How to use rank operator instead of each in APL
问题 I have dummytxt←'abcdefghijk' texttoadd←'down' rfikv←20 30 50 and need following output defghijk20down defghijk30down defghijk50down I can do it with: scenv←(¯10↑¨(⊂dummytxt),¨⍕¨rfikv),¨⊂texttoadd but please help me to write without each operator but using rank ⍤ I use Dyalog APL, but please do not use trains. Thank you 回答1: Expressions using Each , like f¨x , can be expressed in terms of Rank as {⊂f⊃⍵}⍤0⊢x (note that ⊢ is to separate the array right operand, 0 from the array right argument x