
Dump database and re-import under a new name

自古美人都是妖i 提交于 2021-02-07 08:13:22
问题 If I need to duplicate the contents of a database "foo" into a second database "bar" with MySQL, I would usually do something like this: mysqldump -u root foo > foo.sql mysql -u root -e "CREATE DATABASE bar;" mysql -u root bar < foo.sql What would be the equivalent procedure with ArangoDB? 回答1: Try to use arangodump and arangorestore tools, for example: arangodump --server.database myDatabase1 --output-directory "myDumpFolder" arangorestore --server.database myDatabase2 --input-directory

how to check whether a document exists by docID in ArangoDB without getting its real value?

元气小坏坏 提交于 2021-01-29 20:53:05
问题 for c in knows filter DOCUMENT(c._from)==null || DOCUMENT(c._to)==null remove { _key: c._key} IN knows I wonder if the 'document (docID)' condition is slow, and whether the document exists or not according to the document ID, without obtaining its real value. 来源:

Using ArangoDB through the command line not working

人盡茶涼 提交于 2021-01-29 17:31:06
问题 Thanks for taking the time, so - Arango is installed and the WebUI has been working fine. I've been doing the tutorials and finished the basics, but attempting to move on and import my own data I'm getting stuck. I stored my data in a google sheet so I exported that for ingest but then trying to access the command line tools to ingest it, I hit a hurdle of "command not found". Trying "arangoimport" for example as recommended here, or "arangimp" and other recommendations I found online from a

How to represent non unique parent-child relationship as graph?

六月ゝ 毕业季﹏ 提交于 2021-01-29 11:36:47
问题 I want to see if there is a way to represent/model a nested parent-child relationship in a graph db platform like neo4j or arangodb. In particular, I am trying to model the contractor/subcontractor relations over multiple contracts: example contract relations image link I can see how this can be done using a table where both the parent and the contract are represented. I can't see how to do this in a graph since there can be multiple A-B relations but for different contracts. 回答1: Using


こ雲淡風輕ζ 提交于 2020-05-07 14:37:29
本期要点 DB-Engines数据库排行榜 一、RDBMS MySQL发布8.0.20版本,5.6版本于2021年2月停止更新 DB2发布11.5.2版本,且看容器化是否可为DB2注入新活力 PostgreSQL所有版本的小版本更新到最新版,停止维护9.4 OceanBase发布2.2.5版本 二、NoSQL Redis发布6 RC1版本,值得期待(把玩有风险,上线需谨慎) RocksDB发布6.7.3版本 ArangoDB发布3.6版本 三、NewSQL TiDB发布4.0 RC版本 SequoiaDB发布v5.0 Beta版本 四、时序数据库 InfluxDB发布2.0.0 Beta 8版本 TimescaleDB发布1.6.1版本 五、大数据生态圈 Flink发布1.9.2版本,带来大量bug修复 Elasticsearch发布7.6.2版本 Greenplum发布6.7版本 六、国产数据库 ArkDB发布3.0版本 QianBase发布1.5.4正式版 OushuDB即将发布4.0版本 七、云数据库 阿里云三款数据库产品更新 腾讯云六款产品更新 京东智联云五款数据库产品更新 RadonDB即将发布1.1.0版本 推出dbaplus Newsletter的想法 感谢名单 为方便阅读、重点呈现,本文对各板块内容进行了精简,需阅读完整版可 登录云盘下载: https://pan

Arangodb groupby query multiple fields

岁酱吖の 提交于 2020-02-25 04:06:14
问题 I have a database of products in an arangodb collection in which a product has multiple sizes. The issue is that for each size, the same product is repeated. But each product has a common group number. Like this: {"name": "product1", "description": "someDescription", size: 5,price: 12 groupNumber: 12} {"name": "product1", "description": "someDescription", size: 15, price: 26, groupNumber: 12} {"name": "product1", "description": "someDescription", size: 25, price: 84, groupNumber: 12} {"name":

AQL- expected join possible in Arangodb and How?

血红的双手。 提交于 2020-01-21 10:17:06
问题 My Environment ArangoDB Version: 3.5.2(the latest i think) Storage Engine:RocksDB Deployment Mode:Single Server Deployment Strategy: Manual Start Infrastructure:own Operating System: Ubuntu 16.04 Total RAM in your machine: 8GB Disks in use: 256GB Problem : I have 2 collection and i have to perform join and want expected result is that possible in Arangodb ?? collection 1 :[ { id :1 , name: "jack" }, { id :2 , name: "ryan" }, { id :3 , name: "sam" }, { id :4 , name: "rick" }, { id :5 , name:

Remote javascript interaction with arangodb

别来无恙 提交于 2020-01-13 19:23:26
问题 Our production environment doesn't provide a shell but only javascript engine and REST interface. Our arangodb server will be installed at a remote location. Since all of our users are comfortable with javascript implementation we are looking for a solution if we could provide them an interface where they write the queries for arangodb in javascript (the way we do in arangodbsh) and we can execute them remotely and get the result. Is it somehow possible ? I am new to arangodb and so far I

INTERSECTION of (n) arrays in ArangoDB AQL

假如想象 提交于 2020-01-13 18:29:05
问题 The scenario is this: I have an ArangoDB collection containing items, and another collection containing tags. I am using a graph, and I have an edge collection called "Contains" connecting the items and tags. An item has multiple tags. Now I am trying to do a search for items containing multiple tags. E.g. items containing the tags "photography", "portrait" and "faces". My general approach is to start a graph traversal from each of the tag vertices and find the items that relate to that tag.

Memory usage of ArangoDB

我是研究僧i 提交于 2020-01-10 07:17:12
问题 I am trying to understand what the limits of Arangodb are and what the ideal setup is. From what I have understood arango stores all the collection data in the virtual memory and ideally you want this to fit in the RAM. If the collection grows and cannot fit in the RAM it will be swapped to disk. So my first question. If my db grows will I need to adjust the swap partition/file to accommodate the db? Since arango also syncs the data to disk does this mean that the data will always be located