

心不动则不痛 提交于 2020-02-15 19:40:19
最近在学习椭球拟合,最小二乘(加速度)的相关内容,把不错的几个学习参考链接放到下面: 三维空间中的椭球拟合与磁力计、加速度计校正 最小二乘估计及证明 平面二维任意椭圆数据拟合算法推导及程序实现详解 空间二次曲面数据拟合算法推导及仿真分析 IMU加速度、磁力计校正--椭球拟合 附上通过学习以上文章写出的测试代码; %最小二乘的方法进行拟合 clear all; close all clc; R = 2; %球面半径 RX = 2; RY = 10; RZ = 20; x0 = 100; %球心x坐标 y0 = 1; %球心y坐标 z0 = 76; %球心z坐标 alfa = 0:pi/50:pi; sita = 0:pi/50:2*pi; num_alfa = length(alfa); num_sita = length(sita); x = zeros(num_alfa,num_sita); y = zeros(num_alfa,num_sita); z = zeros(num_alfa,num_sita); for i = 1:num_alfa for j = 1:num_sita x(i,j) = x0+RX*sin(alfa(i))*cos(sita(j)); y(i,j) = y0+RY*sin(alfa(i))*sin(sita(j)); z(i,j) = z0+RZ

How to use “issuer” tag in ALFA plugin?

匆匆过客 提交于 2020-01-07 01:19:45
问题 I am writing some administrative policies on ALFA plugin but I find out there's no such function of it. Does anyone know this aspect? 回答1: You would have to generate the issuer element separately using an ant script and some logic to generate the value of the issuer field e.g. by adding the dn of a certificate. It all depends on how your XACML engine implements delegation. ALFA itself doesn't do anything to the issuer field. Cheers, David. 来源:

How to use “issuer” tag in ALFA plugin?

廉价感情. 提交于 2020-01-07 01:19:36
问题 I am writing some administrative policies on ALFA plugin but I find out there's no such function of it. Does anyone know this aspect? 回答1: You would have to generate the issuer element separately using an ant script and some logic to generate the value of the issuer field e.g. by adding the dn of a certificate. It all depends on how your XACML engine implements delegation. ALFA itself doesn't do anything to the issuer field. Cheers, David. 来源:

How to use XACML and PIP in real application?

一个人想着一个人 提交于 2019-12-11 09:50:10
问题 How to cover following scenario using XACML (with WSO2 PDP) and PIP (if required). In Used Car application, in particular location, salesperson are allowed to view-update car price. They can only view cars which are assigned to them. Now from a xacml prespective, we can create policy for salesperson role and based on location hide the particular menus. But what to do with the method getCarDetails(Object User){...} ? here based on UserID (salesperson) we will show the list. How to design this

How do I can combine two rules in single one in XACML?

非 Y 不嫁゛ 提交于 2019-12-11 01:50:51
问题 How do I combine these two rules (1) Any user can access (read, write, etc.) to the resources and (2) Any reading action (read) to any resource can only be accessed by users which belong to the group admin and manager. in a single one? What I have done so far is this: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <Policy xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:3.0:core:schema:wd-17" PolicyId="1" RuleCombiningAlgId="urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:1.0:rule

Using XACML to express policy which is a logical expression

假如想象 提交于 2019-12-02 09:27:03
问题 I am very new to XACML. And I am using XACML to express policy. But I can't find any good examples except a few from the OASIS XACML Technical Committee. Ok, here is my question: I want to express policy using XACML. Users can access to the resources only if they satisfy the policy. The policy is an logical expression. For example: (not A1) and (A2 OR A3) and (2 of (A4, A5,A6)) 2 of (A4,A5,A6) refers that it is true only if 2 or more of A4,A5,A6 is true. "AllOf" and "AnyOf" can be used to

Using XACML to express policy which is a logical expression

和自甴很熟 提交于 2019-12-02 06:53:28
I am very new to XACML. And I am using XACML to express policy. But I can't find any good examples except a few from the OASIS XACML Technical Committee . Ok, here is my question: I want to express policy using XACML. Users can access to the resources only if they satisfy the policy. The policy is an logical expression. For example: (not A1) and (A2 OR A3) and (2 of (A4, A5,A6)) 2 of (A4,A5,A6) refers that it is true only if 2 or more of A4,A5,A6 is true. "AllOf" and "AnyOf" can be used to express "AND" and "OR", but I don't know how to express "2 of (A4,A5,A6)" and "not A1". Thank you! Based