
Kibana won't connect to Elasticsearch on Amazon's Elasticsearch Service

ぃ、小莉子 提交于 2019-12-11 04:06:10
问题 After switching from hosting my own Elastiscsearch cluster to Amazon's Elasticsearch Service, my Kibana dashboards (versions 4.0.2 and 4.1.2) won't load and I'm receiving the following error in kibana.log: { "name": "Kibana", "hostname": "", "pid": 8037, "level": 60, "err": { "message": "Not Found", "name": "Error", "stack": "Error: Not Found\n at respond (\/srv\/kibana\/kibana-4.1.2-linux-x64\/src\/node_modules\/elasticsearch\/src\/lib\/transport.js:235:15)\n at

Creating a valid signed request to an AWS ES instance from node.js

孤者浪人 提交于 2019-12-10 16:47:53
问题 I'm trying to find an example of how to connect to an AWS ES instance in node.js, and then hit the ES cluster with a simple request. I'm attempting to use the elasticsearch node package, along with an open source addon called http-aws-es to do this. I have configured my aws ES access policy to look like the following: { "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Effect": "Allow", "Principal": { "AWS": "arn:aws:iam::<account-id>:root" }, "Action": "es:*", "Resource": "

Elastic Transport client on AWS Managed ElasticSearch

三世轮回 提交于 2019-12-09 14:26:09
问题 I am trying to use the AWS Managed ElasticSearch for my project. I have followed and i am able to start an instance and which is successfull. But I am unable to connect to the same instance from my service using elasticsearch transport client. I know transport client supposed to connect on to the 9300 port, and that port i am unable to turn on through the aws console. Here is the code that I am using to connect, which is

Using ElasticSearch Transport Client with Amazon ElasticSearch Service ( AES )

一笑奈何 提交于 2019-12-08 10:56:25
问题 We are planning to move our Elasticsearch cluster to Amazon ElasticSearch Service ( AES ). Our current code base use native Java transport client to interact with ElasticSearch cluster but as per the AES documentation, it does not support the TCP transport. The service supports HTTP on port 80, but does not support TCP transport. Wanted to know couple of things : Wanted to know if this is still the case. I am asking this because the developer guide version looks a bit old, versioned

ElasticSearch - date range condition should match EXACTLY one item from date range array

跟風遠走 提交于 2019-12-06 15:28:43
问题 I am planning to store million of airbnb type apartments availabilty in elasticsearch . Where availabilty is an array that contains nested objects ( availability type is nested ). And each of those objects have date range, in which that apartment is available. apartments = [ { "_id": "kjty873yhekrg789e7r0n87e", "first_available_date": "2016-06-21", "availability": [ { "start": "2016-06-21", "end": "2016-08-01" }, { "start": "2016-08-20", "end": "2016-08-28" }, { "start": "2016-10-03", "end":

ElasticSearch - date range condition should match EXACTLY one item from date range array

孤街醉人 提交于 2019-12-04 20:42:41
I am planning to store million of airbnb type apartments availabilty in elasticsearch . Where availabilty is an array that contains nested objects ( availability type is nested ). And each of those objects have date range, in which that apartment is available. apartments = [ { "_id": "kjty873yhekrg789e7r0n87e", "first_available_date": "2016-06-21", "availability": [ { "start": "2016-06-21", "end": "2016-08-01" }, { "start": "2016-08-20", "end": "2016-08-28" }, { "start": "2016-10-03", "end": "2016-11-02" }, { //This means it is available only for one day. "start": "2016-11-13", "end": "2016-11

Is there any difference between using synonyms_path and using synonyms when specifying synonym filter for Elasticsearch?

北慕城南 提交于 2019-12-04 01:30:39
问题 In term of performance, is there any difference between using synonyms_path and using synonyms when specifying synonym filter for Elasticsearch ? Please refer to the images for example. Note that in my ES cluster, there are many indices that will make use of this same synonym filter. I am asking this question, because apparently AWS ES does not allow one to upload a file directly to the cluster. Therefore, I need to upload the synonym data by using the API. 回答1: You don't have a choice then

Elastic Transport client on AWS Managed ElasticSearch

余生长醉 提交于 2019-12-03 23:36:46
I am trying to use the AWS Managed ElasticSearch for my project. I have followed and i am able to start an instance and which is successfull. But I am unable to connect to the same instance from my service using elasticsearch transport client. I know transport client supposed to connect on to the 9300 port, and that port i am unable to turn on through the aws console. Here is the code that I am using to connect, which is successfully able to connect to my elastic search setup on an ec2 machine on the 9300 port.

Is there any difference between using synonyms_path and using synonyms when specifying synonym filter for Elasticsearch?

半腔热情 提交于 2019-12-01 05:31:31
In term of performance, is there any difference between using synonyms_path and using synonyms when specifying synonym filter for Elasticsearch ? Please refer to the images for example. Note that in my ES cluster, there are many indices that will make use of this same synonym filter. I am asking this question, because apparently AWS ES does not allow one to upload a file directly to the cluster. Therefore, I need to upload the synonym data by using the API. You don't have a choice then since you cannot use a synonyms file. Your only choice is to provide all the synonyms in the index settings.

Does Spring Data Elasticsearch support Amazon Elasticsearch?

你。 提交于 2019-11-30 23:40:43
问题 From the research I have done it seems that the two do not work together because of HTTP only support for Amazon Elasticsearch. Hoping someone can clarify if in fact it is not something that is possible with Spring Data Elasticsearch. 回答1: From different discussions: - Spring data ES and searchly - port for the transport protocol and the AWS documentation on ES service limitations; go to the bottom, the last line says: The service supports HTTP on port 80, but does not support TCP transport.