Java TLS 1.2 server : AES-GCM decryption

匿名 (未验证) 提交于 2019-12-03 10:24:21


I'm currently working on a Java TLS server. (I posted here a few days ago regarding KeyExchange signature)

I'm now trying to decrypt TLS message encoded using AES-GCM. The server already handles CBC but since it's vulnerable to POODLE we'd like to do GCM instead. I'll try to explain as best as I can :)

For this code we are using Java 8u91, Netty 3.9.0. We do not use BouncyCastle and we don't intend to, we would like to stick with the JDK.

The code !

/**  * Deciphers the fragment and returns the deciphered version of it  *   * @param fragment  *            to decrypt  * @return the decrypted fragment  * @throws InvalidKeyException  * @throws InvalidAlgorithmParameterException  * @throws IllegalBlockSizeException  * @throws BadPaddingException  */     private ChannelBuffer decodeCiphered(ChannelBuffer fragment, short contentType, byte[] version) throws InvalidKeyException,     InvalidAlgorithmParameterException, IllegalBlockSizeException, BadPaddingException {     if (readCipher != null) {         byte[] ciphered = fragment.array();         if (session.cipherSuite.cipher.type == {             /* ... */         } else if (session.cipherSuite.cipher.type == CipherType.block) {             /* ... */         } else if (session.cipherSuite.cipher.type == CipherType.aead) {             byte[] nonce = concat(clientWriteIV.getIV(), fragment.copy(0, 8).array());             // ClientWriteIV + explicit nonce (first 8 bytes of encrypted data)              readCipher.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, clientWriteKey,                 new GCMParameterSpec(session.cipherSuite.cipher.block * 8, nonce));              ChannelBuffer aad = ChannelBuffers.buffer(13);             //seq_num(8B) + TLSCompressed.type(1B) + TLSCompressed.version(2B) + TLSCompressed.length(2B)              aad.writeLong(writeSequence.longValue());             aad.writeByte(contentType);             aad.writeBytes(version);             aad.writeShort(fragment.readableBytes() - 8 - 16);             readCipher.updateAAD(aad.array());             ciphered = readCipher.doFinal(ciphered, 8, ciphered.length - 8);             fragment = ChannelBuffers.wrappedBuffer(ciphered);         }     return fragment; }  /**  * Generates the different needed keys.  */ private void generateKeys() {     byte[] keyBlock = null;     if (session.cipherSuite.cipher.type == CipherType.aead) {         keyBlock = new byte[2 * session.cipherSuite.cipher.key                     + 8];          try {             prf(keyBlock, session.masterSecret, KEY_EXPANSION_LABEL, concat(serverRandom, clientRandom));         } catch (GeneralSecurityException e) {         }         clientWriteKey = new SecretKeySpec(keyBlock,0 , session.cipherSuite.cipher.key, session.cipherSuite.cipher.kalgo);         serverWriteKey = new SecretKeySpec(keyBlock, session.cipherSuite.cipher.key, session.cipherSuite.cipher.key, session.cipherSuite.cipher.kalgo);         clientWriteIV = new IvParameterSpec(keyBlock, 2 * session.cipherSuite.cipher.key, 4);         serverWriteIV = new IvParameterSpec(keyBlock, 2 * session.cipherSuite.cipher.key + 4, 4);      } else {         /* ...              For CBC         */     } } 

I am constantly getting the following error :

javax.crypto.AEADBadTagException: Tag mismatch! at com.sun.crypto.provider.GaloisCounterMode.decryptFinal( at com.sun.crypto.provider.CipherCore.finalNoPadding( at com.sun.crypto.provider.CipherCore.doFinal( at com.sun.crypto.provider.CipherCore.doFinal( at com.sun.crypto.provider.AESCipher.engineDoFinal( at javax.crypto.Cipher.doFinal( at com.seemy.codec.tls.TlsCodec.decodeCiphered( 

It seems usually this means the AAD isn't right. But as far as I can tell from the RFC 5246 Section the AAD needs to be as follows :

The additional authenticated data, which we denote as additional_data, is defined as follows:    additional_data = seq_num + TLSCompressed.type +                     TLSCompressed.version + TLSCompressed.length; where "+" denotes concatenation. 

I'm at lost to find what I'm doing wrong to decrypt this message. The "Tag Mismatch" error isn't of much help to find what's wrong, so I hope someone here can help me :)

Thank you and have a nice day !

Edit 1 : I was putting a short instead of a byte in contentVersion, however the result is still the same. I get only Tag Mismatch errors...

Edit 2 : As suggested by @dave_thompson_085 doFinal is now called on (ciphered, 8, ciphered.length-8) instead of (ciphered, 0, ciphered.length) to exclude the explicit_nonce.

I also checked the aad and nonce values with more scrutiny.

The explicit_nonce part of the nonce corresponds to the packet I'm seeing in Wireshark. I am now worried the client_write_IV isn't properly generated :|

As for the aad I discovered something a bit weird : the length is 0.

The message I'm getting from the client is 40 Bytes long, minus 8 for the explicit_nonce part, minus the MAC length which is 32 for SHA-256(I'm trying to get tls_ecdhe_rsa_with_aes_128_gcm_sha256 working).

Consequently if I try tls_ecdhe_rsa_with_aes_256_gcm_sha384, the length ends up being -16. This seems wrong to me.

Edit 3 : Again I did as @dave_thompson_085 suggested and modified my code to have the length as follow : aad.writeShort(fragment.readableBytes() - 8 - 16); whereas before I did aad.writeShort(fragment.readableBytes()-8-session.cipherSuite.mac.len);

It seems to work well when talking with chrome (even though it fails after when I send my own encrypted message but this will require another post later if I can't fix it by myself) but when trying with open_ssl client I get a Tag Mismatch again. Firefox & Safari just send me protocol_version alerts…
