I have a method in code that returns an OrganisationModel.
public virtual OrganisationModel GetCurrentUserOrganisation() { var user = DBEntities.AspNetUsers.Find(_userId); if (user.ActiveOrganisation != null) { var org = user.OrganisationUsers.Where(p => p.organisationId == user.ActiveOrganisation).Where(p => p.userId == _userId).FirstOrDefault(); if(org != null) { if (org.Organisation != null) { return org.Organisation.ToModel(); } return null; } else { return null; } } return null; }
I want to write a unit test on a class that uses this method my test looks like this
public void Index() { HttpContext.Current = _TestContext; var _GovernorLogic = new Mock<GovernorLogic>(); var testdata = new OrganisationModel { OrganisationId = 3, OrganisationName = "Test Org" }; var _OrganisationLogic = new Mock<OrganisationLogic>(new UserId { userId = "e58bf834-2c06-4cc0-ac00-231a5e1a9bbc" }) ; _OrganisationLogic.Setup((OrganisationLogic p) => p.GetCurrentUserOrganisation()).Returns((OrganisationModel model) => testdata).Callback((OrganisationLogic a) => receivedorganisation = a.GetCurrentUserOrganisation()); GovernorsController controller = new GovernorsController(_OrganisationLogic.Object); ViewResult result = controller.Index() as ViewResult; Assert.IsNotNull(result); }
When I run this I get an error telling me that
System.ArgumentException Invalid callback. Setup on method with 0 parameter(s) cannot invoke callback with different number of parameters (1). Source=Moq StackTrace: at Moq.MethodCallReturn
2.ValidateNumberOfCallbackParameters(MethodInfo callbackMethod) at Moq.MethodCallReturn
2.ValidateReturnDelegate(Delegate callback) at Moq.MethodCallReturn2.Returns[T](Func
2 valueExpression)
How do I test a method that accepts no input parameters but has a return type?
The Controller Action Method I am trying to test is shown below along with the Constructor for the Controller.
[Inject] public GovernorsController(GovernorLogic GovernorLogic, OrganisationLogic logic) : base(logic) { _GovernorLogic = GovernorLogic; } public ActionResult Index() { var CurrentGovernors = _GovernorLogic.GetAllCurrentGovernors(Organisation.GetCurrentUserOrganisation().OrganisationId).ToList().Select(p => p.ToViewModel()).ToList(); var ArchivedGovernors = _GovernorLogic.GetAllArchivedGovernors(Organisation.GetCurrentUserOrganisation().OrganisationId).ToList().Select(p => p.ToViewModel()).ToList(); var Model = new GovernorsViewModel { CurrentGovernors = CurrentGovernors, ArchivedGovernors = ArchivedGovernors, }; return View(Model); }
The base controller that is inherited by GovernorsController is shown below:
public class BaseController : Controller { private OrganisationLogic _organisationLogic; private ApplicationSignInManager _signInManager; private ApplicationUserManager _userManager; private string _userId; [Inject] public BaseController(OrganisationLogic OrganisationLogic) { _userId = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.GetUserId(); _organisationLogic = new OrganisationLogic(new UserId {userId= System.Web.HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.GetUserId()}); } protected OrganisationLogic Organisation { get { return _organisationLogic; } } public BaseController(ApplicationUserManager userManager, ApplicationSignInManager signInManager) { UserManager = userManager; SignInManager = signInManager; } public ApplicationSignInManager SignInManager { get { return _signInManager ?? HttpContext.GetOwinContext().Get<ApplicationSignInManager>(); } set { _signInManager = value; } } public ApplicationUserManager UserManager { get { return _userManager ?? HttpContext.GetOwinContext().GetUserManager<ApplicationUserManager>(); } set { _userManager = value; } } }
------ Minimal Complete Example -------
Base Controller
public class BaseController : Controller { private OrganisationLogic _organisationLogic; private string _userId; [Inject] public BaseController(OrganisationLogic OrganisationLogic) { _userId = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.GetUserId(); _organisationLogic = new OrganisationLogic(new UserId {userId= System.Web.HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.GetUserId()}); } [ChildActionOnly] public ActionResult UserOrganisations() { if (User.Identity.IsAuthenticated) { var ViewModel = _OrganisationLogic.GetAll().ToList().Select(p=>p.ToViewModel()); return PartialView("_UserOrganisations", ViewModel); } return null; }
///The child action in the base controller is use in the layout page to render organisation in a drop down list. It is this that is making use of _OrganisationLogic ///// @Html.Action("UserOrganisations", "Base",new {area = "" })
public class GovernorsController : OrganisationBaseController { [Inject] public GovernorsController(OrganisationLogic logic) : base(logic) { } // GET: Organisation/Governors public ActionResult Index() { var Model = new SomeModel(); return View(Model); } }
public class OrganisationLogic : LogicRepository<OrganisationModel> { private string _userId; public OrganisationLogic(UserId userId) { _userId = userId.userId; } public override List<OrganisationModel> GetAll() { var orgs = DBEntities.Organisations.Where(p=>p.IsDeleted!=true).ToList().Select(p=>p.ToModel()).ToList(); return orgs; }