
ABP.IO Blazor Template - Tenant login fails without error message

纵然是瞬间 提交于 2021-02-10 16:23:19
问题 I am working on a brand new ABP.IO solution with Blazor UI template. I'm unable to login to a tenant . To replicate the issue follow below steps: Run DbMigrator to create host db Run web application and log into host Added first tenant from UI Run DbMigrator to create tenant db Cleared browser cache Run web application and log into tenant This is where I get error: There was an error trying to log you in: '' on login . I want to mention that I am using a SQL Account on my connection string to

ABP.IO Blazor Template - Tenant login fails without error message

佐手、 提交于 2021-02-10 16:22:21
问题 I am working on a brand new ABP.IO solution with Blazor UI template. I'm unable to login to a tenant . To replicate the issue follow below steps: Run DbMigrator to create host db Run web application and log into host Added first tenant from UI Run DbMigrator to create tenant db Cleared browser cache Run web application and log into tenant This is where I get error: There was an error trying to log you in: '' on login . I want to mention that I am using a SQL Account on my connection string to

PageFair:22%的上网者屏蔽广告 广告屏蔽的年增长率为43%

纵然是瞬间 提交于 2020-11-20 08:19:45
帮助网站检测广告屏蔽的公司PageFair发表 报告 称,根据从使用其服务的220家网站上收集的数据, 22%的Web冲浪者屏蔽广告 ,广告屏蔽的年增长率为43%。 PageFair还利用Google趋势指出,过去一年adblock的搜索量翻了一番。报告还发现,使用Mozilla Firefox和Google Chrome浏览器的用户更可能屏蔽广告,原因可能是流行的广告屏蔽插件是为 Firefox和Chrome开发的;而使用苹果Safari和微软IE浏览器的用户似乎更乐意浏览广告。 今年早些时候,游戏网站Destructoid发现,接近五成的用户利用插件屏蔽了广告,创始人Niero Gonzalez称,广告是他们收入的主要来源,因为ad-blocker他们的收入出现下降,他呼吁网站访问者启用广告白名单。 转载自:199IT 来源: oschina 链接: https://my.oschina.net/u/1162384/blog/159673

Building Notification Data for IRealTimeNotifier

旧时模样 提交于 2020-07-10 08:47:17
问题 I'm using ASP.NET Boilerplate and have implemented an IRealTimeNotifier in order to email users when certain actions are performed in the application layer. I'm having trouble building the notification data to pass to the IRealTimeNotifer as per the example on the following page: https://aspnetboilerplate.com/Pages/Documents/Notification-System#multiple-notifiers My EmailRealTimeNotifier is exactly as you see on the page: public class EmailRealTimeNotifier : IRealTimeNotifier,