/layout-default.hbs widgets: - widget_link-list

getting json data into assemble templates in grunt

北慕城南 提交于 2020-01-03 15:55:04
问题 I am using assemble ( via a grunt plugin to build static pages. I have been using grunt for a while now so understand how it all works, yet this is my first time using assemble so I looked at this for ref ( Everything seemed to be working fine. However, I want to introduce JSON data to the mix and have looked at the docs on the assemble site (

How to configure multi-language site in gruntfile.js?

送分小仙女□ 提交于 2019-12-25 02:26:21
问题 I have a problem that every time I run grunt assemble in the terminal, the task will never complete. Here is my assemble task in gruntfile.js, can someone please tell me if there are anything wrong with it? assemble: { options: { flatten: true, assets: '<%= config.tmp %>/assets', layout: ['<%= config.src %>/templates/layouts/default.hbs'], //data: '<%= config.src %>/data/*.{json,yml}', data: ['<%= config.src %>/data/**/*.{json,yml}'], partials: ['<%= config.src %>/templates/partials/*.hbs'],

Can an assemble target be silenced if there are no matching files? (Without using --force)

五迷三道 提交于 2019-12-23 19:13:41
问题 I have this assemble grunt target: docs: { files: {'<%= site.tmp %>/': ['<%= site.pages %>/**/*.html'] } }, If there is no matching content, it complains, saying "Warning: Source files not found. Use --force to continue". The task then aborts. I don't mind the warning but I would like the option to configure the task to continue rather than having to use "--force" on the command line. Is this possible? ps. The reason why this task is now failing is that I have converted the content to

Assemble: Multiple points of content insertion in layout?

安稳与你 提交于 2019-12-20 14:40:11
问题 All assemble users who uses layouts knows that "{{> body }}" marks the point of insertion of contents of any page who uses the layout. But is it possible to define multiple points of insertions, instead of tossing everything at where the {{> body }} is? For instance, in my page I would like to define a specific piece of javascript, but I like that custom javascript to be at the very bottom of the page along with out javascript tags. If it only puts everything where the {{> body }} is, this is

How should I configure grunt-usemin to work with relative path

百般思念 提交于 2019-12-20 08:38:52
问题 I have a grunt project backed by a yeoman-generator that I've built based on the generator-webapp, if it's of any help, you can find it on GitHub The grunt project makes us of the grunt-usemin task. My project involve building a multilingual website, and to keep things clean, I've decided to put all the pages written in a language in a folder name after the 2-letter shortcode of the said language. | project/ |--dist/ |----en/ |------index.html |------404.html |------... |----fr/ |------index