
Should Git be used to store continuous integration builds?

…衆ロ難τιáo~ 提交于 2021-02-07 12:15:16
问题 In an environment where multiple builds (release candidate packages) can be created daily but only one a month gets promoted to production, I think storing every build in Git would be wasteful but there should be a short term location that the last few builds are published. I'm currently publishing these to a shared directory. I have see IVY used for this sort of binary publishing in the past. Git seems like overkill as it would bloat due to it's model of never delete anything. Is there an

How to set Jenkinsfile for upload maven artifact to Artifactory

匆匆过客 提交于 2021-02-06 11:24:49
问题 I've my .Jenkinsfile like this: properties([[$class: 'GitLabConnectionProperty', gitLabConnection: 'gitlab@srv']]) node { env.JAVA_HOME = tool 'JDK 7' def mvnHome = tool 'Maven 3.2.2' def nodeJS = tool 'IA_NodeJS' env.PATH = "${mvnHome}/bin:${nodeJS}/bin:${env.JAVA_HOME}/bin:${env.PATH}" stage ('checkout') { checkout scm } stage ('build') { gitlabCommitStatus("build") { // your build steps sh 'mvn clean install -Denv=dev -P !faster' } } stage ('upload') { gitlabCommitStatus("upload") { def

How to set Jenkinsfile for upload maven artifact to Artifactory

╄→尐↘猪︶ㄣ 提交于 2021-02-06 11:24:04
问题 I've my .Jenkinsfile like this: properties([[$class: 'GitLabConnectionProperty', gitLabConnection: 'gitlab@srv']]) node { env.JAVA_HOME = tool 'JDK 7' def mvnHome = tool 'Maven 3.2.2' def nodeJS = tool 'IA_NodeJS' env.PATH = "${mvnHome}/bin:${nodeJS}/bin:${env.JAVA_HOME}/bin:${env.PATH}" stage ('checkout') { checkout scm } stage ('build') { gitlabCommitStatus("build") { // your build steps sh 'mvn clean install -Denv=dev -P !faster' } } stage ('upload') { gitlabCommitStatus("upload") { def

How to add timestamp for artifacts in Jenkins

这一生的挚爱 提交于 2021-02-04 16:40:50
问题 I have following Jenkisfile and I'm trying to upload the artifacts with a timestamp. import groovy.transform.Field @Field def timeStamp = Calendar.getInstance().getTime().format('YYYYMMdd-hhmmss',TimeZone.getTimeZone('CST')) node { stage('Creating some artifacts') { sh 'touch hello.txt hi.txt' } stage('Uploading artifacts') { def server = Artifactory.server ('art-1') def uploadSpec = """{ "files": [ { "pattern": "*.txt", "target": "repo1/Dev/${env.BUILD_NUMBER}/*.txt.${timeStamp}" } ] }"""

How to add timestamp for artifacts in Jenkins

送分小仙女□ 提交于 2021-02-04 16:40:22
问题 I have following Jenkisfile and I'm trying to upload the artifacts with a timestamp. import groovy.transform.Field @Field def timeStamp = Calendar.getInstance().getTime().format('YYYYMMdd-hhmmss',TimeZone.getTimeZone('CST')) node { stage('Creating some artifacts') { sh 'touch hello.txt hi.txt' } stage('Uploading artifacts') { def server = Artifactory.server ('art-1') def uploadSpec = """{ "files": [ { "pattern": "*.txt", "target": "repo1/Dev/${env.BUILD_NUMBER}/*.txt.${timeStamp}" } ] }"""

Maven pom to zip config files from GitHub and jars from artifactory

ぃ、小莉子 提交于 2021-02-04 06:51:54
问题 Requirement : Need to push config files and jars from artifactory to UCD for deployment. Config files are present in GitHub repostiory. Jars (not needed for build but needed to start application in UCD) are present in artifactory. What would be the general process to follow, in order to copy config files from github and download/copy jars from artifactory and package everything in a zip file to push to UCD? 回答1: You might consider: the maven download plugin to get the files you need from an

Artifactory plugin for rundeck?

[亡魂溺海] 提交于 2021-01-29 14:55:30
问题 I have been unable to find a plugin to list available artifacts from Artifactory. Does anyone know of a method to do this in a rundeck job, I want to deploy a war file which is available In artifactory to tomcat using rundeck. Regarding deployments to tomcat in rundeck what are best practices there ? 回答1: You can create a Job option with remote option values, which will fetch the list of artifacts from Artifactory. Since Rundeck support limited JSON format, you will not be able to use most of

How to offline my Node dependencies to deploy to Artifactory?

匆匆过客 提交于 2021-01-29 14:23:29
问题 I have an Artifactory server that is not connected to the internet and can't be. I have a React project that I need to be able to build using said Artifactory server. How can I download/pack/tar all of my project dependencies and deploy them to Artifactory? 回答1: you must have an internet connection to retrieve the node modules dependencies. once done, you can list all packages and their resolved url find node_modules \ -type f \ -name package.json \ -exec jq -r '._resolved' {} \; \ | sort \ |

How to restore packages from Artifactory using YAML

喜欢而已 提交于 2021-01-29 12:16:38
问题 The guide here gives the example code below: - task: DotNetCoreCLI@2 inputs: command: restore projects: '**/*.csproj' feedsToUse: config nugetConfigPath: NuGet.config # Relative to root of the repository externalFeedCredentials: <Name of the NuGet service connection> but I'm struggling to know what is required in place of <Name of the NuGet service connection> or even NuGet.config . The Guide on Artifactory doesn't use YAML or even mention it so I don't know if it is even possible. My

Binary provider has no content

扶醉桌前 提交于 2021-01-29 07:29:36
问题 I had to take over responsiblity over Artifactory suddently (responsible employee left), I've never worked with it before, I've spent the day trying to learn the product and figure things out. Problem Context: Artifactory deployed on VM in Azure (ubuntu), mounted disk has artifactory deployed on it (OSS 6.0.2 rev 60002900) Disk got full = application crashed. I increased disk size, repartioned and re-mounted and the artifactory came up again - but now getting the following error message in