
More Efficient Way to Avoid Multiple Calculations #3?

[亡魂溺海] 提交于 2020-01-24 20:14:36
问题 Looking for a more efficient way, possibly array formula for Min/Max down a column. Not sure if array formulas work with this function as I can't get it to. =ArrayFormula(MAX(INDIRECT("Data!E"&(K42:K169)&":E"&(K43:K170-1)))) =ARRAYFORMULA(MAX(VLOOKUP(K42:K169, {ROW(Data!A:A), Data!E:E}, 2, 0)&VLOOKUP(K43:K170-1, {ROW(Data!A:A), Data!E:E}, 2, 0))) Note that I am using ROW(Data!A:A) instead of simply ROW(A:A) because the range in current sheet doesn't fit that of sheet Data!. Here is my current

Google Sheets Formula to calculate actual total duration of tasks with different start/end dates, overlaps, and gaps

丶灬走出姿态 提交于 2020-01-24 18:08:02
问题 I know I how to do this using a custom function/script but I am wondering if it can be done with a built-in formula. I have a list of tasks with a start date and end date. I want to calculate the actual # of working days ( NETWORKDAYS ) spent on all the tasks. Task days may overlap so I can't just total the # of days spent on each task There may be gaps between tasks so I can't just find the difference between the first start and last end. For example, let's use these: | Task Name | Start

Google Sheets Formula to calculate actual total duration of tasks with different start/end dates, overlaps, and gaps

久未见 提交于 2020-01-24 18:07:33
问题 I know I how to do this using a custom function/script but I am wondering if it can be done with a built-in formula. I have a list of tasks with a start date and end date. I want to calculate the actual # of working days ( NETWORKDAYS ) spent on all the tasks. Task days may overlap so I can't just total the # of days spent on each task There may be gaps between tasks so I can't just find the difference between the first start and last end. For example, let's use these: | Task Name | Start

How to reference to previous matching record using arrayformula?

泪湿孤枕 提交于 2020-01-24 13:41:49
问题 I have a project spreadsheet, with project managers entering current progress status for each project for each month where there was some activity. So the columns A B and C are filled, I need to be able to figure out the column D using arrayformula. (note that there was no activity/record for "Project 1" in June 2019) I thought I would first need a helper column to find the date of the previous record for the project and then vlookup the date for the project and return the progress of that

Select “Time Description” based on current date and time in Google Sheets (VLookup, Query)

。_饼干妹妹 提交于 2020-01-22 02:10:25
问题 The bounty expires in 2 days . Answers to this question are eligible for a +100 reputation bounty. Gracie wants to draw more attention to this question: “Current answers do not fully work or contain hard-coded descriptions in the function. The descriptions may change so the cells need to be referenced.” I am trying to use VLookup or QUERY to extract a day and time description based on the current date and time. I thought QUERY may be the best here, but VLOOKUP seems to be the best solution

Select “Time Description” based on current date and time in Google Sheets (VLookup, Query)

时光毁灭记忆、已成空白 提交于 2020-01-22 02:09:32
问题 The bounty expires in 2 days . Answers to this question are eligible for a +100 reputation bounty. Gracie wants to draw more attention to this question: “Current answers do not fully work or contain hard-coded descriptions in the function. The descriptions may change so the cells need to be referenced.” I am trying to use VLookup or QUERY to extract a day and time description based on the current date and time. I thought QUERY may be the best here, but VLOOKUP seems to be the best solution

Google Sheet SUMIF not summing range

谁说胖子不能爱 提交于 2020-01-21 19:27:13
问题 I am trying to SUM all rows based on the condition that a row's value is greater than 0. However, the formula is only calculating the first row and ignoring the rest of the range. I encountered this issue on a different spreadsheet but I isolated the issue on a new spreadsheet to show you and ask questions. The answers should be B1 ($5), B2 ($15), B3 ($30). I followed the formula's usage as explained in the Google Docs The formula with

Google Sheet SUMIF not summing range

≯℡__Kan透↙ 提交于 2020-01-21 19:24:05
问题 I am trying to SUM all rows based on the condition that a row's value is greater than 0. However, the formula is only calculating the first row and ignoring the rest of the range. I encountered this issue on a different spreadsheet but I isolated the issue on a new spreadsheet to show you and ask questions. The answers should be B1 ($5), B2 ($15), B3 ($30). I followed the formula's usage as explained in the Google Docs The formula with

With 3 columns how would I apply a formula to the first 2 and display the result in the 3rd?

时间秒杀一切 提交于 2020-01-17 05:52:29
问题 In Google Sheets I want to get the sum of the first 2 columns and display that result in the 3rd column all the way down. Like this: I'm hoping for a solution that does this in one step. As I have many rows. Edit: I am aware of this question: Apply formula to the entire column and it appears to only cover part of what I am asking. 回答1: Try: =arrayformula(if(A2:A<>"",ADD(A2:A,B2:B),"")) 来源:

Use custom MD5 formula with ARRAYFORMULA

六月ゝ 毕业季﹏ 提交于 2020-01-15 03:43:06
问题 I implemented an MD5 formula as mentioned here: Hash of a cell text in Google Spreadsheet. function MD5 (input) { var rawHash = Utilities.computeDigest(Utilities.DigestAlgorithm.MD5, input); Utilities.sleep(100) var txtHash = ''; for (i = 0; i < rawHash.length; i++) { var hashVal = rawHash[i]; if (hashVal < 0) { hashVal += 256; } if (hashVal.toString(16).length == 1) { txtHash += '0'; } txtHash += hashVal.toString(16); } return txtHash; } Now I want to run this with an ARRAYFORMULA but I can