
CursorLoader for Multiple ContentProviders

杀马特。学长 韩版系。学妹 提交于 2020-01-31 07:41:20
问题 I need to make a ListAdapter that presents data from multiple ContentProviders. The ContentProviders themselves represent one table each from relational database. I want to use the CursorLoader system to retrieve aggregate data into ListView. Is this possible to do with 1 loader or do I need to use multiple loaders? I'd prefer to use one. I'm not sure how I can have 2 ContentProviders interact with each other beyond doing the join manually in code which doesn't seem like a great option either

CursorLoader for Multiple ContentProviders

依然范特西╮ 提交于 2020-01-31 07:40:21
问题 I need to make a ListAdapter that presents data from multiple ContentProviders. The ContentProviders themselves represent one table each from relational database. I want to use the CursorLoader system to retrieve aggregate data into ListView. Is this possible to do with 1 loader or do I need to use multiple loaders? I'd prefer to use one. I'm not sure how I can have 2 ContentProviders interact with each other beyond doing the join manually in code which doesn't seem like a great option either

How to display phone contacts only (exclude SIM contacts)

二次信任 提交于 2020-01-21 15:18:26
问题 I'm building an UI where I need to show a list of phone contacts in a list view. I'm using ContactsContract.Data and the CursorLoader to load the data and then binding the cursor to a custom adapter (extended off of SimpleCursorAdapter ). The issue here is that I can't figure out how to filter out the SIM contacts; a test phone I have has identical contacts on the phone as well as the SIM, which causes the listview to have duplicate entries. If I remove the SIM, the duplicates go away. How

ViewPager PagerAdapter with cursor - CursorLoader.onLoadFinished doesnt get called with different query

匆匆过客 提交于 2020-01-20 17:41:07
问题 I am doing like a quote application that pulls the quotes from the database and I need to display quotes in a ViewPager. I have created my CursorPagerAdapter which seems to work well. public class MyCursorPagerAdapter extends PagerAdapter { private Cursor cursor; private LayoutInflater inflater; public MyCursorPagerAdapter(Context context, Cursor cursor) { Log.d(MainActivity.TAG, "MyCursorPagerAdapter.onCreate()"); this.cursor = cursor; this.inflater = (LayoutInflater) context

Custom CursorLoader notify data change

丶灬走出姿态 提交于 2020-01-14 04:41:05
问题 I was looking at the answer for making a Custom CursorLoader, and was wondering that if the data changes would there will be a notification of the data changing so that the list updates? 回答1: I'm using the compatibility library loader framework. When content changes I just call this and everything gets updated: getSupportLoaderManager().getLoader(YOUR_LOADER).onContentChanged(); 回答2: You could call notifyDataSetChanged on your adapter so that the ListView will display the updated cursor

Display Album and Artist in listview with LoaderManager and CursorLoader

怎甘沉沦 提交于 2020-01-13 12:56:08
问题 I have a ListFragment whose list should diplay the Albums of the device and the associated artist using MediaStore . Each row has thus two TextViews . I'm using LoaderManager and CursorLoader to fill the list up, with a custom CursorAdapter in order to bind the TextViews of the row to the data. ListFragment Code : public class AlbumsFragment extends ListFragment implements LoaderManager.LoaderCallbacks<Cursor> { AlbumsAdapter mAdapter; @Override public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater

How to populate spinner from cursorloader?

白昼怎懂夜的黑 提交于 2020-01-11 06:49:33
问题 I have spent days to figure this out but no luck. Wish I could get answer from here. I tried to load data into spinner from my content provider using the cursorLoader method. The spinner seem had received the data but I found no data in the dropdown list, although several dropdown items (with no text) had been created. I believe problem is not from my provider because if I use the same cursor to retrieve the data and put it into array, then bind the array to the spinner, then it shows all

LoaderCallbacks.onLoadFinished not called if activity is not active

﹥>﹥吖頭↗ 提交于 2020-01-07 05:30:29
问题 I have two activities who read the same database table. In activity A I have an AsyncTaskLoader and LoaderCallbacks objects with the following onLoadFinished code (in Scala): def onLoadFinished(loader: CursorLoader, cursor: Cursor) = { android.util.Log.d(TAG, "got results") cursor.setNotificationUri(ct.getContentResolver, observePath) cursor registerContentObserver new ContentObserver(new Handler) { override def onChange(selfChange: Boolean) = { android.util.Log.d(TAG, "change registered") if

Android CursorAdapter not refreshing on first load

喜夏-厌秋 提交于 2020-01-06 08:29:11
问题 EDIT I didn't add my XML I am writing a dialog for tagging selections. The first view is applying tags they have in their db. The next screen is a dialog for adding new tags to their db. I am supplying suggestions for them to use for their tags. I want to filter the list when they begin typing in their tag. I am using two custom CursorAdapters for each screen but they share the same ListView. I am also using a CursorLoader to run my queries in the background both are extended from the support

Set multiple cursor loaders with multiple adapters - Android

≡放荡痞女 提交于 2020-01-01 23:13:14
问题 I want to have two cursor loaders in my application fragment. Each one of them has different set of data and is used in different lists. I found somewhere that with cursor you can use getId() method and then using switch do something. But, there is always method: getLoaderManager().initLoader(0,null,this); after which can be something like this: adapter = new SimpleCursorAdapter(context, android.R.layout.simple_list_item_1, null, from, to, 0); This method is only for one cursor, but what if I