
Anonymous Types C#

别说谁变了你拦得住时间么 提交于 2021-02-16 09:55:31
问题 I understand that anonymous types have no pre-defined type of its own. Type is assigned to it by the compiler at the compile type and details of type assigned at compile time can't be known at code level; these details are known to CLR itself. I've heard that these anonymous types at CLR are treated as if it's a reference type only. So my question is that whether at compile time a new Type like a class or a struct is created corresponding to read-only properties defined in the anonymous type?

Scala: Type missing parameter type for expanded function The argument types of an anonymous function must be fully known. (SLS 8.5)

馋奶兔 提交于 2021-02-08 07:35:26
问题 I wrote a function which returns a function based on the String argument it receives. The code looks as follow: def getFunction(str:String) : Map[String, String] => String={ val s = str.charAt(0).toString() s matches { case "x" => (arg:Map[String, String]) => arg("random") case _ =>(arg:Map[String, String]) => arg("") } } This is giving a compilation exception Description Resource Path Location Type missing parameter type for expanded function The argument types of an anonymous function must

Scala: Type missing parameter type for expanded function The argument types of an anonymous function must be fully known. (SLS 8.5)

久未见 提交于 2021-02-08 07:35:19
问题 I wrote a function which returns a function based on the String argument it receives. The code looks as follow: def getFunction(str:String) : Map[String, String] => String={ val s = str.charAt(0).toString() s matches { case "x" => (arg:Map[String, String]) => arg("random") case _ =>(arg:Map[String, String]) => arg("") } } This is giving a compilation exception Description Resource Path Location Type missing parameter type for expanded function The argument types of an anonymous function must

IEqualityComparer for Annoymous Type

隐身守侯 提交于 2021-02-06 12:27:22
问题 Firstly I have seen IEqualityComparer for anonymous type and the answers there do not answer my question, for the obvious reason that I need an IEqualityComparer not and IComparer for use with Linq's Distinct() method. I have checked the other answers too and these fall short of a solution... The Problem I have some code to manipulate and pull records in from a DataTable var glext = m_dtGLExt.AsEnumerable(); var cflist = (from c in glext orderby c.Field<string>(m_strpcCCType), c.Field<string>

IEqualityComparer for Annoymous Type

那年仲夏 提交于 2021-02-06 12:27:14
问题 Firstly I have seen IEqualityComparer for anonymous type and the answers there do not answer my question, for the obvious reason that I need an IEqualityComparer not and IComparer for use with Linq's Distinct() method. I have checked the other answers too and these fall short of a solution... The Problem I have some code to manipulate and pull records in from a DataTable var glext = m_dtGLExt.AsEnumerable(); var cflist = (from c in glext orderby c.Field<string>(m_strpcCCType), c.Field<string>

How to make an anonymous types property name dynamic?

不问归期 提交于 2021-02-05 05:21:16
问题 I have a following LinqToXml query: var linqDoc = XDocument.Parse(xml); var result = linqDoc.Descendants() .GroupBy(elem => elem.Name) .Select(group => new { TagName = group.Key.ToString(), Values = group.Attributes("Id") .Select(attr => attr.Value).ToList() }); Is it possible somehow to make the field of my anonymous type it to be the variable value, so that it could be as (not working): var linqDoc = XDocument.Parse(xml); var result = linqDoc.Descendants() .GroupBy(elem => elem.Name)

Is it possible to modify or remove an anonymous type from an object in c#?

百般思念 提交于 2021-02-04 21:10:37
问题 I have a piece of code like below: var selected = “A”; bool isSelected = selected == "A" || selected == "C"; var codeLists = new { displayProperty1 = isSelected ? "property1" : null, displayProperty2 = isSelected ? "property2" : null, displayProperty3 = selected == "C" ? "property3" : null }; So, my goal is to eliminate a property if it does not satisfy a condition. In the above code, selected is "A" . So, displayProperty3 would have a value of null . But I want to eliminate displayProperty3

What is the meaning of “new {}” in Scala?

浪子不回头ぞ 提交于 2020-03-23 08:34:08
问题 I am studying about .sbt extension file reference docs. What codes I am confused is: lazy val version = new { val finatra = "2.1.2" } I know val finatra can be accessed by version.finatra , but it seems like "object singleton." Such like this: object version { val finatra = "2.1.2" } In this case, I can also access val finatra by version.finatra . I know the later one is the way to create "object singleton". How about the former one? Thanks 回答1: In short, it is creating new instance of

Anonymous class initialization in VB.Net

本小妞迷上赌 提交于 2020-01-31 07:10:08
问题 i want to create an anonymous class in exactly like this: var data = new { total = totalPages, page = page, records = totalRecords, rows = new[]{ new {id = 1, cell = new[] {"1", "-7", "Is this a good question?"}}, new {id = 2, cell = new[] {"2", "15", "Is this a blatant ripoff?"}}, new {id = 3, cell = new[] {"3", "23", "Why is the sky blue?"}} } }; thx. 回答1: VB.NET 2008 does not have the new[] construct, but VB.NET 2010 does. You cannot create an array of anonymous types directly in VB

Access C# anonymous type object returned from a method [closed]

大憨熊 提交于 2020-01-25 03:50:54
问题 Closed . This question is opinion-based. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it can be answered with facts and citations by editing this post. Closed 5 years ago . Someone wrote a method that returns an object type. public object GetProvider(double personId) { // Some other code here return new { FirstName = Convert.ToString(reader["FirstName"]), LastName = Convert.ToString(reader["LastName"]) }; } In different part of code, we use this