
ABRecordID for a record in addressbook(unique id for inserted record in addressbook)

只愿长相守 提交于 2020-01-01 03:45:07
问题 I got stuck while adding records to contacts of iphone. Situation is this I have a view in which contacts are created and inserted to contacts of iphone. What I want is Is there a way to find some unique ID of the (record) contact which is inserted. Which will be required to access the contacts in some other view. Please enlighten me on this. 回答1: When you insert a new record in the AddressBook, the record is automatically assigned an ABRecordID that you can retrieve using ABRecordID

What ABRecordCopyValue can return? (solving a bad access)

戏子无情 提交于 2019-12-19 04:07:07
问题 I'm using this simple code to get all contacts of the address book in ios 7. I have 155 contacts in my address. When i log people firstNames i obtain 34 correct names picked (apparently randomly) from my address book, 15 names null and then on item 50 a bad access crash on line NSString *firstNames = (__bridge NSString*)ABRecordCopyValue(person, kABPersonFirstNameProperty) I tried loggin surname, or image getting no changes. I tried to avoid doing ABRecordCopyValue on null object getting no

Swift: Copy Information Selected by User in ABPersonViewController to Dictionary

我的未来我决定 提交于 2019-12-09 13:46:30
问题 I'm trying to implement the func personViewController(personViewController: ABPersonViewController!, shouldPerformDefaultActionForPerson person: ABRecord!, property property: ABPropertyID, identifier valueIdentifier: ABMultiValueIdentifier) -> Bool function, which is part of the ABPersonViewControllerDelegate protocol and is called whenever the user clicks on an item in the ABPersonViewController , such that any information the user selects will be copied to a [String : String] dictionary

Swift: Copy Information Selected by User in ABPersonViewController to Dictionary

天大地大妈咪最大 提交于 2019-12-03 22:07:07
I'm trying to implement the func personViewController(personViewController: ABPersonViewController!, shouldPerformDefaultActionForPerson person: ABRecord!, property property: ABPropertyID, identifier valueIdentifier: ABMultiValueIdentifier) -> Bool function, which is part of the ABPersonViewControllerDelegate protocol and is called whenever the user clicks on an item in the ABPersonViewController , such that any information the user selects will be copied to a [String : String] dictionary such that the property name will be the key for the property value: [..."kABPersonFirstNameProperty" :

Dealing with duplicate contacts due to linked cards in iOS' Address Book API

为君一笑 提交于 2019-11-28 15:43:57
Some beta-users of my upcoming app are reporting that the list of contacts contain a lot of duplicate records. I'm using the result from ABAddressBookCopyArrayOfAllPeople as the data source for my customized table view of contacts, and it baffles me that the results are different from the iPhone's 'Contacts' app. When looking more closely at the Contacts app, it seems that the duplicates originate from entries with "Linked Cards". The screenshots below have been obfuscated a bit, but as you see in my app on the far right, "Celine" shows up twice, while in the Contacts app on the left there's

Dealing with duplicate contacts due to linked cards in iOS' Address Book API

被刻印的时光 ゝ 提交于 2019-11-27 09:21:33
问题 Some beta-users of my upcoming app are reporting that the list of contacts contain a lot of duplicate records. I'm using the result from ABAddressBookCopyArrayOfAllPeople as the data source for my customized table view of contacts, and it baffles me that the results are different from the iPhone's 'Contacts' app. When looking more closely at the Contacts app, it seems that the duplicates originate from entries with "Linked Cards". The screenshots below have been obfuscated a bit, but as you