
Polymer- App Route with Sub Paging

ぃ、小莉子 提交于 2019-12-25 02:26:18
问题 ve read : And: I think I am just confused how to use the subrouting component, but the documents and example I have read hasn't really gotten me anywhere. If anyone could point out the elephant in the room for me that would be great. What am I trying to Achieve? I have a list of items(called matters) which I display on my-matters.html (this page currently calls another custom element

Angular Child Route not working and redirect me to the same page

不问归期 提交于 2019-12-11 09:14:03
问题 Hi guys if you have a spare time please help me with my problem. I cant seem find a possible solution. So I've tried change my route and so far I didn't find any issues but if you find any flaws please let me know, also I try to find any type error and double-check my components, so far I didn't find one but then again let me know. I try to type my Route URL and it work but it displays the same page it wont redirect me to the page that I want. I even delete and install the node module , but

Polymer app-route: intercept refresh page

断了今生、忘了曾经 提交于 2019-12-08 19:53:26
问题 I am struggling with getting out of the current situation: we have a polymer SPA ( A ) deployed on a certain server and bound to a certain url:, we do need to show legacy pages of the old application for the time being, in order to do so, a new application ( B ) has been developed and bound to a different url ( What B does is to frame the pages of the legacy app and exposing a button whose aim is to go back to the previous location by accessing the

How to implement routing in polymer 3 using app-route

半腔热情 提交于 2019-12-02 02:44:46
问题 I was stuck with implementing routing in polymer 3. I followed the basic guide provided on app-route documentation. But on loading the web page., I don't see any component getting loaded. I checked in shadow DOM and don't see any DOM getting rendered. Not sure what I`m missing. Here is the code. static get properties() { return { page:{ type: String, reflectToAttribute: true, observer: '_pageChanged' } }; } _pageChanged(currentPage, oldPage){ console.log('CURRENT - ', currentPage); console