I want to install imagick on windows 8 64bit, xampp. I have tried all methods in internet how to solve this problem, but none helped me ( have tried more than 10 methods ).
In all results i get error while launching apache.
- Apache 2.2.21
- PHP 5.3.8
- Windows 8 64
Latest method i have tried: http://w3facility.info/question/how-to-install-imagemagick-for-php5-35-4-on-windows-8-x64/
In case i change to extension=php_imagick_nts.dll error looks like:
The program can't start because php5.dll is missing...
In case i change to
The program can't start because CORE_RL_wand_.dll is missing...
Method's suggestion to copy dll's to windows/system32, didn't helped me.
To help you and me, questions you might ask:
- Have you restarted xampp? Yes
- Have you restarted windows? Yes
- Have you added path? Yes
- Does CMD command convert gives proper answer? Yes
- What path you installed Imagick? C:\imagemagick
Errors: After install ImageMagick-6.8.9-8-Q16-x64-dll.exe
php_imagick_ts.dll' - %1 is not va valid Wind32 application.