I copy files then my application is finish launching from resource to caches directory. but I want to update my progress bar during copying the files.
I copy the file with the code below:
-(BOOL)copyDirectory:(NSString*)source toDirectory:(NSString*)targat { BOOL retVal = YES; NSFileManager *fileManager = [[NSFileManager alloc] init]; NSError *error; if ([fileManager fileExistsAtPath:targat] == YES) { NSError *error = nil; [fileManager removeItemAtPath:targat error:&error]; } if(![fileManager copyItemAtPath:source toPath:targat error:&error]) { NSLog(@"Error copy files: %@", [error description]); retVal = NO; } [fileManager release]; return retVal; }
I can not think about a good idea, how to update the progress bar According to the progress of copying files.