
Make ObjectAnimator animation duration independent of global animator duration scale setting in developer options

纵饮孤独 提交于 2021-02-18 12:29:17
问题 How can you make ObjectAnimator independent of the "Animator duration scale" developer options setting when constant and unmodifiable speed is critical? 回答1: I noticed there is no explicit answer for this. You can do this by calling the hidden API via reflection: // Get duration scale from the global settings. float durationScale = Settings.Global.getFloat(context.getContentResolver(), Settings.Global.ANIMATOR_DURATION_SCALE, 0); // If global duration scale is not 1 (default), try to override

Unity Animator - Have an animation at the start and end of a scene

☆樱花仙子☆ 提交于 2019-12-24 08:39:50
问题 I'm new to Unity, and I'm struggling to create a simple animation with the animator. I want a GUI to have an animation at the beginning and end of a scene. The entry animation is "NextLevelGUI", and the exit is "FadeOut". I've attempted connecting the Any State block to these animations with conditions enabled by the scripts, but this does not work. Also, I hate to use an "Empty" animation, but I don't want there to be a animator-controlled entry animation. Would it be better just to script

How to add delay between animations

主宰稳场 提交于 2019-12-23 23:33:23
问题 I'm having a trouble with animations in android. I have my animation_char.xml: <set xmlns:android=""> <alpha android:duration="300" android:fromAlpha="0.0" android:interpolator="@android:anim/accelerate_interpolator" android:toAlpha="1.0"/> </set> That is ok, but in my MainActivity I want to start an animation one after one. So I created a method to make it more easy and just change the ImageView public void animation(ImageView imageView){ animation =

Animator/AnimatorSet issue on some devices

五迷三道 提交于 2019-12-13 13:34:24
问题 I have made some tests with the ObjectAnimator class on some devices and everything is OK except for one device : Huawei P8 Lite 2017. On this device, the View "disappears" when the animation starts and "appears" at the end. The issue appears only when I'm using AnimatorSet/Animator (Java code or XML), but animations which use the old Animation class (TranslateAnimation, AlphaAnimation...) are working well. Here is the list of devices where there is no issue : Nexus 5 Nexus 5X Nexus 9 HTC One

In unity, use maya exported animation and other anim make animator transition will reset object position

痴心易碎 提交于 2019-12-13 03:24:57
问题 here is my unity project here is my maya project here is my old question in my old question, I use paid unity asset animation occurs same problem, so I make similar animation with maya and reproduce it with free asset see my gif the bug is when ClimbReachTop finish and play Standing, the object position will be auto reset when i use similar ClimbReachTop in this asset, the object position will not be reset so how to make animator transition not reset object position I'm sure it's not because

2D Character, left animation is not being accessed

安稳与你 提交于 2019-12-12 04:39:11
问题 I have issue in Unity with my 2D characters animation. I simply made the animation of it walking right and left. I set things up in the animator, and for some reason the right animation is being accessed, but not the left whenever I press "A". This is the code part of animation of my PlayerController script: anim.SetFloat("mSpeed", Mathf.Abs(rb.velocity.x)); Animator Setup 回答1: Figured out what to do instead of using left animation, I just used the Sprite Render to Flip.X when the "A" key is

Android set Custom Animations

核能气质少年 提交于 2019-12-11 10:26:28
问题 I've been trying to follow the android flip card tutorial. As instructed, I created four custom animator sets card_flip_right_in.xml: <set xmlns:android=""> <objectAnimator android:valueFrom="1.0" android:valueTo="0.0" android:propertyName="alpha" android:duration="0" /> <objectAnimator android:valueFrom="180" android:valueTo="0" android:propertyName="rotationY" android:interpolator="@android:interpolator/accelerate_decelerate" android:duration="300"

RecyclerView remove animation bug

。_饼干妹妹 提交于 2019-12-04 22:02:26
问题 I have implemented a RecyclerView where I can add and delete items. I want the added item to be added on the second last position and, whenever I add a new item, the animation runs well. That is, the last item moves downwards, letting space for the new item to fade in. When I remove an item there is a problem that I don't know how to fix. How I want it to behave is: fade out the deleted element, move upwards all the items below it. What actually happens is that, first thing, the last item

RecyclerView remove animation bug

好久不见. 提交于 2019-12-03 14:55:58
I have implemented a RecyclerView where I can add and delete items. I want the added item to be added on the second last position and, whenever I add a new item, the animation runs well. That is, the last item moves downwards, letting space for the new item to fade in. When I remove an item there is a problem that I don't know how to fix. How I want it to behave is: fade out the deleted element, move upwards all the items below it. What actually happens is that, first thing, the last item disappears, and then the rest of the animation takes place. When the items below the deleted element move

Create circular reveal for pre-Lollipop devices (Android)

馋奶兔 提交于 2019-11-30 06:54:26
问题 Is it possible to get this new Animator for pre-Lollipop devices? I am newbie and I am trying to get the java files from its official documentation, but I am really lost, I don't know how to find it, etc. 回答1: I find a library for you. Circular reveal, is compatible with 2.3 devices. Hope it helps for you!! 回答2: This is an update to Alejandro's and BadYous's answers. Best library is still Circular Reveal. The right description is compile 'com.github.ozodrukh:CircularReveal:2.0.1' Use the