
Setting the JAVA_HOME and PATH on MacOS

六月ゝ 毕业季﹏ 提交于 2021-02-07 10:52:42
问题 I want to execute build.xml file using ant. But I am having trouble with recognizing the path for ant and Java. I tried changing the location to the correct location in bashrc as well as tried changing it for current command window using following commands: export path=/usr/local/apache-ant/bin:"$PATH" echo 'export path=/usr/local/apache-ant/bin:"$PATH"' >> ~/.profile export JAVA_HOME=/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.7.0_45.jdk/Contents/Home/bin:"$PATH" similarly echo to profile for

Setting the JAVA_HOME and PATH on MacOS

时光毁灭记忆、已成空白 提交于 2021-02-07 10:52:26
问题 I want to execute build.xml file using ant. But I am having trouble with recognizing the path for ant and Java. I tried changing the location to the correct location in bashrc as well as tried changing it for current command window using following commands: export path=/usr/local/apache-ant/bin:"$PATH" echo 'export path=/usr/local/apache-ant/bin:"$PATH"' >> ~/.profile export JAVA_HOME=/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.7.0_45.jdk/Contents/Home/bin:"$PATH" similarly echo to profile for

How to set ANT_HOME on Ubuntu Desktop 12.04?

﹥>﹥吖頭↗ 提交于 2021-02-06 11:38:09
问题 It looks like Ubuntu uses ~/.bashrc , ~/.bash_profile , ~/.pam_profile , /etc/environment , and /etc/profile in very similar ways. I'd like to be able to add a configuration to one of these (which ever is the appropriate one) to set ANT_HOME to be the absolute path to my Ant installation's root directory (happens to be /opt/apache/ant/1.8.4/apache-ant-1.8.4/ ). This variable needs to be "honored" as is any normal env var, where I can open up a terminal and echo it at any time. It would also

Ant fixCRLF target seems to alter other characters

大憨熊 提交于 2021-02-05 06:38:25
问题 I'm trying to create an Ant target to convert all line endings in a project to CRLF <target name="eol-conversion"> <echo message="Converting EOL" /> <property name="workspace.root" location="../../.." /> <property name="theproject" location="${workspace.root}/theproject" /> <echo message="${theproject}" /> <fixcrlf srcdir="${theproject}" includes="**/*.fileext" eol="crlf" /> </target> It finds the target directory ok, but it changes all occurrences of (£) to (�) when I run the target. I'm

osgi-in-action pax exam example code not working

匆匆过客 提交于 2021-01-29 15:44:12
问题 I am studying osgi-in-action to understand pax exam unfortunately the provided examples are not working. I have downloaded the source from osgi-in-action code on github changed into the directory [osgi-in-action]/chapter07/testing-example executed: ant test.container in the logfile i see ... Caused by: org.ops4j.pax.runner.platform.PlatformException: [mvn:org.ops4j.pax.exam/pax-exam/1.1.0] is not a valid bundle ... Caused by: error in opening zip file ... I am

How can I find the ant version used in netbeans?

拜拜、爱过 提交于 2021-01-28 19:31:06
问题 I am trying this tutorial Spring MVC Netbeans I want to know what version of Ant my netbeans on windows is using. 回答1: In Netbeans IDE 8.1 select Tools -> Options In the Options popup select "Java" Select "Ant" tab if it isn't already You'll see this: 来源:

Check for packages latest version in Ivy

假装没事ソ 提交于 2021-01-28 12:12:51
问题 We use Ivy for dependency management. In order to guarantee stability and traceability, we fix version numbers for all dependencies in our ivy files, plus we use transitive=false to avoid dependency trees to grow uncontrolled. The second has only the disadvantage that it may require a few tests to complete the ivy file. Since we fix version numbers, we don't get updated about the existence of a later version of a package. What we don't want is to get the freshest version of a dependency at

How to set the install path on a self-contained app JavaFX .deb (Debian) package

浪子不回头ぞ 提交于 2021-01-28 09:36:10
问题 I'm trying to generate a .deb file, containing a self-contained copy of my JavaFX application, using the Oracle JavaFX Ant fx:deploy Task. I've followed the samples on official documentation and my pom.xml configuration looks like this: <plugin> <artifactId>maven-antrun-plugin</artifactId> <version>1.7</version> <executions> <execution> <phase>install</phase> <configuration> <target xmlns:fx=""> <manifestclasspath property="manifest.classpath" jarfile="$

Mutation testing - Pittest error (No mutations found)

北城余情 提交于 2021-01-28 08:45:37
问题 I am using to write mutation tests on our existing Unit Test suite. We are getting an error as below: 12:09:40 PM PIT >> INFO : MINION : 12:09:40 PM PIT >> FINE : Expecting 1 tests classes from parent 12:09:40 PM PIT >> INFO : MINION : 12:09:40 PM PIT >> FINE : Tests classes received 12:09:40 PM PIT >> INFO : MINION : 12:09:40 PM PIT >> INFO : Found 0 tests 12:09:40 PM PIT >> INFO : MINION : 12:09:40 PM PIT >> INFO : Dependency analysis reduced number of

Encoding of filenames containing non-latin characters while extracting from .tar.gz packed by Ant tar task

守給你的承諾、 提交于 2021-01-28 01:22:38
问题 I'm building a tar.gz archive using Ant: <tar destfile="${}" compression="gzip" longfile="gnu"> <tarfileset dir="${work.dir}/data" dirmode="755" filemode="755" prefix="${app.folder}/data"/> </tar> Archive is built on Windows. After being extracted on Ubuntu 12 files with names containing non-latin (for example, cyrillic) characters have broken names. Is there any way to fix or work around that? 回答1: No. Tar archives support only ascii filenames. See this question: Creating tar