
ABAP Netweaver和Hybris Enterprise Commerce Platform的登录认证

不羁的心 提交于 2019-12-06 02:25:21
ABAP Netweaver 在我的博客 Learn more detail about Standard logon procedure 里有详细介绍。 Hybris ECP Hybris Administration Console的登录界面: 点login button后, 观察到一个HTTP Post请求: j_spring_security_check 这个请求定义在一个form action里,还有两个字段用于存储用户登录输入的用户名和密码: 在tomcat的日志里也能观察到这个HTTP post请求: 在hac文件夹的config子文件夹下有一个配置文件spring-security-config.xml: 里面定义了用class de.hybris.platform.spring.security.CoreAuthenticationProvider来做authentication: 来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/homehtml/p/11956936.html


ⅰ亾dé卋堺 提交于 2019-12-05 22:17:41
1.数据类型及属性 类型 说明 C N 0到9之间字符组成的数字字符串 D 日期格式必须为 YYYYMMDD T 格式为 24-hour的 HHMMSS I -2.147.483.648 to +2.147.483.647 F 小数位最大可以到17位,即可精确到小数点后17位 P 两个数字位压缩后才占一个字节,由于0-9的数字只需要4Bit位,所以一个字节实质上允许存储二位数字,这就是P数据类型为压缩数据类型的由来。并借用半个字节来存储小数点位置、正号、负号相关信息 X 十六进制字符 0-9, A-F具体的范围为:00~FF 类型X是十六进制类型,可表示内存字节实际内容,使用两个十六制字符表示一个字节中所存储的内容。但直接打印输出时,输出的还是赋值时字面意义上的值,而不是Unicode解码后的字符 如果未在 DATA 语句中指定参数<length>,则创建长度为 1 注:如果值是字母,则一定要大写 语法示例: DATA: number(16) TYPE p DECIMALS 14 VALUE '12345678901234567.89012345678901'. "16 * 2 = 32表示了整个字面意义上允许的最大字面个数,而14表示的是字面上小数点后面允许的最大小数位,而不是指14个字节,只有这里定义时的16才表示16个字节 predefined ABAP types Type

Parallel Processing with Starting New Task - front end screen timeout

荒凉一梦 提交于 2019-12-05 22:05:51
I am running an ABAP program to work with a huge amount of data. The SAP documentation gives the information that I should use Remote Function Modules with the addition STARTING NEW TASK to process the data. So my program first selects all the data, breaks the data into packages and calls a function module with a package of data for further processing. So that's my pseudo code: Select KEYFIELD from MYSAP_TABLE into table KEY_TABLE package size 500. append KEY_TABLE to ALL_KEYS_TABLE. Endselect. Loop at ALL_KEYS_TABLE assigning <fs_table> . call function 'Z_MASS_PROCESSING' starting new TASK

Pragma to Hide Warning: the field used in the where condition may contain null values

二次信任 提交于 2019-12-05 21:40:26
I'm looking for a pragma I can use to hide the compiler warning generated when a field used in the WHERE condition of a select may contain NULL values in the database. Having read SAP note 1088403, I am aware of the possible issues here but I cannot apply the solutions suggested there since I'm using a range, not a single value in the WHERE clause. In either case this is legacy code that was never found to be defective (as far as we know) and will be replaced before long. However while I'm rewriting other sections of the program, I'd like to disable this warning with a pragma . Could anyone


人盡茶涼 提交于 2019-12-05 19:21:32
公众号: SAP Technical 本文作者: matinal 原文出处: http://www.cnblogs.com/SAPmatinal/ 原文链接: 【ABAP系列】SAP ABAP BAPI_REQUISITION_CREATE创建采购申请 前言部分 大家可以关注我的公众号,公众号里的排版更好,阅读更舒适。 正文部分 最近一个开发,在eban里追加了字段, 调用bapi赋值总是赋不进去 后来发现找的结构名称不对, 是:BAPI_TE_REQUISITION_ITEM 不是BAPI_TE_MEREQITEM 实例代码如下: REPORT zlm_pr_create. DATA: pr_item LIKE TABLE OF bapiebanc WITH HEADER LINE, pr_account LIKE TABLE OF bapiebkn WITH HEADER LINE, pr_item_id LIKE TABLE OF bapiebantx WITH HEADER LINE, pr_return LIKE TABLE OF bapireturn WITH HEADER LINE. DATA: l_return LIKE pr_return. DATA: extensionin TYPE TABLE OF bapiparex WITH HEADER LINE .

Refresh table control after action

断了今生、忘了曾经 提交于 2019-12-05 18:53:05
I have a screen with a table control in it (generated with the Screen Painter) that shows records from a database table. The screen also has a button, which shows a popup when it's clicked. The popup has a form to add a record to the database table. When the form is submitted the record is added to the database, but when the popup is closed, the screen that shows the database records isn't refreshed i.e. the new record isn't shown. Simply calling the screen again doesn't seem to work. How to refresh the table control to show the new record? You have to make sure that the data that you want to

ABAP:How to Find Bapi for Particular Transaction in SAP

為{幸葍}努か 提交于 2019-12-05 13:12:25
If you mean that you need to know what BAPI's a particular tranx uses, which I can only assume that's what you mean, then you should access the code behind the transaction and search for 'CALL'. That normally is the standard method that think that most people use. Suppose you want to find the bapi for creating a sales order, you usually use transaction VA01 for this. 1. Find out the package of the transaction. Start Va01 go to system --> status. Double click on transaction Package is VA Open this package in SE80 Open business engineering-->Business object types Find the BO which sounds the

Extracting unique values from an internal table

a 夏天 提交于 2019-12-05 01:51:06
问题 What is the most efficient way to extract the unique values from a column or multiple columns of an internal table? 回答1: If you have 7.40 SP08 or above you can simply use the inline syntax to populate the target table (no need for LOOP GROUP BY): DATA: it_unique TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF fieldtype. it_unique = VALUE #( FOR GROUPS value OF <line> IN it_itab GROUP BY <line>-field WITHOUT MEMBERS ( value ) ). This works with any type of the target table. For an older release use: DATA: it_unique

Finding duplicates in ABAP internal table via grouping

自闭症网瘾萝莉.ら 提交于 2019-12-04 20:24:19
We all know these excellent ABAP statements which allows finding unique values in one-liner: it_unique = VALUE #( FOR GROUPS value OF <line> IN it_itab GROUP BY <line>-field WITHOUT MEMBERS ( value ) ). But what about extracting duplicates? Can one utilize GROUP BY syntax for that task or, maybe, table comprehensions are more useful here? The only (though not very elegant) way I found is: LOOP AT lt_marc ASSIGNING FIELD-SYMBOL(<fs_marc>) GROUP BY ( matnr = <fs_marc>-matnr werks = <fs_marc>-werks ) ASSIGNING FIELD-SYMBOL(<group>). members = VALUE #( FOR m IN GROUP <group> ( m ) ). IF lines(