
how to convert a date dd / mm / yyyy to yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss Android [duplicate]

只谈情不闲聊 提交于 2019-12-09 09:46:32
问题 This question already has answers here : What's the best way to parse an XML dateTime in Java? (9 answers) Closed 3 years ago . How can I convert a date in dd / mm / yyyy to a format that supports sqlite yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH: mm: ss for example: public static String convertStringToData(String stringData) throws ParseException { SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("dd/mm/aaaa");//yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss SimpleDateFormat output = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); Date data = sdf

Inserting data to record in sqlite

本秂侑毒 提交于 2019-12-08 11:12:44
问题 I have to make an Android application in which i have to store predefined question and answer, using sqlite to store data. I found tutorials in which values are inserted every time we run the application, but i have to insert these questions and answers in the program to make my database. Can someone suggest me any tutorial wich explain how to insert the values in table? 回答1: First of all download sqlite browser and open your .db file which ideally should be in your assets folder, and insert

Convert date from default locale to english locale

浪子不回头ぞ 提交于 2019-12-06 03:32:11
问题 I have saved dates by formatting them using SimpleDateFormat . DateFormat dateForm = new SimpleDateFormat("HH mm ss dd MMM ''yy"); String dateOutput = dateForm.format(new Date()); This uses the default Locale of the device, for example French or Spanish. How do I convert this string (formatted for a different Locale) back to a Date object formatted with Locale.ENGLISH ? Currently when I try to convert the string back into a date, I get an unparseable date exception. This is caused by the fact

Unexpected side effects when parsing dates in Android

落花浮王杯 提交于 2019-12-05 08:14:23
In various Android projects, I use the following static function to parse dates such as 1900-12-31 . Of course, this function should be deterministic - but it turns out it is not. Why? Normally, it parses the date 2010-10-30 , for example, to the correct Date instance holding that value. But I have noticed that when I have an IntentService running at the same time and parsing some dates, this function parses the same date as above to 1983-01-20 , which is one of the dates parsed in the IntentService . How can this happen? public static Date dateFromString(String dateStr) { SimpleDateFormat

Convert date from default locale to english locale

≯℡__Kan透↙ 提交于 2019-12-04 07:23:02
I have saved dates by formatting them using SimpleDateFormat . DateFormat dateForm = new SimpleDateFormat("HH mm ss dd MMM ''yy"); String dateOutput = dateForm.format(new Date()); This uses the default Locale of the device, for example French or Spanish. How do I convert this string (formatted for a different Locale) back to a Date object formatted with Locale.ENGLISH ? Currently when I try to convert the string back into a date, I get an unparseable date exception. This is caused by the fact the the date was saved using a different Locale This can work for you SimpleDateFormat sdf = new

Display Date in 24-hour issue

久未见 提交于 2019-12-04 04:26:26
问题 I am working simple app where I can get current DateTime and convert that into 24-hour format. Code: String DATE_yyyy_MM_dd_hh_mm_ss = "yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss"; String DATE_yyyy_MM_dd_HH_mm_ss = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"; TextView tv=(TextView)findViewById(; tv.append("\n in 12-hour format: "+getDateFormatted(bootDate)); tv.append("\n in 24-hour format: "+getDateFormatted2(bootDate)); public String getDateFormatted(Date date){ return String.valueOf(DateFormat.format(DATE_yyyy_MM_dd_hh

How to handle time zone difference between server and native android application?

二次信任 提交于 2019-12-04 01:14:33
Suppose that my server located in USA and I live in Russia. We know that they have different time zones. My application getting text( String ) from server. And this text data has Date column in database to keep record date. When I get data, I also get date knowledge. So I can group them by time. First ones at the top and last ones at the bottom. Whatever... I wrote a function to show date value more human-readable such as "13 hours", "9 minutes". Server sends me the date in server's (USA) time zone. When I calculate time on application with Russia time zone (because it's current time zone on

Room Using Date field

我是研究僧i 提交于 2019-12-03 06:53:35
I am using date converter class to convert my date object. However, I still encounter an error saying. error: Cannot figure out how to save this field into a database. You can consider adding a type converter for it. My Date Converter class public class DateConverter { @TypeConverter public static Date toDate(Long dateLong){ return dateLong == null ? null: new Date(dateLong); } @TypeConverter public static long fromDate(Date date){ return date == null ? null :date.getTime(); } } My Database table for using the date object. @Entity(tableName = "userFitnessDailyRecords") @TypeConverters

Android SimpleDateFormat format issue

孤者浪人 提交于 2019-12-02 10:18:06
I am trying to format a date into required format. but i receive wrong date out put. here is what i am doing. I receive the dates as following: 3/24/2012 8:25:03 AM 3/23/2012 2:57:01 PM 3/15/2012 9:28:01 AM And want to show them as Sun, Mar 24 Sat, Mar 23 Tue, Mar 15 Code I am using is as follows: SimpleDateFormat sourceFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss a"); SimpleDateFormat desiredFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("EE, MMM dd"); Date dt = sourceFormat.parse("3/24/2012 8:25:03 AM"); String desiredDateString1 = desiredFormat.format(dt) dt = sourceFormat.parse("3/23/2012 2:57:01 PM"

how to get date from milliseconds in android

爱⌒轻易说出口 提交于 2019-12-01 15:34:27
I have time in milliseconds , now I want to separate time and date from these milliseconds . how can i do this??? Mohsin Naeem you can use like this Calendar cl = Calendar.getInstance(); cl.setTimeInMillis(milliseconds); //here your time in miliseconds String date = "" + cl.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH) + ":" + cl.get(Calendar.MONTH) + ":" + cl.get(Calendar.YEAR); String time = "" + cl.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY) + ":" + cl.get(Calendar.MINUTE) + ":" + cl.get(Calendar.SECOND); This function will give you a String date from milliseconds public static String getFormattedDateFromTimestamp(long