
《DSP using MATLAB》Problem 8.29

穿精又带淫゛_ 提交于 2019-11-28 20:03:54
来汉有一月,往日的高温由于最近几个台风沿海登陆影响,今天终于下雨了,凉爽了几个小时。 接着做题。 %% ------------------------------------------------------------------------ %% Output Info about this m-file fprintf('\n***********************************************************\n'); fprintf(' <DSP using MATLAB> Problem 8.29 \n\n'); banner(); %% ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Fp = 1500; % analog passband freq in Hz Fs = 2000; % analog stopband freq in Hz fs = 8000; % sampling rate in Hz % ------------------------------- % ω = ΩT = 2πF/fs % Digital Filter Specifications: % ------------------------------

Sound — An API for playing sound data from applications.

好久不见. 提交于 2019-11-28 19:08:13 The Java Sound API is a low-level API for effecting and controlling the input and output of sound media, including both audio and Musical Instrument Digital Interface (MIDI) data. The Java Sound API provides explicit control over the capabilities normally required for sound input and output, in a framework that promotes extensibility and flexibility. Java Sound API是一个底层API,用于实现和控制声音媒体的输入和输出,包括音频和乐器数字接口(MIDI)数据。 Java Sound API在一个促进可扩展性和灵活性的框架中提供对声音输入和输出通常所需功能的显式控制。 The Java Sound API fulfills the needs of a wide range of application

Analog power pin UPF defination

强颜欢笑 提交于 2019-11-28 14:03:18
在一个analog macro端口上,有些pin是always on的,有些是shut down的,如何描述这些pin的power属性?这是一个常见问题,驴就此机会大致描述一下常见的做法。对于这个问题,UPF2.0跟UPF2.1有不同的处理方式。 UPF2.0, IEEE1801-2009 ,因为modeling的能力比较弱,有以下两种方式来处理: 方式一: 需要Library的支持: 需要在library里有电源跟地的定义 pg_pin(VDDA) { voltage_name : VDDA; pg_type : primary_power ; } pg_pin(VSSA) { voltage_name : VSSA; pg_type : primary_ground ; } pg_pin(VDDB) { voltage_name : VDDB; pg_type : primary_power ; } 需要将signal pin跟power pin关联起来 pin(IA) { related_power_pin : "VDDA"; related_ground_pin : "VSSA"; direction : input; } pin(OB) { related_power_pin : "VDDB"; related_ground_pin : "VSSB"; direction

《DSP using MATLAB》Problem 8.28

人走茶凉 提交于 2019-11-28 01:35:11
代码: %% ------------------------------------------------------------------------ %% Output Info about this m-file fprintf('\n***********************************************************\n'); fprintf(' <DSP using MATLAB> Problem 8.28 \n\n'); banner(); %% ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Fp = 500; % analog passband freq in Hz Fs = 700; % analog stopband freq in Hz fs = 2000; % sampling rate in Hz % ------------------------------- % ω = ΩT = 2πF/fs % Digital Filter Specifications: % ------------------------------- wp = 2*pi*Fp/fs; % digital passband freq in

Show analog data with jQuery Sparklines

让人想犯罪 __ 提交于 2019-11-27 22:53:24
<!doctype> <html> <head> <script src=''></script> <script src=''></script> <script type="text/javascript"> $(function() { setInterval(function() { var t = new Date(); var h = t.getHours() % 12; $('#ID_H').sparkline([h,12-h], {type:'pie', sliceColors:['#900','#ccc'], offset:-90, width:100, height:100} ); var m = t.getMinutes(); $('#ID_M').sparkline([m,60-m], {type:'pie', sliceColors:['#090','#ccc'], offset:-90, width:100, height:100} ); var s = t.getSeconds(); $('#ID

《DSP using MATLAB》Problem 8.27

怎甘沉沦 提交于 2019-11-27 13:54:38
7月底,又一个夏天,又一个火热的夏天,来到火炉城武汉,天天高温橙色预警,到今天已有二十多天。 先看看住的地方 下雨的时候是这样的 接着做题 代码: %% ------------------------------------------------------------------------ %% Output Info about this m-file fprintf('\n***********************************************************\n'); fprintf(' <DSP using MATLAB> Problem 8.27 \n\n'); banner(); %% ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Fp = 100; % analog passband freq in Hz Fs = 150; % analog stopband freq in Hz fs = 1000; % sampling rate in Hz % ------------------------------- % ω = ΩT = 2πF/fs % Digital Filter Specifications: % -------