
Gitlab CI :- How to share the artifacts (apks or build) via Email in Gitlab?

空扰寡人 提交于 2020-12-27 05:37:41
问题 I am getting the artifacts (apks) on successful operation of pipeline in Gitlab . Is there any ways to send the artifacts (apks) on the Email address after successful operation in gitlab. Right now i need to do download artifacts manually. Is there any way to send the artifacts on Email after successfully build creation.Thanks 回答1: I think there is no way to send artifacts via email for Gitlab-CI. You can send the mail on success or failure or pipeline. Refer the same question here: Send

Gitlab CI :- How to share the artifacts (apks or build) via Email in Gitlab?

谁都会走 提交于 2020-12-27 05:34:04
问题 I am getting the artifacts (apks) on successful operation of pipeline in Gitlab . Is there any ways to send the artifacts (apks) on the Email address after successful operation in gitlab. Right now i need to do download artifacts manually. Is there any way to send the artifacts on Email after successfully build creation.Thanks 回答1: I think there is no way to send artifacts via email for Gitlab-CI. You can send the mail on success or failure or pipeline. Refer the same question here: Send

Problems when updating PWA app built with PWA2APK on Google Play

て烟熏妆下的殇ゞ 提交于 2020-12-26 07:01:54
问题 I have used PWA2APK to upload the first version of my React app to Google Play. It worked great. But every time I try to update the app by uploading a new version, I get the following: You uploaded an APK that is not signed with the upload certificate. You must use the same certificate. The upload certificate has fingerprint: SHA1: ******************* and the certificate used to sign the APK you uploaded has fingerprint: SHA1: ********************** Your APK or Android App Bundle needs to

Problems when updating PWA app built with PWA2APK on Google Play

馋奶兔 提交于 2020-12-26 07:00:57
问题 I have used PWA2APK to upload the first version of my React app to Google Play. It worked great. But every time I try to update the app by uploading a new version, I get the following: You uploaded an APK that is not signed with the upload certificate. You must use the same certificate. The upload certificate has fingerprint: SHA1: ******************* and the certificate used to sign the APK you uploaded has fingerprint: SHA1: ********************** Your APK or Android App Bundle needs to

What is a key store path in Android Studio?

与世无争的帅哥 提交于 2020-12-15 07:20:43
问题 I just created my first game using Buildbox and I am trying to upload it to the Google Play Store. Apparently, I have to use Android Studio to turn the game file into an APK. So far, I know how to open it and select "Generate signed APK" or something along those lines, but then I am given a screen like this. I have virtually no prior knowledge of any of this, so am I supposed to create a new key store path? Do I already have one? How do I do it? Any tips are appreciated :) 回答1: Key Store Path

What is a key store path in Android Studio?

孤人 提交于 2020-12-15 07:19:49
问题 I just created my first game using Buildbox and I am trying to upload it to the Google Play Store. Apparently, I have to use Android Studio to turn the game file into an APK. So far, I know how to open it and select "Generate signed APK" or something along those lines, but then I am given a screen like this. I have virtually no prior knowledge of any of this, so am I supposed to create a new key store path? Do I already have one? How do I do it? Any tips are appreciated :) 回答1: Key Store Path

Apps using these permissions in an APK (android.permission.GET_ACCOUNTS ) are required to have a *privacy policy* set [duplicate]

荒凉一梦 提交于 2020-12-13 04:39:11
问题 This question already has answers here : privacy policy Permission (S) : (3 answers) Closed last month . Error: android.permission.GET_ACCOUNTS. Apps using these permissions in an APK are required to have a privacy policy set . How to fix it or take it of from my app at all ? thanks :) 回答1: GET_ACCOUNTS is a sensitive permission that requires a disclosure why and how are you using that data. You can fix this by: Remove the sensitive permission (ie. do not use GET_ACCOUNTS ) Or add a Privacy

Apps using these permissions in an APK (android.permission.GET_ACCOUNTS ) are required to have a *privacy policy* set [duplicate]

99封情书 提交于 2020-12-13 04:39:04
问题 This question already has answers here : privacy policy Permission (S) : (3 answers) Closed last month . Error: android.permission.GET_ACCOUNTS. Apps using these permissions in an APK are required to have a privacy policy set . How to fix it or take it of from my app at all ? thanks :) 回答1: GET_ACCOUNTS is a sensitive permission that requires a disclosure why and how are you using that data. You can fix this by: Remove the sensitive permission (ie. do not use GET_ACCOUNTS ) Or add a Privacy

xamarin -keystore and apk have sha1 is different

梦想的初衷 提交于 2020-12-11 00:50:15
问题 I have old Xamarin android project. I made small changes and changed target to android x. The customer sent me a keystore file with password and alias. Now I need to sign and publish the package in google play. But I am getting the error your fingerprint does not match: -need "Sha1Need" -current "Sha1Other" I check my key file with command: keytool -list -v -keystore "my.keystore" -alias key -storepass mypass -keypass mypass I get result value "Sha1Need". Than I checking my apk with command:

Error while uploading apk built on Ionic to the google playstore

风格不统一 提交于 2020-12-09 02:28:02
问题 I find the following error while trying to upload my zip aligned apk onto the google play store. You need to use a different package name because "io.ionic.starter" already exists in Google Play. This is my first time uploading an application built on ionic to the playstore. 回答1: Google play store already having app published with bundle io.ionic.starter you can go to your config.xml and change your bundle id like: <widget id="com.test.myapp" version="0.0.1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/ns